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Reformer Tube Metallurgy: Design Considerations; Failure Mechanisms; Inspection Methods
Design principles
Recent developments in metallurgy
Failure mechanisms
Monitoring and inspection techniques
The Theory and Practice of Steam Reforming
Steam reforming reactions
Steam reforming catalyst
Equilibrium considerations
Carbon formation
Steam reformer modelling
Pre-and post-reforming
Petroleum industry has a major share in the world energy and industrial markets. In the recent years, petroleum industry has grown increasingly complex as a result of tighter competition, stricter environmental regulations and... more
Los catalizadores provocan reacciones químicas o aceleran la velocidad a la que una reacción se acerca al equilibrio. El catalizador proporciona una superficie adecuada para que los reactivos se adsorban y para que los productos se... more
Principles of Pre-reforming Technology Pre-reforming Flow-schemes Feed-stocks Catalyst handling, loading & start-up Benefits of a pre-reformer Case studies Effects upon primary reformer Data analysis Reactor temperature... more
Methanol Plant - Theory of Distillation Principles of Distillation Distillation Theory Flowsheet Description Topping Column Details Topping Column Operation Refining Column Details Refining Column Operation Distillation Control... more
Methanol Plant Safety Experiences in the last Twenty Years If it can go wrong – it will If something looks odd – it is Apparent safe systems can fail Issues include Metal dusting Methanol or hydrogen fires Intent changes... more
Fire and Explosion Hazardous Properties of Breakers Applied in the Processes of Oil Production Stimulation Применение в процессах нефтедобычи большого спектра химических реагентов требует изучения их свойств, которые представляют основную... more
Secondary Reformer Burners
Operational Improvements
Calculation of an Ammonia Plant Energy Consumption: Case Study: #06023300 Plant Note Book Series: PNBS-0602 CONTENTS 0 SCOPE 1 CALCULATION OF NATURAL GAS PROCESS FEED CONSUMPTION 2 CALCULATION OF NATURAL GAS PROCESS FUEL... more
HYDROGENATION REACTOR DESIGN - Fixed Bed Reactor Internals The following is designed to give an overview on and some insight in the general design features of hydrogenation reactors and the impact of the various reactor internals on... more
Reduction and Start Up of Pre-reforming Catalyst
Start up
El articulo demuestra que la construcción de las plantas de Tiourea y fertilizantes NPK y DAP en el Complejo Petroquímico de Bulo–Bulo de Cochabamba, Bolivia, pueden ser una realidad a corto plazo, porque son derivados de la urea y... more
Steam Reforming - Types of Reformer Design
Four main types
Pre reformers
Primary reformers
Main different designs
Secondary reformers
Compact reformers
This article aims at providing some insight to the commonly faced fouling problems in the adsorption tower of mother liquor recovery section in low pressure slurry process of high density polyethylene (HDPE) manufacturing.
Glyoxal is provided generally as a four-hundredth solution. it's oftentimes used for condensation and cross-linking reactions owing to the reactivity of its organic compound teams towards polyfunctional compounds with group or amino... more
Ammonia Plant Technology Pre-Commissioning Best Practices: Piping and Vessels Flushing and Cleaning Procedure CONTENTS 1 Scope 2 Aim/purpose 3 Responsibilities 4 Procedure 4.1 Main cleaning methods 4.1.1 Mechanical... more
La raffinerie de Skikda est l'une des plus importantes industries pour Economie nationale car elle couvre la région centre du pays avec ces différents produits finis ou semi finis, elle repose essentiellement sur la distillation... more
Reduction and Start-up of Steam Reforming Catalyst
Start-up procedures
Catalyst reduction
Feed introduction
Case study
Theory and Operation of Secondary Reformers
Key to good performance
Problem Areas
Catalysts, heat shields and plant up-rates
Burner Guns
Development of High Intensity Ring Burner
Case Studies
Theory and Operation of Methanation Catalyst
Introduction and Theoretical Aspects
Catalyst Reduction and Start-up
Normal Operation and Troubleshooting
Shutdown and Catalyst Discharge
Nickel Carbonyl Hazard
El siguiente trabajo presentado ante la Universidad Nacional San Martin de la Argentina (UNSAM) – Instituto Petroquímico Argentino (IPA), para optar el Título de ESPECIALISTA EN INDUSTRIA PETROQUIMICA, muestra la viabilidad... more
Las estrictas normas ambientales han incrementado el costo de producir combustibles limpios. Esto motivó la búsqueda para producir combustibles limpios por métodos no convencionales. La alquilación de olefinas y la síntesis de... more
The purpose of this paper is to indicate the problems and deficiencies in current practice in our country for the design of industrial structures, specifically in the field of hydrocarbons, which results from using current codes and... more
Amine Gas Treating Unit - Best Practices - Troubleshooting Guide for H2S/CO2 Amine Systems Contents Process Capabilities for gas treating process Typical Amine Treating Typical Amine System Improvements Primary Equipment Overview... more
Theory and Operation of Methanol Synthesis
Flow sheets
Catalyst Deactivation
Many smart Petrochemical engineers fail to get good jobs because they don't succeed in interviews. Why? They never respond meaningfully and convincingly on the spot. Why? Two reasons: First, their preparation involves only 'technical... more
Shift Conversion Catalysts: Operating Manual Contents Introduction High temperature shift catalysts Low temperature shift catalysts Catalyst storage, handling, charging and discharging Health and... more
Sulfiding of Sour Shift Catalyst Introduction to Sour Shift Catalysts VIG SGS-201/202/203 Feedstock's from the gasification of coal or heavy oil contain high levels of sulfur. Conventional iron-chrome catalysts are not suitable... more
Steam Reforming - Common Problems
The aim of this presentation is to
Discuss some of the common problems that occur on steam reformers
Analyze problems associated with
Reformer Design
Steam Reformer Surveys - Techniques for Optimization of Primary Reformer Operation
Background Radiation and Temperature Measurement
Reformer Survey Inputs
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
Artificial lift methods are used for the enhancement of productivity from oil wells. These methods are implemented in oil wells whose energy from the reservoir is insufficient to lift the fluids to the surface. In this study about... more
Pada laporan tugas khusus kerja praktik di PT. Mitsubishi Chemical Indoensia ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa koefisien perpindahan panas pada kondensor saat sebelum dan sesudah blackout dan menganalisa pengaruh clogging terhadap koefisien... more
Steam Reforming - Comprehensive Review
Equilibrium, Approach & Kinetics
Carbon Lay down
Potash Doping
Catalyst Loading
Pigtail Nippers
Secondary Reforming
Metal Dusting
Pressure Relief Systems Causes of Relief Situations Vol.2 of 6 This Volume 2, is a guide to the qualitative identification of common causes of overpressure in process equipment. It cannot be exhaustive; the process engineer and... more
Pressure Relief Systems BACKGROUND TO RELIEF SYSTEM DESIGN Vol.1 of 6 The Guide has been written to advise those involved in the design and engineering of pressure relief systems. It takes the user from the initial identification of... more
Adiabatic Reactor Analysis for Methanol Synthesis Plant Note Book Series: PNBS-0604 Contents I. Energy Balance and the Conversion-Temperature Relationship II. Mass Balance and Rate Expression III. Inlet Conditions IV.A.... more
Theory of Carbon Formation in Steam Reforming Contents 1 Introduction 2 Underpinning Theory 2.1 Conceptualization 2.2 Reforming Reactions 2.3 Carbon Formation Chemistry 2.3.1 Natural Gas 2.3.2 Carbon Formation for Naphtha... more
DESIGN OF VENT GAS COLLECTION AND DESTRUCTION SYSTEMS CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Scope of this Guide 1.3 Use of the Guide 2 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2.1 Principal Concerns 2.2 Mechanisms for Ozone Formation... more