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The non-neuronal cholinergic system is widely expressed in human airways. Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and/or acetylcholine are demonstrated in more or less all epithelial surface cells (goblet cells, ciliated cells, basal cells),... more
Neural tumors often express neurotransmitter receptors as markers of their developmental lineage. Although these receptors have been well characterized in electrophysiological, developmental and pharmacological settings, their importance... more
Rationale Nicotine has been shown in a variety of studies in humans and experimental animals to improve cognitive function. Nicotinic treatments are being developed as therapeutic treatments for cognitive dysfunction. Objectives Critical... more
Adaptation of the nervous system to different chemical and physiologic conditions is important for the homeostasis of brain processes and for learning and remembering appropriate responses to challenges. Although processes such as... more
Introduction: Genetic variants within nicotinic receptors have been shown to modulate an individual’s risk for nicotine dependence. Among the most reproducible risk factor is a non-synonymous polymorphism (rs16969968) within the alpha5... more
The discovery that mammalian brain expresses the mRNAs for nine different nicotinic cholinergic receptor subunits (α2–α7, β2–β4) that form functional receptors when expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes suggests that many different types of... more
Acetylcholine (ACh) signaling underlies specific aspects of cognitive functions and behaviors, including attention, learning, memory and motivation. Alterations in ACh signaling are involved in the pathophysiology of multiple... more
This study evaluates 24 persuasive technologies that achieved statistically significant behavior reduction across a variety of domains. The purpose of this research was to map the 24 persuasive technology studies across the Gray Behaviors... more