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In a number of professions, human life hangs on a knotted rope. However, until now only a poor attention of scientists has been paid to the properties of knots. The main objective of the presented research is to provide an in-depth... more
Excavation of the 9th-century AD shipwreck B in Tantura Lagoon, Israel, yielded four toggles, numerous rope fragments, and three pierced wooden spatulate objects believed to be associated with the ship's rigging. In the first half of the... more
... first lead stock mould on a wooden core was found in the La Chrétienne C shipwreck, from the ... Anchor A dated to late Iron-Persian period, and anchor B to the Hellenistic-Early Roman periods. ... period, or one from the beginning of... more
Groins are popular river training structures widely used all over the world including Bangla- desh. Groins have been used to create a flow condition that reduces the vulnerability of river bank erosion by diverting the flow away from the... more
Page 1. Notes 243 BIOTROPICA 29(2): 243-247 1997 Low-tech Methods for Forest Canopy Access' Kq, words: bole; canopy access; climbing; rope; tropical rain forest; research. FOREST CANOPIES are biologically extremely ...
The step-topped, free-standing square monument called in modern literature the Broken Obelisk was found by Hormuzd Rassam at Nineveh, near the Ishtar temple on the mound of Kuyunjik. It is the earliest monument of this kind, and it... more
A summary history of ropemakers in Victorian, Australia; focussing on Donaghy's ropeworks Geelong, with reference to Kinnear's ropeworks, Footscray, Millers Ropeworks Brunswick and Yarraville and A.C. Downs/Samson Cordage Works and... more