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Seismic reflection profiles from the Ifni/Tan-Tan Atlantic margin of southern Morocco, interpreted in the light of well data and field geology from the Western Anti-Atlas, allowed us to establish the seismostratigraphic framework of the... more
In the considered wide sector of the West-Mediterranean southern Europe, the collisional phase of the Variscan orogeny during Late Carboniferous and Permian times was followed by magmatic intrusive and effusive activity and sedimentation... more
Abstract[1] Crustal structure in Kenya and Ethiopia has been investigated using receiver function analysis of broadband seismic data to determine the extent to which the Cenozoic rifting and magmatism has modified the thickness and... more
Forced folds typically develop above the tips of propagating normal faults in rifts that contain thick, prerift salt or mudstone sequences. This structural style is associated with the deposition of wedge-shaped synrift deposits that thin... more
Detailed field study of the east-margin blocks of the Suez rift indicates that rift initiation was marked by 22-24 Ma old volcanicity followed by second-order (relatively small) extensional faulting without block rotation. Slight rotation... more
Assessment of potential future eruptive behaviour of volcanoes relies strongly on detailed knowledge of their activity in the past, such as eruption frequency, magnitude and repose time. The eruption history of three partly subglacial... more
From the Parnaiba Basin to the Borborema Plateau (northeastern Brazil), the crystalline and sedimentary highlands and plains of the huge Jaguaribe–Piranhas amphitheatre are intersected seawards by offset elements of a marginal scarp which... more
A new mechanism for Paleozoic subsidence of the Russian, or East European, platform is suggested, since a model of lithosphere tilting during the Uralian subduction does not explain the post-Uralian sedimentation record. Alternatively, I... more
The philately of Alfred Wegener's Theory that revolutionized the Science of Geology and introduced the concept of  Plate Tectonics.