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Abstract Microscopic phosphatic scales are found in limestones and cherts from the 812–717 million year old Fifteenmile Group of the Yukon Territory. These enigmatic microfossils, which to date have not been identified in any other... more
A group of less disturbed and unmetamorphosed ‘Proterozoic’ platformal sediment package lying over deformed and metamorphosed Archean to Paleoproterozoic basement in several parts of Peninsular India is informally termed as ‘Purana’... more
Geological history from the late Palaeoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic is dominated by the formation of the supercontinent Columbia, and its break-up and re-amalgamation into the next supercontinent, Rodinia. On a global scale, major... more
The North African section of the Gondwana margin was the site of voluminous, arc-related magmatism during the Late Neoproterozoic (Avalonian–Cadomian orogen). The lower (and older) metasedimentary sequence that constitutes the Basal Units... more
"Diploblastic eumetazoans of the phylum Cnidaria originated during the Neoproterozoic Era, possibly during the Cryogenian Period. The oldest known fossil cnidarians occur in strata of Ediacaran age and consist of polypoid forms that were... more
Palaeomagnetic data are used to study the configurations of continents during the Proterozoic. Applying stringent reliability criteria, the positions of the continents at 12 times in the 2.45- to 1.00-Ga period have been constructed. The... more
The Chamberlain Formation has previously yielded a low-diversity assemblage of early Mesoproterozoic microfossils, but the reported fossils were of limited utility for inferring paleoenvironmental conditions. Here we describe... more