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In February 2014 at the WIPP transuranic waste repository in New Mexico, a drum erupted in fire. It exposed 22 people to radiation, shut down the underground facility for 35 months and cost the United States over a billion dollars. Heat... more
Corrupt exchanges are often brokered by a third party, but this phenomenon has not been satisfactorily explored by researchers of corruption. Literature on brokerage in general provides interesting models but they have not previously been... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Questo volume raccoglie gli atti di una giornata di studio sul tema “Il Benessere nelle organizzazioni” tenutasi in Palazzo Vecchio, a Firenze, il 27 gennaio 2005 e organizzata da A.N.CO.RE. (Associazione Nazionale Counselor Relazionali)... more
This paper reviews the notion of power in general and in concrete how this is applicable and present in business organizations today, more precisely a review and account of power embedded in elements of the structure of the organization... more
This chapter takes stock of interdisciplinary research on Multinational Corporations (MNCs) by elucidating paradigmatic shifts in the world of MNCs in the new millennium and analysing more recent developments in the disciplines of... more
When individuals exchange gifts, social bonds are strengthened and reciprocity is created. If the gift and the reciprocation both come from private resources, it is clearly a gift. If what is reciprocated after a gift is given comes from... more
What if there were a cinema not only without names, that is a cinema deprived of auteurs and personal style, but a cinema without any style at all, or rather a cinema in which style is not a distinguishing feature because all films look... more
Goffmanowska koncepcja instytucji totalnych stępiła się i rodzi dziś więcej py-tań, niż udziela odpowiedzi. Z perspektywy ponad pięćdziesięciu lat od wydania Asylums, narosło wokół pracy wiele nieporozumień, a defi nicja stała się rozmyta... more
Resumen — Este esbozo de sociología organizacional tiene como objetivo señalar algunas nociones básicas acerca del tema visto desde la teoría sociológica y la psicología social. Las organizaciones no han reconocido lo importante que puede... more
3P derives from the three very important categories / areas in defining a reform process of the national security intelligence analysis, namely : – Process (the analysis activity, with his entire set of methods or means, internal... more
Introduction chapter to book on "Politics, Power and Conflict in Multinational Corporations: Foundations, Applications and New Directions", edited by Florian August Arthur Becker-Ritterspach, Susanne Blazejewski, Christoph Dörrenbächer... more
"Corruption has become one of the most popular topics in the social scientific disciplines. However, there is a lack of interdisciplinary communication about corruption. Models developed by different academic disciplines are often... more
The study of power and politics in multinational companies (MNCs) has been a niche area of study for both scholars of organization studies (OS) and international business (IB). Further, the awareness of each research community with regard... more
"In der öffentlichen und der wissenschaftlichen Diskussion werden internationale Organisationen häufig verkürzt dargestellt. Der Band zeigt, dass sie sich weder auf ihre Mitgliedsstaaten noch auf ihre Verwaltungsstäbe reduzieren lassen.... more
Die Sprache der Bürokratie genießt, wie wohl 'Bürokratie' insgesamt, ein eher zweifelhaftes Ansehen. Der vorliegende Beitrag geht Ursache und Berechtigung der so eher intuitiv vorgenommenen Zuschreibung nach und diskutiert... more
This study provides an empirically based analysis of corrupt governmental networks. We conducted 45 interviews in Hungary with different organizational actors who were actually participating in corrupt transactions or at least had... more
A. Klimczuk, Book review: M. Warner (Ed.), The Sociology of the Workplace (RLE: Organizations). Abingdon: Routledge, 2013, "Review of Economic and Business Studies" Vol. 8, Iss. 1 2015, pp. 185-187.
Green technologies have become a field of competition between countries that are looking for new areas of economic growth and building low-carbon economies. This paper focuses on the case of electric vehicles (EVs) to look at the various... more
Organizations are everywhere, as Perrow (1991, as cited in Hall & Tolbert, 2005) said, " we have become a society of organizations ". Our life is highly dependent on the functions of the various organizations existing in our society. Our... more
To gain an in-depth understanding of legitimacy as a general social process, we review contemporary approaches to legitimacy within two areas of sociology: social psychology and organizations. A comparison of these distinct approaches... more
Draft chapter for Conceptualizing Ethnographic Redescription: Strathernian Conversations, ed. Ashley Lebner. Berghahn Press. Modified from “Wormholes: Loops of Auditing and Learning” in Monitoring Movements: Recursive Partnerships and Aid... more
The Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) conducted more than 100 atmospheric atomic detonations at the Nevada Test Site (NTS) between 1951-1962 depositing radioactivity throughout the United States but particularly the rural communities just... more
On May 19 this year, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened to permanently cancel U.S. payments to the World Health Organization (WHO). One month earlier, Trump had already announced that the U.S. would not honour its biannual 500 million... more
Vom Scientific Management bis zum Lean Management ist noch jeder betriebswirtschaftliche Ansatz mit dem Anspruch angetreten, die Welt zu verbessern. Nur die Frage für wen bleibt meist im Dunkeln. Ausgehend von einer Kritik herkömmlicher... more
Objective: Strategic Management has traditionally borrowed and translated insights from Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organizations. Throughout this discipline, students will be exposed to seminal articles that theorized on how... more
孙宇凡、蔡弘,2018,项目制的边界: 生产、 异化与制度建构——基于L区的 “社区民生” 政策过程的分析,甘肃行政学院学报,第6期,第84-95页。
Readers/Learning Objectives  To understand the importance of higher education in Nigeria using functionalists perspectives.  To identify the roles of federal universities in the production of manpower in Nigerian societies.  To examine... more
The current research investigates the impact of Information Technology (IT) on the working life of the staff of industrial organizations and relies on the study which was carried out on the staff of Pars Khodro Company. This study enjoys... more
This paper explores the issue of the socio-cultural transformations implicating a change in the learning and teaching processes due to the extensive digitization of human environments. The purpose of the research is to deliver a... more
The Foundations of a Theory Explaining Organizational News: The VT4 Framework of Organizational News Content and Five Levels of Content Production. We examine the influence of journalists, routines, news organizations, influences... more
From its founding in 1987, the Alliance of Baptists’ stance on women in ministry served as the nexus point from which the small denominational body departed from its denominational forebears in the Southern Baptist Convention. As the... more
El artículo presenta resultados de una primera búsqueda de criterios claros, funcionales y mesurables que permiten la consideración objetiva y comparativa del desempeño de asociaciones de muy diverso tipo. Para ello parte de la... more
This article focuses on labour relations in hospitals, the claim being that collective mobilization in this sector is not just a matter of protest but may also involve consensual efforts to improve conditions. To demonstrate this, types... more
Le relazioni e gli interventi che si sono succeduti nel seminario si prestano ad alcune considerazioni d'insieme, che ci permettono di evidenziare questioni cruciali riguardo al rapporto tra welfare aziendale, imprese-rete e sistemi... more
Seit den 1980er-Jahren haben sich Wahrheitskommissionen zu einem wichtigen Instrument entwickelt, um nach politischen Umbrüchen schwere Menschenrechtsverletzungen aufzuarbeiten. Doch wie konnte sich diese Organisationsform, mit politisch... more
Chapter 9 in "Politics, Power and Conflict in Multinational Corporations: Foundations, Applications and New Directions", dited by Florian August Arthur Becker-Ritterspach, Susanne Blazejewski, Christoph Dörrenbächer and Mike Geppert,... more
Batista-dos-Santos, Ana C. et al. (2009). "Sobre o trabalho, o trabalhador e a teoria das organizações: uma leitura crítica", in Qualit@s - Revista Eletrônica, Vol. 9, nº 3, pp.1-19
This qualitative study examines the role of clients in petty corruption by analyzing actual corrupt exchanges between ordinary citizens and low level public and private employees in post-communist Hungary. Using a grounded theory... more