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We give a randomized algorithm that properly colors the vertices of a triangle-free graph G on n vertices using O(\Delta(G)/ log \Delta(G)) colors, where \Delta(G) is the maximum degree of G. The algorithm takes O(n\Delta2(G)log\Delta(G))... more
The domatic number of a graph G is the maximum number of dominating sets into which the vertex set of G can be partitioned. We show that the domatic number of a random r-regular graph is almost surely at most r, and that for 3-regular... more
Abstract: This research studied the effects of torrefaction temperature (250-250 C) and time (30-120 minutes) on elemental composition and energy properties changes in corn stover. Torrefied material was analyzed for moisture content,... more
A Hamiltonian cycle in a graph G is a simple cycle in which each vertex of G appears ex- actly once. The Hamiltonian cycle problem involves testing whether a Hamiltonian cycle exists in a graph, and finds one if such a cycle does exist.... more
Abstract. We present approximation algorithms for the unsplittable flow problem (UFP) in undirected graphs. As is standard in this line of research, we assume that the maximum demand is at most the minimum capacity. We focus on the... more
A graph G k-chordal, if it does not contain chordless cycles of length larger than k. The chordality cl of a graph G is the minimum k for which G is k-chordal. The degeneracy or the width of a graph is the maximum min-degree of any of its... more
A statistical comparison has been made between gravity field parameters derived from different global geopotential models (GGMs) and observed gravity anomalies, gravimetric geoid and GPS-Leveling data. The motivation behind this study is... more
A chemical (n, m)-graph is a connected graph of order n, size m and maximum degree at most 4. The general Randic index of a graph is defined as the sum of the weights [d(u)d(v)]α of all edges uv of the graph, where α is any real number... more
Abstract—Fast and periodic collection of aggregated data is of considerable interest for mission-critical and continuous monitoring applications in sensor networks. In the many- to-one communication paradigm, known as convergecast, we... more
... Lo'ai Ali Tawalbeh & Abidalrahman Mohammad & Adnan Abdul-Aziz ... LA Tawalbeh .A. Mohammad Computer Engineering Department, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan LA Tawalbeh e-mail:... more
A minimum degree spanning tree of a graph G is a spanning tree of G whose maximum degree is minimum among all spanning trees of G. The minimum degree spanning tree problem (MDST) is to construct such a spanning tree of a graph. In this... more
The paper proposes a method for project selection under a specific decision situation, where a final selection is guided by two aspects: (1) satisfaction of certain segmentation, policy and/or logical constraints, and (2) assurance that... more