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Rice, which is among the most widely produced grain products worldwide, has many genetic varieties. These varieties are separated from each other due to some of their features. These are usually features such as texture, shape, and color.... more
Rice syrup was produced from ten varieties of locally available rice in Nigeria. Flours of malted and unmalted rice from different varieties were treated with a combination of starch hydrolyzing enzymes (Amyloglucosidase, Bacterial... more
The cultivated rice (Oryza Sativa L.) belongs to the tribe, Oryzeae under the sub family Pooideae, in the grass family Gramineae (Poaceae). It is classified into two broad species; the Asian (sativa L.) and African (glabberima Steud)... more
An investigation survey was carried out to examine factors affecting processing and quality of rice in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Nine major towns were selected from six Local Government Areas involved in rice production in the State. A... more
Rice availability and affordability are the key determinants of food security in Bangladesh. Therefore, it becomes the most important crop for the social and political economy of the country. Although a tremendous technological... more
Chronic dietary exposure to arsenic, particularly the inorganic forms (defined as elemental arsenic, predominantly As(3+) and As(5+), and all its inorganic compounds except arsine), is a matter of concern for human health. Ingestion of... more
Lowland rice cultivation is changing in southern Laos. A formalised survey and informal interviews in the lowlands of Savannakhet Province indicate that while some farmers still raise water buffaloes, farmers now mainly use hand-held... more
Rice, which is among the most widely produced grain products worldwide, has many genetic varieties. These varieties are separated from each other due to some of their features. These are usually features such as texture, shape, and color.... more
Gluten-free beer could be produced with rice, although the latter would primarily serve as adjunct in combination with barley malt in today's brewing. However, the recent growing realisation of the potential and applications of rice malt... more
Milled rice grade is diminished as the quantity of discolored kernels increases. This study evaluated the magnitude of kernel discoloration and relationship to fungal growth for long-grain hybrid (XL 753), long-grain pureline (Roy J.) and... more
Ethiopia has substantial land and suitable agro-ecologies for production of the rice crop both in the upland and in the irrigated systems. Cognizant of the existing production potential, growing import demand, and prospects for ensuring... more
A review of the quality assurance programme in the rice processing industry in Nigeria has been carried out and reported in this work. Drawing inferences from reviewed activities, three identified critical factors influencing rice quality... more
Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder with established, well-defined precursors. Obesity and insulin resistance are amongst most important factors in predisposition to diabetes. Rice is a staple for about half the global population and... more
The in vivo glycemic response of selected four red-pigmented traditional rice cultivars was assessed by determining the glycemic index (GI) using 12 healthy human subjects. Four cultivars of brown rice were kaluheenati, Wedaheenati,... more
Rice syrup was produced from ten varieties of locally available rice in Nigeria. Flours of malted and unmalted rice from different varieties were treated with a combination of starch hydrolyzing enzymes (Amyloglucosidase, Bacterial α... more
Rice is a new crop to Ethiopia and substantial production of the crop has been started during the late 1990s. Cognizant of the existing production potential, growing import demand, and prospects for ensuring food security, the number of... more
Recently, the quality-by-design concept has been widely implemented in the optimization of pharmaceutical processes to improve batch-to-batch consistency. As flavonoid compounds in pigmented rice bran may provide natural antioxidants,... more
— Proper selections of resource conservation technologies and drought tolerant cultivars are being potential strategies determining productivity of rice in drought prone areas. Thus, a field experiment was accomplished in central-terai of... more
Rice (Oryza Sativa) is a grass and highly stipulated cereal crop. Water stress is an existing and future trauma to rice production. It severely manipulates plant growth and production that ultimately results in yield loss. Cell size,... more
Advances in Agriculture, Sciences and Engineering Research Abstract More than 70% of the working adult population of Nigeria is employed in the agricultural sector directly and indirectly. Over 90% of... more
Rice syrup was produced from ten varieties of locally available rice in Nigeria. Flours of malted and unmalted rice from different varieties were treated with a combination of starch hydrolyzing enzymes (Amyloglucosidase, Bacterial... more
Background and objectives: Rice kernel discoloration during storage results in significant economic losses to rice growers and processors. This study aimed to elucidate the extent of chemical changes and microbial involvement on... more
081 937 818 085 Jual Beras Organik Malang l Beras Putih Organik Malang l Beras Coklat Organik Malang l Beras Merah Organik Malang l Beras Hitam Organik Malang l Sereal Beras Merah organik Malang l Sereal Beras Hitam Organik Malang l... more