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This book focuses on the methodology for conducting river bank mapping and sand auditing of rivers.
Recent major floods that occur globally indicates the need for an integrated flood risk management, a shift from conventional structural flood mitigation. Flood modelling is an important integral of flood risk management. In this study,... more
Increased anthropogenic activities, especially within the river corridor, have progressively disrupted natural flow regimes and segmented channel–floodplain connectivity. Consequent alterations in flow dynamics have caused geomorphic and... more
Analysis of changing channel pattern of flood prone Damodar River of West Bengal is very much essential for the investigation of surface expression of hidden hydrogeomorphic changes. It provides a sound basis for predicting future changes... more
Kota Palembang merupakan salah satu kota yang rawan mengalami bencana banjir, dimana sebagian wilayahnya memiliki potensi banjir yang tinggi sampai dengan sangat tinggi. Simulasi banjir diperlukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik aliran... more
In this paper, we present the setup, calibration, testing, and application of an advanced 3-D coastal circulation model to investigate the contribution of hydrodynamic processes on the formation of eutrophication events in Thermaikos... more
A strategy for adaptive control and energetic optimization of aerobic fermentors was implemented, with both air flow and agitation speed as manipulated variables. This strategy is separable in its components: control, optimization,... more
Two multi-storied occupied apartment buildings and a clinic of 'Red-Cross Society' in Chandernagore-a former French colony, located very close to the banks of tidal river 'Hooghly' (the southernmost part of River Ganges-the major... more
Inter basin water transfer is viewed as an useful approach to correct the natural imbalance due to inequitable distribution of water resources from a surplus water area to a water deficit area. A simulation model is developed to analyze... more
This blog article is based on Riverfront development projects are gaining momentum all over India after the path setting feat of Sabarmati Riverfront project (SRP) in Ahmedabad, which is considered as the so called pioneer city in urban... more
Bangladesh is a great delta formed by the alluvial deposits of the three mighty Himalayan Rivers: the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Meghna. And these river systems carries probably the largest sediment discharge of all the world's... more
Due to the increasing economic and cultural value of bathing waters and the shellfish industry in the UK and worldwide, water quality in estuarine and coastal waters has attracted considerable public attention in recent years. To obtain... more
It is well known that Bangladesh has several very well calibrated and tested one-dimensional models of its river systems, developed over nearly two decades of intensive effort. The so-called General Model includes the very large rivers of... more
The huge river of human history also has its irresistible and threatening swellings. When the wave rises, it washes against the two retaining embankments: on the right the conformist one, of Conservation of existing and traditional... more
This paper describes a total of 122 sediment data obtained from May 2000 until October 2002 at Kinta River Catchment in the river sediment collection and analysis project. Data collection including suspended load, bed load, bed material... more
Average shear stress is an important parameter for prediction of sediment transport, bank protection and other river engineering problems in natural streams. For this purpose velocity measurements were taken on Kızılırmak River sub... more
A three-dimensional numerical model was applied to study the bed morphology and bedload transport of the junction of Ara and Kurau rivers in Perak in Malaysia. SSIIM2 a 3D k-ɜ turbulence CFD model with an adaptive, non-orthogonal and... more
Sedimentation in river reduces the flood carrying capacity which may lead to increase in inundation area in the river basin. Using basic sediment transport one can predict the fluvial processes found in natural rives and stream through... more
Devolli river is one of the biggest rivers of Albania which is characterized by large stream flow but also during the full stream flow it bring a lot of sediments and this paper consists precisely to calculation rough of sediments... more
Hydrology plays a vital role in protection and management of water above and below the ground surface. Rainfall runoff is important component contributing significantly to the hydrological cycle. In India, the availability of accurate... more
Flood analysis requires accurate topographic data to obtain a good overview of flood inundation. At this time, LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) is the best technology of remote sensing for collecting elevation data from earth surface.... more
During the construction works for an extension of an existing bridge pier severe scouring occurred after the placement of a sheet pile cofferdam. A detailed investigation of the situationwas conducted at the Bundesanstalt fürWasserbau... more
Nile River is the main source of water for Egypt to the scarcity of rainfall as a result of Egypt's position in the desert belt in subtropical region.This study utilize multivariate statistical technique as well Meteorological variable to... more
Reaeration in combined wind/stream driven flows was experimentally studied in a laboratory wind-water tunnel. Wind velocities, stream flow properties, and oxygen transfer rates were measured under a variety of cocurrent and countercurrent... more
The National Weather Service (NWS) maintains a collection of computer models used to perform various functions for managing the rivers of the United States. One function of the NWS's river forecast centers is to provide long-term resource... more
Bio-Engineering is gaining popularity in the Philippines. It is now a common in road construction as slope countermeasures. However, in river works, bio-engineering is rarely applied due to insufficient knowledge of the characteristics... more
RESUMEN Se ha planteado el desafío llevar a cabo una descripción detallada de la variabilidad de la geometría de las formas de fondo mediante el análisis espectral de frecuencias dominantes aplicado a señales de la morfología fluvial... more
This paper describes a total of 122 sediment data obtained from May 2000 until October 2002 at Kinta River Catchment in the river sediment collection and analysis project. Data collection including suspended load, bed load, bed material... more
One of the most important issues related to the rivers is the river erosion in meander location, especially the river beach erosion in the outer bend, that the main reason for that is the existence of secondary streams. The existence of... more
Water and sediment interactions shape hillslopes, regulate soil erosion and sedimentation, and organize river networks. Landscape evolution and river organization occur at various spatial and temporal scale and the understanding and... more
"Sediment transporting capacity, curvature effects as well as composition of channel bed and bank materials need to be considered by the engineer during the design process of natural channels. Neglecting these effects would normally... more
Numerous time-consuming equations, based on the relationship between the reliability and representativeness of the data utilized in defining variables and constants, require complex parameters to estimate bedload transport. In this study... more
The Unsteady Irrigation Water Distribution and Consumption (UIWDC) model is applied to analyze causes of uneven water distribution between the upstream and downstream beneficial areas of the Mae Lao Irrigation Scheme (MLIS). The uneven... more
The flow duration curve (FDC) of a riveris one of the important parameters for the hydrological investigation of hydroelectric plants. Computation of the hydroelectric plant capacity and power production requires the determination of... more
Rivers are a major component of sediment routing systems that control the transfer of terrig- enous sediments from source to sink. Although it is widely accepted that rivers are perturbed by millennial-scale climatic variability, the... more
The methodological and practical issues in respect of assessment of the flood-plain and stream-way complex of<br> the Berezhnytsya river are presented in the article. Researched river is one of the Ukrainian Carpathians minor rivers... more
Episodic Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) discharges effectively control the ecological status of receiving water bodies. Hydrodynamic models like the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) are often used to model the CSO events. However, such... more
Water quality is as important as its quantity. Water in nature often has impurities that prevent the use of this vital substance. For this reason, different indicators are presented for the detection and elimination of impurities in the... more