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Exhibiting the Postmodern traces the origins and significance of the First International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. Situating the 1980 exhibition The Presence of the Past against the larger historical backdrop in... more
"The 18 homeowners of this 1981 Postmodern style complex, under the leadership of past HOA president Alison Perchuk, were recognized for their exemplary work to maintain its structural and material integrity and workmanship."
Na década de 1980, manifestações que visavam uma reavaliação do conceito de brasilidade, adentrou o campo do debate arquitetônico. Sob influências da crítica internacional pós-modernista à Arquitetura Moderna, estas manifestações... more
Santrauka. Vienas svarbiausių istorinės architektūros bruožų – geometriškumas – buvo išryškintas modernizmo architektūros teorijoje. Remiantis geštaltpsichologijos teorija, elementarios geometrinės formos ir pagrindinės erdvinės... more
P2 is series of interviews with six architects who in various ways have referred to postmodernism in their work. The compilation of opinions of Czesław Bielecki, Marek Budzyński, Jerzy Gurawski, Wojciech Jarząbek, Romuald Loegler and... more
Reviewing “Architecture in the Antipodes” in 1984, RIBA journal editor Peter Murray, put Peter Corrigan in a van of Australian architects searching for an architecture that was positively, proudly and distinctively Australian. Besides... more
A report by Ksenia Litvinenko on the conference "Postmodern Architecture and Political Change – Poland and Beyond", organized by Błażej Brzostek, Florian Urban, and Annika Wienert
Published after two international conferences dedicated to the issue of the relation between mediums and architecture, this work examines the productive forces behind the architectural discourse between the 1960's and the 1980's.... more
It is commonly thought that Postmodernism played only a marginal role in Switzerland. However, a closer look at the architectural discourse of the 1970s and 1980s shows frequent evidence of Postmodern thinking, such as an emphasis on the... more
“A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of postmodernism”. In 1980, reporting on the First Venice Architecture Biennale, French journalist Gérard-Georges Lemaire adapted Marx and Engels’ famous formula, used as opening passages of The... more
The profound contradictions of Brazil have become a chance to question the recent developments that occurred in the social housing field. A deeper look in the national social housing program reveals the same ambiguity between an... more
Whatever ‘ugliness’ is, it remains a problematic category in architectural aesthetics – alternately vilified and appropriated, used either to shock or to invert conventions of architecture. This book presents sixteen new scholarly essays... more
In writings such as Robin Boyd’s The Australian Ugliness (1960) and Peter Blake’s God's Own Junkyard (1964), post-war urbanization or suburbanization is cast as a terrible or horrifying form of ugliness. By contrast, Robert Venturi and... more
"By Mark DeKay. Edited Susanne Bennett "This book offers practical and theoretical tools for more effective sustainable design solutions and for communicating sustainable design ideas to today's diverse stakeholders. It uses... more
"Charles Moore is central to understanding the continuum extant between Modern and Postmodern architecture. This is not simply because he practiced architecture from the mid-1950s through 1993, spanning the time period between these two... more
In Conversation with Charles Jencks and Paolo Portoghesi It could be said that, from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s, the American Charles Jencks, the Italian Paolo Portoghesi, and the German Heinrich Klotz formed a trio of midwives... more
Interpretation of historical styles in Lithuanian contemporary architecture started from ideas of postmodernism. However using features of historical styles is received with scepticism: whether it is formal following of historical forms,... more
The introduction positions the interest in architectural ugliness within an attempt to historicize the anti-aesthetic impulse in postmodern art and the so-called return to aesthetics in art theory since the 1990s. It situates this volume... more
in Alessia de Biase et Pierre Chabard (dir.), Représenter : Objets, outils, processus, Paris, La Villette, 2020, p. 52-67.
Divided allegiances between Rationalism and emotions are
explored in James Stirling’s thinking in the 1950s, through his
interpretations of Garches and Jaoul and the writings of Colin Rowe.
Cologne : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2007 (= Kunstwissenschaftliche Bibliothek. Edited by Christian Posthofen, 33) — 648 pages. Reviews: Michele Caja : “Una biografia monumentale”. In : AL. Mensile di informazione degli... more
Sergio Birga’s 1976 painting, “Main basse sur la ville,” features the construction of Beaubourg in the Halles Quarter, and the way postmodernism incorporates anthropomorphism in its design even after the “death” of the Renaissance... more
Criticality was an anguished debate in contemporary architecture. A classic 1974 essay on the problem, Manfredo Tafuri’s “L’Architecture dans le Boudoir,” argued that neo-avant-garde architects manipulated the empty signifiers of their... more
This is a graduate school research paper examining Aldo Rossi's Gallaratese Housing in Milan through the lens of Viktor Shklovsky's idea of estrangement as written in his manifesto "Art as Technique". I argue that Aldo Rossi was using the... more
Με την παρούσα εργασία θα επιχειρήσω να παρουσιάσω την ιστορία της αρχιτεκτονικής του μεταμοντέρνου μουσείου και να προσεγγίσω τις ιδεολογικές και εννοιολογικές προεκτάσεις –όπου και όποτε αυτές υπάρχουν- που σχετίζονται με την... more
In De Arquitectura, Vitruvius lists three interrelated Latin terms – firmitas (strength or structural stability), utilitas (functionality or appropriate spatial accommodation), and venustas (beauty or attractive appearance), as being the... more
Conventionally, the Estonian architecture history tends to address the late Soviet postmodernism up to the mid-1980s, and then resume with buidlings of the independent republic from the mid-1990s. The period in between constitutes a kind... more
By applying the methods of categorisation, comparison and analysis of written sources, this article aims to reveal how Surrealist artistic ideas may have influenced – through the intermediary of the Postmodern movement – architectural... more
A Best Academic Paper at the Integral European Conference, the primary investigation of this paper is: How can architects address climate change by designing to place people into rich and significant relationships with Nature?... more
This contribution to Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen's Exhibit A: Exhibitions that Transformed Architecture, 1948-2000, introduces Theo Crosby's 1972 exhibition (and catalog) "How to Play the Environment Game," a show that did not promote... more
Few historical investigations have accomplished the dual task of writing the history of a significant postmodern architectural moment while simultaneously unpacking its defining theoretical concepts. Maybe that historical period is still... more
This essay, invited by the Nordic Journal of Architecture in 2011 and based on a keynote talk for the Alteration symposium, KTH School of Architecture / Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 2011, argues that architecture's concern with alteration... more
Although the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg, Manitoba celebrates a post-modern architectural ethos, the meditative spirit of the structure and its spaces are grounded in megalithic design, encouraging visitors to a sense of... more
Book review of Richard J. Williams, 'The Culture Factory: Architecture and the Contemporary Art Museum' (2021)
Το 1933, το 4ο διεθνές συνέδριο μοντέρνας αρχιτεκτονικής (C.I.A.M.) έγινε στην Αθήνα και έφερε δεκάδες γνωστούς αρχιτέκτονες από όλον τον κόσμο να συζητούν για τη νέα (μοντέρνα) πόλη της εποχής τους. Αυτό το συνέδριο αποτέλεσε και ένα... more
This article points uses the early work of the Japanese architect Arata Isozaki as well as first publications of the Japanese journal Global Architecture as lenses by which to discuss the history of the word ‘global.’ In these contexts,... more