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Brief historical overview on visual fields and perimetry by CA Johnson, M Wall, and HS Thompson.
Introductory text on Visual Fields, by Lyne Racette, Monika Fischer, Hans Bebie, Gábor Holló, Chris A. Johnson, and Chota Matsumoto.
In 1870s, the German architect Hermann Eduard Maertens grounded his Optical Scale research on Hermann Helmholtz and Franciscus Donders' works about the physiology of vision and engrafted it in the tradition of Renaissance perspective and... more
Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre insuficiência cardíaca crônica e alterações do disco óptico. Métodos: Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca crônica foram submetidos a exame oftalmológico, incluindo medida da pressão intraocular,... more
Parrots are exceptional among birds for their high levels of exploratory behaviour and manipulatory abilities. It has been argued that foraging method is the prime determinant of a bird's visual field configuration. However, here we argue... more
Ricco’s area (the largest area of visual space in which stimulus area and intensity are inversely proportional at threshold) has previously been hypothesised to be a result of centre/surround antagonism in retinal ganglion cell receptive... more
Degrading real-world scenes in the central or the peripheral visual field yields a characteristic pattern: Mean saccade amplitudes increase with central and decrease with peripheral degradation. Does this pattern reflect corresponding... more
PURPOSE. Peripheral vision is important for mobility, balance, and guidance of attention, but standard perimetry examines only <20% of the entire visual field. We report on the relation between central and peripheral visual field damage,... more
The question of how to accurately depict visual space has fascinated artists, architects, scientists, and philosophers for hundreds of years. Many have argued that linear perspective, which is based on well-understood laws of optics and... more
Which is the most accurate way to depict space in our visual field? Linear perspective, a form of geometrical perspective, has traditionally been regarded as the correct method of depicting visual space. But artists have often found it is... more
Glaucoma, an age-related eye disease, can lead to blindness if left untreated. The risk of blindness from glaucoma is relatively low but is determined largely by the severity of disease at diagnosis. It is likely that many of those who... more
(Italy), after approval of our Ethical Committee, we selected 20 patients affected by open-angle glaucoma. It was a prospective single center open study. Their demographic data were: 10 males and 10 females mean age 59.5 years, standard... more
Purpose: Automated scotopic, mesopic, and photopic perimetry are likely to be important paradigms in the assessment of emerging treatments of retinal diseases, yet our knowledge of the photoreceptor mechanisms detecting targets under... more
The brief presentation in the peripheral field of two closely spaced luminous point stimuli, in rapid sequence, induces the illusion of a single dot moving over an extended path. This fine-grain movement illusion (FGMI) is particularly... more
Glaucoma is a major cause of blindness and its mechanisms are not fully understood. The progression of the disease can be slowed by early diagnosis, but this is a difficult task because available data is typically noisy and has high... more
What must happen so that people like me, who are visually impaired, can work more efficiently is a standardization of the website layout with each category, e.g. citation should always be in the upper left corner and have an orange... more
Henning Roenne, “Zur Theorie und Technik der Bjerrumschen Gesichtsfelduntersuchung.” Archiv für Augenheilkunde, Bd. 78, Heft 4, 1915
The visual fields of elasmobranch fishes are not well characterized even though this is a fundamental element of the visual system. The batoid fishes (skates, rays) form a monophyletic clade within the subclass Elasmobranchii and exhibit... more
In the visual periphery, brief presentation of two very closely spaced luminous point stimuli, in rapid sequence, causes the illusory impression that a single dot moves over a path of considerable extent. The interactions obtainable... more
The issue of how basic sensory and temporal processing are related is still unresolved. We studied temporal processing, as assessed by simple visual reaction times (RT) and double-pulse resolution (DPR), in patients with partial vision... more
Mark Changizi has been producing papers since 2008 around a theory of the function of human binocular vision; does he sometimes overreach mere hypothesis and available evidence? This paper reviews practical experiments in stereoscopy.
Patient RP suffers a unilateral right homonymous quadrant anopia but demonstrates better than chance discrimination for stimuli presented in the blind field at temporal frequencies between 33 and 47 Hz (all significant at p<.05,... more
In normal viewing conditions, many objects are often hidden or occluded by others, therefore restricting the information that enters the eye. The human visual system developed the ability to relate the missing piece with surrounding... more
The issue of how basic sensory and temporal processing are related is still unresolved. We studied temporal processing, as assessed by simple visual reaction times (RT) and double-pulse resolution (DPR), in patients with partial vision... more