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Clinopyroxenes Multi-stage metasomatism Happo-O'ne Japan The metaperidotites found in the Happo-O'ne region of central Japan are mostly lherzolites to harzburgites with subordinate dunites. Their protoliths originated as a series of... more
Propylitic alteration halos to porphyry deposits are characterized by low- to moderate-intensity replacements of primary feldspars and mafic minerals by epidote, chlorite, calcite ± actinolite, pyrite, prehnite, and zeolites. The pyrite... more
The Bhukia gold (+copper) deposit hosted by albitite and carbonates that occur within the Paleoproterozoic Aravalli-Delhi Fold Belt (ADFB) in western India consists of magnetite, graphite, apatite and tourmaline along with sulfide... more
The Neoproterozoic peridotite-chromitite complexes in the Central Eastern Desert of Egypt, being a part of the Arabian-Nubian Shield, are outcropped along the E–W trend from Wadi Sayfayn, Wadi Bardah, and Jabal Al-Faliq to Wadi... more
Keywords: Paleozoic ophiolites U–Pb zircon dating Zircon εHf(t) Komatiite Supra-subduction zone-type magmatism Middle to Late Paleozoic ophiolites, which are remnants of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean, are aligned in two main zones in northern... more
The ~2.5 Ga Malanjkhand Cu mineralization is hosted by adakitic granitoids in central India. The mineralization represents a large Cu deposit. However, significant debate still surrounds its identification as an analogue of modern... more
Post-collisional volcanism in northwestern Iran is represented by the Saray high-K rocks including leucite-bearing under-saturated and leucite-free silica saturated rocks. We report Ar–Ar age data which constrain the age as ca. 11 Ma... more
The Neyriz ophiolite along the northeast flank of the Zagros fold-thrust belt in southern Iran is an excellent example of a Late Cretaceous supra-subduction zone (SSZ)-related ophiolite on the north side of the Neotethys. The ophiolite... more
The Arak basin in the northern part of the Malayer-Esfahan metallogenic belt (MEMB) of Iran hosts 9 Zn-Pb sulfide deposits within a Jurassic sedimentary succession of black, fine-grained sandstone, siltstone and shale. This succession was... more
The ophiolitic peridotites in the Wadi Arais area, south Eastern Desert of Egypt, represent a part of Neoproterozoic ophiolites of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS). We found relics of fresh dunites enveloped by serpentinites that show... more
File ini merupakan laporan prakerin bidang kimia analisis, di laporan ini membahas segala sesuatu mengenai batu bara, khususnya mengenai verifikasi metode general analisis batu bara, semoga laporan ini bisa menjadi referensi untuk teman... more
The Vazante–Paracatu region represents the most important Zn district known in Brazil and includes the Vazante hypogene non-sulfide Zn deposit composed mainly of willemite (Zn2SiO4) and sphalerite-rich carbonate-hosted Zn–(Pb) deposits.... more
In the past decade, significant research efforts have been devoted to mineral chemistry studies to assist porphyry exploration. These activities can be divided into two major fields of research: (1) porphyry indicator minerals (PIMs),... more
Sandwiched between the Adriatic Carbonate Platform and the Dinaride Ophiolite Zone, the Bosnian Flysch forms a c 3000 m thick, intensely folded stack of Upper Jurassic to Cretaceous mixed carbonate and siliciclastic sediments in the... more
The Happo-O'ne peridotite complex is situated in the northeastern part of the Hida Marginal Tectonic Zone, central Japan, characterized by the high-P/T Renge meta-morphism, and is considered as a serpentinite mélange of Paleozoic age.... more
The giant, high-grade Resolution porphyry Cu-Mo deposit in the Superior district of Arizona is hosted in Pro-terozoic and Paleozoic basement and in an overlying Cretaceous volcaniclastic breccia and sandstone package. Resolution has a... more
Manganocummingtonite occurs with spessartine, quartz and pyrolusite in the Chikmara area, Sausar fold belt, central India. Its composition is [Ca 0.3–0.35 (Mg 3.3–3.5 Mn 1.6–1.8 Fe 2+ 1.4–1.5)(Si 7.931-7.997 Al iv 0.003-0.069)O 22 (OH... more
The Higo terrane in west-central Kyushu Island, southwest Japan consists from north to south of the Manotani, Higo and Ryuhozan metamorphic complexes, which are intruded by the Higo plutonic complex (Miyanohara tonalite and Shiraishino... more
Talc mineralisation occurs as hematite–talc schist between soft hematite ore and dolomitic itabirite at Gongo Soco, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The hematite–talc schist and soft hematite have a prominent tectonic... more