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An interview 22.12.2001 - 9.1.2002
for Niin&Näin, A Finnish Journal of Philosophy.
Published in Finnish as “Arvojen arvoitus. Joseph Razin haastattelu”, Niin et Näin 2002:35, 37-42. Unpublished in English.
Critical thinking by definition can be explained as the determination of whether we should accept, reject, or suspend judgment about a claim and the degree of confidence with which we should accept or reject it. Critical thinking helps us... more
Autant une forte demande sociale est adressée à la philosophie, en particulier dans sa dimension pratique, autant il faut interroger les conditions sous lesquelles elle peut y répondre. Revient-il au philosophe d'énoncer des normes et des... more
Romano Guardini was highly valued by Joseph Ratzinger as a lecturer and author of inspiring books. They shared the zealous pursuit for truth, the courage to ask fundamental questions, the boldness to confront the Christian faith with the... more
Eintrag "Emotionen" für das Metzler Handbuch Handlungstheorie; erläutert philosophische Emotionstheorien mit Blick auf den Zusammenhang von Emotion und Handlung. Zentrale Referenzen sind Heidegger, Bennett Helm, Sabine Döring, Peter... more
Review of Charles Pidgen (ed.) Hume on Motivation and Virtue for NDPR.
The book introduces Tadeusz Kotarbiński’s philosophy of action into the mainstream of contemporary action-theoretical debates. Piotr Makowski shows that Kotarbiński–Alfred Tarski’s teacher and one of the most important philosophers of the... more
What is it to have a reason to do something? is one sort of question; what is it we have reason to do? is another. These questions are often explored separately. But our answers to them may not be independent: what reasons are may have... more
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
Against the maximizing conception of practical rationality, Michael Slote has argued that rationality does not always require choosing what is most rational. Instead, it can sometimes be rational to do something that is less than fully... more
In dieser Arbeit werden Korsgaards Gedanken zu drei zusammenhängenden Themen zusammengeführt: eine Theorie der Normativität, eine Theorie der Selbstkonstitution und eine Theorie von Gründen als öffentliche Gründe. Korsgaards Philosophie... more
One aim of moral education is to help society progress from morally imperfect conventions towards more perfect ones. According to a popular view, reflecting judgment is the vehicle of this progress. In this paper, I argue that although... more
The author defends the claim that there are cases in which we should promote irrationality by arguing (1) that it is sometimes better to be in an irrational state of mind, and (2) that we can often (purposefully) influence our state of... more
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
This is a study of Plato's moral psychology in the Republic as a response to Thrasymachus. I begin (§ 1) by interpreting the contest between Socrates and Thrasymachus as a capsule of the major points of contention between Plato and the... more
Analytic philosophy has seen a surge of interest in the relationship between reasons and responsibility. Against the bulk of this literature Emmanuel Levinas raises a cutting and comprehensive critique: The orthodox explanatory order,... more
In a world dominated by half-truths, illogic, and intellectual laziness, Think Better helps readers understand what reason is and how to use it well. Reason is a powerful tool not only for finding our way in an increasingly complex world... more
This paper focuses on one of the major criticisms made to Aristotle's virtue ethics, namely that it lacks explicit moral action guidance. The same criticism has been addressed to later developments of virtue ethics. There have been... more
McDowell defends conceptualism about experiential content by arguing that contrary views of experience are forms of the Myth of the Given. The direct realist view of experience, which rejects experiential content all together, is thus... more
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
In this book, Charles Larmore develops an account of morality, freedom, and reason that rejects the naturalistic metaphysics shaping much of modern thought. Reason, Larmore argues, is responsiveness to reasons, and reasons themselves are... more
Foot argues that there are certain things that all human beings - perhaps all rational agents - need. This gives a sense in which certain values and disvalues can be called 'objective'. I suggest that, with certain relatively minor... more
Any old standard or norm can provide reasons, oughts, and requirements: according to the ‘no-snitching’ code we have reasons to refrain from telling the police if we are assaulted; according to the norms of mid-20th century US... more
This book is a study of the moral foundations of Plato’s political philosophy, pursued through an examination of his provocative claims about the relation of virtue to knowledge. Maintaining that the political art is “the art whose... more
Philosophizing is part of the Process/es of Theorizing An illustration (by means of a number of articles, books, opinions, statements, hypotheses, theories, arguments, reasoning and comments) of doing philosophy or philosophizing and its... more
Reasons transmit. If one has a reason to attain an end, then one has a reason to effect means for that end: reasons are transmitted from end to means. I argue that the likelihood ratio is a compelling measure of reason transmission from... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
The thesis titled (The Philosophy of love: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre as a pattern) submitted to the council of the College of Arts, Department of Philosophy, University of Baghdad in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the... more
in: Neues Handbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe. Herausgegeben von Armin G. Wildfeuer und Petra Kolmer in Verbindung mit Wolfram Hogrebe, Ludger Honnefelder, Christoph Horn, Wolfgang Kluxen und Wilhelm Vossenkuhl, 3 Bde., Freiburg i. Br.... more
Suarez seems to view the state as arising from some form of contract. Does that mean, as Quentin Skinner has suggested, Suarez is a herald of modern contract theory - of Hobbes and Locke? This paper argues not. There is a deep... more
The debate between scientific realists and anti-realist empiricists is often treated as a question about whose position is true, or rationally preferable per se. This debate is widely considered to have been argued to a stalemate. I... more
The goal of my paper is to consider how one chooses one’s own action. First, I will try to understand how both his past and his environment can condition someone's action. According to Sartre, we can act without being determined by our... more
How is practical reasoning related to ethical reasoning? The most common view is that they are identical: practical reasoning just is ethical reasoning. I criticize this view and then propose an alternative account of the relation between... more