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In this essay, I will examine the attempt of Daniel Dennett (2006) to break two spells regarding religion, a phenomenon that captivates most people on earth. The recent New York Times Almanac (Wright, 2007) reported that in 2005, 74% of... more
OBJECTIVE: The relationship between religiosity and mental health has been a perennial source of controversy. This paper reviews the scientific evidence available for the relationship between religion and mental health. METHOD: The... more
For much of the past two centuries, religion has been understood as a universal phenomenon, a part of the “natural” human experience that is essentially the same across cultures and throughout history. Individual religions may vary... more
In a study designed to investigate the respective roles of religious fundamentalism and right-wing​ authoritarianism as predictors of prejudice against racial minorities and homosexuals, participants (47 males, 91 females) responded to a... more
Since the origins of agriculture, the scale of human cooperation and societal complexity has dramatically expanded. This fact challenges standard evolutionary explanations of prosociality because well-studied mechanisms of cooperation... more
In Religion as a Recourse for Positive Youth Development: Religion, Social Capital and Moral Outcomes Pamela Ebstyne King and James L. Furrow set themselves apart from the existing literature on the developmental benefits of religion by... more
McMath (2105) argues that while a child’s interest in future autonomy should generally be respected in relation to his own interests, the well-being of other parties may require that his autonomy be overridden in the interests of public... more
The notion of problematic pornography use remains contentious in both academic and popular literature. Although the mental health community at large is divided as to the addictive versus non-addictive nature of Internet pornography,... more
Historically, religion and religious belief have often been credited as the source of human morality. But what have been the real effects of religion on prosocial behavior? A review of the psychological literature reveals a complex... more
Poland, being a post-Communist European country with a tradition of Marxists religious studies in operation till 1989, developed during the Communist Era an original way of connecting psychology of religion with the value-neutral study of... more
Despite claims about the universality of religious belief, whether religiosity scales have the same meaning when administered inter-subjectively–or translated and applied cross-cul-turally–is currently unknown. Using the recent "... more
Artykuł prezentuje najważniejsze osiągnięcia psychologii religii w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej K. Twardowskiego, rozwój i znaczenie dla współczesnej psychologii religii. Szkoła ta istniała paralelnie do innych szkół psychologicznych w... more
Islamophobic sentiments in the Western world have gained scientific attention, particularly after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. However, the effects of religious stigma on Muslim minorities’ identity formation have rarely... more
HIV is God’s blessing examines the Russian Orthodox Church’s (ROC) role in combating the HIV and drug use epidemics in contemporary Russia. Based on intensive ethnographic fieldwork with a ROC rehabilitation and HIV prevention and care... more
The author introduces and critically analyzes two recent, curious findings and their accompanying explanations regarding how the folk intuits the capabilities of the dead and those in a persistent vegetative state (PVS). The dead are... more
The author argues that for the last three decades pastoral theology, in keeping with most disciplines in the humanities, has implicitly accepted the normativity of capitalism. Thus capitalism has not undergone rigorous analysis or... more
Since the emergence of psychology, its relation with religion has been inconsistent. Their different sources and methodologies but common aims made them close or distanced. Today these disciplines acknowledged and learned to benefit from... more
Religiousness is an important aspect of the formation of Brazilian subjectivity. This raises the issue to be addressed in this article—the issue of the place of the psychology of religion in Brazil. This text presents the psychology of... more
This study investigates whether place attachment (PA) in terms of attachment to Australia as a country is associated with QoL and the extent to which this association is related to attachment to God (AG) among African Christian residents... more
Although fear of death features prominently in many historical and contemporary theories as a major motivational factor in religious belief, the empirical evidence available is ambivalent, and limited, we argue, by imprecise measures of... more
Most humans believe in a god, but many do not. Differences in belief have profound societal impacts. Anthropological accounts implicate bottom-up perceptual processes in shaping religious belief, suggesting that individual differences in... more
In this chapter, we contrast legal and ethical perspectives on two forms of nontherapeutic female genital cutting: those commonly known as "female genital mutilation" and those commonly known as "female genital cosmetic surgeries." We... more
By means of a paradigmatic investigation of the subjective, interior side of mysticism, this article intends to contribute to the methodological debate within religious studies. By tracing the possibilities of empirical access to their... more
When people use the phrase " personal relationship with Jesus, " how does one explain its significance? Normally attributed to evangelical Protestant Christians, use of the phrase " personal relationship with Jesus " is a complicated... more
Willingness to lay down one's life for a group of non-kin, well documented historically and ethnographically, represents an evolutionary puzzle. Building on research in social psychology, we develop a mathematical model showing how... more
Fear of death features in both historical and contemporary theories of religion, but the relationship between death anxiety and religious belief is still ambiguous, largely due to inappropriate or imprecise measures of belief. The current... more
Authors Luigi F. Agnati, Manuela Marcoli, Ulrico Agnati, Luca Ferraro, Diego Guidolin, Guido Maura A B S T R A C T Some neurobiological aspects and social consequences of religious beliefs are briefly discussed. A basic aspect to be... more
Critics of non-therapeutic male and female childhood genital cutting claim that such cutting is harmful. It is therefore puzzling that ‘circumcised’ women and men do not typically regard themselves as having been harmed by the cutting,... more
Different components of the religious experience have differing effects on attitudes towards democracy. Using heteroskedastic maximum likelihood models and data from the fourth wave of the World Values Survey for 45 democratic countries,... more
Mounting evidence supports long-standing claims that religions can extend cooperative networks. However, religious prosociality may have a strongly parochial component. Moreover, aspects of religion may promote or exacerbate conflict with... more
Although largely unaddressed by evolutionary theory for more than a century after Darwin, over the last decade a wide range of adaptationist, byproduct, and memetic explanations have emerged for various recurrent features of religious... more
Religious and non-religious individuals differ in their core beliefs. The religious endorse a supernatural, divinely inspired view of the world, while the non-religious hold largely secular worldviews. As a result they may respond... more
Demonic geography is an approach to practicing human geography that operates from the premise that there are no such immaterial entities as 'souls', 'spirits', 'minds', integrated, stable 'selves', or conscious 'free will'. This paper... more
Contrary to some conceptualizations, nonbelievers are more than simply those scoring low on religiosity scales. They seem to be characterized by analytic, flexible, and open-minded social-cognitive attributes, although this may interact... more
Psychology of religion research is typically conducted with Protestant populations living in the West. Only recently has non-belief in God become a central topic in the field. And while it remains an open question whether or not the... more
Background: Despite the increasing number of evidence-based research on relational spirituality (RS) and quality of life (QoL) in medical-health research, little is known about the links between RS and QoL outcomes and the mechanisms by... more
The WPA proposes that: 1. A tactful consideration of patients’ religious beliefs and practices as well as their spirituality should routinely be considered and will sometimes be an essential component of psychiatric history taking. 2. An... more