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In the most comprehensive study to date we explored the phylogeny and evolution of the genus Asparagus, with emphasis on the southern African species. We included 211 accessions, representing 77 (92%) of the southern African, 6 (17%) of... more
The function of the extracytoplasmic AUXIN-BINDING-PROTEIN1 (ABP1) is largely enigmatic. We complemented a homozygous T-DNA insertion null mutant of ABP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana Wassilewskia with three mutated and one wild-type (wt) ABP1... more
Acetylcholine (ACh) has been detected in representatives of many taxonomic groups throughout the plant kingdom. The site of its synthesis in plants is probably young leaves. In some plant species choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity... more
Light is vital for plant growth and development: It provides energy for photosynthesis, but also reliable information on seasonal timing and local habitat conditions. Light sensing is therefore of paramount importance for plants. Thus,... more
PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR5 (PIF5), a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor, interacts specifically with the photoactivated form of phytochrome B (phyB). Here, we report that dark-grown Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings... more
Life occurs in an ever-changing environment. Some of the most striking and predictable changes are the daily rhythms of light and temperature. To cope with these rhythmic changes, plants use an endogenous circadian clock to adjust their... more
The light-regulated mRNA and polypeptide accumulation of the nuclear encoded subunit II (PsaD) of the photosystem I reaction center was studied during the greening of etiolated spinach seedlings. Upon exposure to continuous white light,... more
Plants use phytochrome (phy) photoreceptors to detect and respond to changes in the quantities and proportions of red (R) and far-red (FR) light in their environments. The principal mediators of responses to R and FR in Arabidopsis... more
Phytochromes consist of several protein domains and a linear tetrapyrrole molecule, which interact as a red-light-sensing system. In this study, size-exclusion chromatography and light-scattering techniques are combined with UV-vis... more
The structure of the gene encoding the apoprotein of phytochrome B1 (PHYB1) in tomato has been determined from genomic and cDNA sequences. In contrast to PHYA, PHYB1 lacks an intron upstream of the first ATG. A single transcription start... more
Using sucrose gradient centrifugation, anion exchange chromatography on a SMART system, isoelectric focusing (IEF) and sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS PAGE), a 45.5 kDa membrane protein was isolated from... more
Rapid responses to changes in incident light are critical to the guidance of behavior and development in most species. Phytochrome light receptors in particular play key roles in bacterial physiology and plant development, but their... more
The function of the extracytoplasmic AUXIN-BINDING-PROTEIN1 (ABP1) is largely enigmatic. We complemented a homozygous T-DNA insertion null mutant of ABP1 in Arabidopsis thaliana Wassilewskia with three mutated and one wild-type (wt) ABP1... more