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To investigate whether variations within normal ranges of thyroid functioning are related to cognitive and neuropsychiatric functioning in Alzheimer disease (AD). Mild alterations of thyroid hormone levels, even in the normal range, are... more
Calyxamines A (1) and B (2) are 2,2,4,6,6-pentasubstituted piperidine alkaloids possessing novel carbon skeletons isolated from the marine sponge Calyx podatypa collected in Puerto Rico. Their structures, after derivatization with... more
This collaboration between the American College of Rheumatology and the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons developed an evidence-based guideline for the perioperative management of antirheumatic drug therapy for adults with... more
Chemokine receptors play a major role in immune system regulation and have consequently been targets for drug development leading to the discovery of several small molecule antagonists. Given the large size and predominantly extracellular... more
The spectroscopic characteristics of the solid charge-transfer molecular complexes (CT) formed in the reaction of the electron donor 4-(aminomethyl) piperidine (4AMP) with the σ-acceptor iodine and the π-acceptors... more
Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterised by abnormal beta-cell function (present at the time of diagnosis) that is often associated with insulin resistance. An important and consistent pathophysiological finding is the failure to produce... more
The most commonly occurring allergic diseases can involve a daytime drowsiness associated with the condition itself. The antihistamines used in their treatment can also have central effects and affect certain occupations concerned with... more
Abstract: The effects of cannabinoids on ketogenesis in primary cultures of rat astrocytes were studied. ▵9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the major active component of marijuana, produced a malonyl-CoA-independent stimulation of carnitine... more
Background and purpose:Evidence indicates that the endocannabinoid, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), increases food intake when injected into the nucleus accumbens shell (NAcS), thereby potentially activating hypothalamic nuclei involved in... more
Since the development and release of sulfonylureas for the treatment of T2DM, additional oral glycemic control agents with different mechanisms of action have allowed for more flexibility in targeting drug to patient. Based on available... more