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The tribe Cleostratini Bolívar, 1887 sensu Storozhenko, 2016 does not represent a monophyletic taxon because it gathers various Tetrigidae genera with various types of horn and prolongation of frons or vertex. Prolongation of these... more
Phylogenetic terms (monophyly, polyphyly, and paraphyly) were first defined in the context of a phylogenetic tree. However, reproduction is the background process that largely determines phylogeny. To establish a connection between... more
The relationships among basal sauropodomorphs are controversial. Results of cladistic analyses vary from a fully paraphyletic assemblage to a monophyletic core-prosauropod. We apply the comparative cladistics method to three published... more
ABSTRACT. We define the Penaincisalia genus group on the basis of the putative synapomorphy of male androconia. The genus group comprises the genera Abloxurina JOHNSON, 1992 (= Candora JOHNSON, 1992, syn.n.), Pons JOHNSON, 1992,... more
The sinipercids represent a group of 12 species of freshwater percoid fish, including nine in Siniperca and three species in Coreoperca. Despite several classification attempts and a preliminary molecular phylogeny, the phylogenetic... more
Fortey's and Whittington's recent refutation of Lauterbach's hypothesis of a paraphyletic Trilobita is supported However, much of the character evidence raised by Fortey and Whittington to substantiate the monophyly of the... more