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Unlike traditional biological research that focuses on a small set of components, systems biology studies the complex interactions among a large number of genes, proteins, and other elements of biological networks and systems.... more
Most of legacy systems use nowadays were modeled and documented using structured approach. Expansion of these systems in terms of functionality and maintainability requires shift towards object-oriented documentation and design, which has... more
Most research in text classification to date has used a “bag of words” representation in which each feature corresponds to a single word. This paper examines some alternative ways to represent text based on syntactic and semantic... more
The work reported here is part of the PROGRES (PROgrammed Graph Rewriting Systems) project. PROGRES is a very high level multi paradigm language for the specification of complex structured data types and their operations. The data... more
An implemented system for on-line analysis of multiple distributed data streams is presented. The system is conceptually universal since it does not rely on any particular platform feature and uses format adaptors to translate data... more
This paper explores the role of gaze in coordinating turn-taking in mixed-initiative conversation and specifically how gaze indicators might be usefully modeled in computational dialogue systems. We analyzed about 20 minutes of videotape... more
People make social inferences without intentions, awareness, or effort, i.e., spontaneously. We review recent findings on spontaneous social inferences (especially traits, goals, and causes) and closely related phenomena. We then describe... more
Today's manufacturers increasingly face demands on customized products to meet the challenges of global competition and customer satisfaction. As a result, many manufacturers have adapted their business models to mass customization,... more
The prototype decision support system (PDSS) described within this paper represents one of the first of its kind in the urban forest/civil engineering research arena. The primary objective of this research was to develop a user-friendly,... more
Abstract: This article is concerned with the hypothesis that devolution, understood as entrusting local government with significant domains of autonomous discretionary power, will lead to the equitable and efficient management of natural... more
Efficient and effective response to the requirements of customers is a major performance indicator. Failure to satisfy customer requirements implies operational weaknesses in a company. These weaknesses will damage both the rights of... more