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Whenever the career of Satyajit Ray is discussed, it is always about his films. But he also left his mark as an illustrator and artist, a facet still unknown to many. His book cover designs to book illustrations; his portraits to his... more
Antonio Gámiz Gordo (2012): "J. F. Lewis's original drawings of the Alhambra palaces (1832-33) / Los dibujos originales de los palacios de la Alhambra de J. F. Lewis (h. 1832-33)", EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, nº 20, Valencia,... more
Author P.G.Wodehouse wrote about paintings and painters. But did he actually knew painters in real life? And what was his relationship with Han van Meegeren, the Dutch forger? Based on a lecture at the Wodehouse Convention 2017 in... more
Monumental Paintings in Algeria: A Pedagogical Genre. — Since colonial conquest, and Horace Vernet's famous Prise de la Samla dAbd el-Kader, monumental painting has been a recurrent genre. Unlike other forms of art, it implies a high... more
Özet: İstanbul’un fethedilmesinden önce üç kez inşa edilen Ayasofya, 1453 yılında fethin sembolü olarak camiye çevrilmiştir. Ayasofya ve çevresine inşa edilen yapılarla birlikte Ayasofya Cami’si klasik bir Türk külliyesi hâline... more
Sanatçı ressamlar, kişisel üsluplarını yaratımlarına aktarırlar. Resim estetiği, bakımından, soyut dışavurumcu yaklaşımın uygulanışında, Joan Mitchell’ın eserleri birçok bağlamda avangart eserler kapsamında değerlendirilir. New York... more
İtalyan ressam Fausto Zonaro'nun bazı tabloları üzerine düşünceler
The thesis presents an edited publication of inscriptions drawn by the painters from Katsanochoria, along with observations regarding their families, the structure of their workshops and the places where they painted.
Carevo rano djetinjstvo i njegovi kasniji posjeti Kraju bili su obilježeni susretima s akademskim slikarom Valentinom Lucasom (1840. – 1915.), koji je ondje živio. Osebujni umjetnik i njegov životni put bio je Caru nadahnuće za likove... more
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Wystawa prac Arkadiusza Karapudy "Słowa i obrazy" to nowa próba połączenia tekstu z plastycznym przedstawieniem. Napięcie między werbalnym a malarskim komentarzem odgrywa tu pierwszorzędna rolę, dzięki czemu kompozycje zyskują na... more
Mohammad Yasin, peintre base a Delhi, ou il a longtemps enseigne la peinture et le dessin (a Jamia Milia University), explique l'evolution de son itineraire de peintre depuis le traitement figuratif mais stylise de la vie rurale, de... more
Béla Lipthay lepidopterist, entomologist, museologist, agriculturist, hussar lieutenant, life-saving Roman Catholic, descendant of the historical family Lipthay de Kisfalud et Lubelle did a long way from his home village Lovrin to... more