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An investor has a wide array of investment avenues available in India. It is very important to know how people evaluate these alternatives. Macro economic theory simplifies and states that savings of people automatically becomes... more
Kiriyenko Y.A. Equilibrium Formation in the Goods’ Market in the Open Economy of Ukraine. – Manuscript. Dissertation submitted for the Candidate degree in Economics, specialty 08.00.01 – Economic Theory and History of Economic Thought. –... more
In economics, a depression is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies.
This textbook of Economic Policy is made of four parts: 1. Methodological questions; 2. Welfare Economics; 3. Economic models in a closed economy 4. Economic Policy in an open economy. La politica economica studia il processo... more
This research paper investigated the foreign exchange pass to domestic price in Ethiopia for the year 1981 to 2013 using Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) cointegration procedure. The result of the paper shows that foreign exchange... more
We assess the impact of oil shocks on euro-area macroeconomic variables by estimating a new-Keynesian small open economy model with Bayesian methods. Oil price is determined according to supply and demand conditions in the world oil... more
It is difficult at this point in time, with little benefit of hindsight and still in the midst of crisis, to say whether we are passing through yet another of those financial crises that have punctuated economic history from time to time... more
The present work has as object of study the process of internationalization of the Chinese currency, the renminbi (RMB). Amidst the rival hegemonic nation's leadership, the United States of America (USA), and its "dollar-flexible"... more
Ce travail a eu pour objectif d'estimer un modèle DSGE en économie ouverte pour la RD Congo en se référant aux techniques bayésiennes pour les données trimestrielles allant de 2002q1 à 2016q4 en vue d'analyser les relations entre les... more
The objective of this study is to provide a numerical model of Vietnam's macro economy that examines the impact of alternative exchange rates on both the current and capital accounts of the balance of payments and provides for feedback... more
The research examines the impacts of financial liberalization of Vietnam under GATS on the performance of banking sector and securities market from 2007 onwards. In some parts of the research, the scope of analysis has been extended... more
The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of foreign exchange rate volatility on money demand in Pakistan. For this purpose disaggregate expenditure approach use to construct money demand function. For empirical... more
The paper investigated causal relationships between FDI and international trade in different forms empirically in India. During the last two decade global economic environment has changed rapidly. This change is reflected in widening and... more
In the Basel III era, measuring, managing, mitigating and forecasting interest rate risk has become significant. In the first study of its kind, this paper develops a principal component analysis-based forecasting of interest rates of... more
Este artículo analiza cuáles han sido los principales obstáculos para el crecimiento económico de México durante los últimos veinticinco años, con particular énfasis en el periodo posterior a la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre... more
Ce papier de recherche vise à montrer que la décision de réduction du taux directeur à 2% prise par le conseil de Bank Al-Maghrib tenu le 17 mars dernier, et ce pour faire face à la crise provoquée par la propagation planétaire de la... more
En este artículo se exponen en primera instancia, las características relevantes de los diversos modelos que se han desarrollado a través de la historia con el objetivo de explicar el comportamiento que presenta la tasa de cambio nominal,... more
The implications of "perfect" capital mobility for the effective-ness of monetary and fiscal policy and the transmission of disturbances under floating or fixed exchange rates were drawn in the classic paper by Mundell (1963). With fixed... more
I investigate the downward drift of U.S. interest rates from 1984:Q1 to 2019:Q4. For this, I bring the workhorse two-country New Keynesian model to data on the U.S. and an aggregate of its major trading partners using Bayesian techniques.... more
Ce travail a eu pour objectif d'estimer un modèle DSGE en économie ouverte pour la RD Congo en se référant aux techniques bayésiennes pour les données trimestrielles allant de 2002q1 à 2016q4 en vue d'analyser les relations entre les... more
: A general review of approaches to equilibrium real exchange rate was undertaken. The review covered most of the theoretical, methodological and empirical literatures that had been developed in the attempt to overcoming the measurement... more
This paper analyzes the behavior of international gross capital flows over the business cycle in a two-country DSGE portfolio choice model with shocks to both the transitory and trend components of the endowment. Empirical work on... more
The principles of the open economy issue and its key factors are analyzed in the paper. The relationship between selected factors and the measure of openness was tested. The received results confirm the necessity to use new approach to... more
This study examines the global linkages of selected ASEAN countries composed of Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand (hereafter ASEAN-5). While economic growth of each country undoubtedly hinges on domestic... more
Based on simulations of an original DGE model of the US, Chinese and Euro area economies with financial frictions and various monetary regimes, the paper shows that the contribution of China in global rebalancing should primarily rely on... more
Majority of the South Asian economies are experiencing continuous deficits in their current account along with high external borrowing. This may question the sustainability of their external obligation in the long run. Therefore, this... more
We illustrate the analytical content of the global slack hypothesis in the context of a variant of the widely used New Open-Economy Macro model of Clarida, Galí, and Gertler (2002) under the assumptions of both producer currency pricing... more
Los análisis del proceso de apertura han centrado su atención en los aspectos macroeconómicos del mismo: la necesidad, la conveniencia y la oportunidad de realizar el cambio de modelo de desarrollo; la controversia sobre el papel del... more
The 2008 financial crisis has emphasized the importance of macro financial linkages. In the financial sector, attention is now focusing on macro prudential regulations that are geared toward the stability of the financial system as a... more
This paper estimates the impact of intra-regional real exchange rate flexibility on East Asian exports. The hypothesis is that the impact would be negative for East Asian countries regardless of their exchange rate regimes. The results... more
This paper shows those fundamental macroeconomics variables which explain the behaviour of the real exchange rate (RER) in the Euro Zone, with special emphasis in tariff rates. Diminishing tariffs on imports affect tradable and... more
We evaluate the performance of inflation forecasts based on the open-economy Phillips curve by exploiting the spatial pattern of international propagation of inflation. We model these spatial linkages using global inflation and either... more
The relationship between international trade flows and key macroeconomic variables such as Export (X) and Import (M) between countries is one of the most widely debated areas among economists and policy makers around the globe. The aim of... more