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Le scénario "zéro émissions nettes" de l'Agence Internationale de l'Energie marque un tournant dans le discours de cette organisation. Les multinationales de l'énergie fossile ne s'attendaient pas à un plan aussi radical, notamment... more
Capítulo sobre Marx de la ONTOLOGÍA DEL SER SOCIAL de Georg Lukács
The critique of political economy is not an obsolete endeavor. As a historical and social science, it studies the global relations that emerge with the development of capitalism and their contingent processes. As a critical approach to... more
An analysis of how the integrated model of allostasis enables a more rigorous and detailed understanding of the mechanisms through which economic exploitation and social exclusion negatively affect well-being and health.
Contemporary environmental threats inspire the formation of new global communities and relationships: networks that both transcend nations and local environmental interactions and forge novel assemblages of human and non-human... more
Perhaps the negotiators of the Paris climate agreement just don’t care whether the gap between the INDCs and 1.5 to 2°C can be closed, in whole or in part. But it is more likely that they do care—the most intelligent of them certainly... more
Synopsis and critical implication of Capital volume I. Updated version, to match the actual speech I made of it Friday, Oct. 9. I go through the gist of the theoretical side of Capital I and end by stating basically what we should walk... more
Tulisan ini bermaksud mengupas permasalahan panas antara Warga Rembang VS Semen Indonesia dan menjadi Term of Refference yang disampaikan pada Diskusi Akbar #RembugRembang pada 11 April 2015 di Hall Utama Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik,... more
Fishing share systems that distribute ‘fishing surplus’ among crew are widespread in global fisheries. One recent analysis identifies the New England ‘lay’ share system as a form of ‘non-capitalism’ because of the way that surpluses are... more
Abstract: The most sophisticated philosophical defence of Marx’s theory of history – G.A. Cohen’s – deploys functional explanations in a manner that accords explanatory primacy to technological development. In contrast, an anarchist... more
Tradicionalmente, el marxismo se enfoco en la contradiccion capital-trabajo y no atendio a la relacion capital-naturaleza mas que fragmentaria y aisladamente. Sin embargo, la acelerada expansion de la formacion social capitalista a escala... more
La Conférence de Glasgow (COP26) aurait dû en priorité: 1°) concrétiser la promesse des pays « développés » de verser au Fonds vert pour le climat, à partir de 2020, au moins cent milliards de dollars par an pour aider le Sud global à... more
No artigo, busca-se elaborar uma crítica ontológica à concepção de estado estacio nário, tal como avançada por um dos principais expoentes da Economia Ecológica, Herman Daly. Para isso, serão confrontados também outros aspectos centrais... more
The growth dynamic of capital and the inaction of its political representatives have literally brought us to the brink. What should be done to avoid tipping over it? That is the question to ask. First, it is imperative to answer this... more
After this COP24, one thing should be crystal clear: there is nothing, absolutely nothing to expect from the governments, from the United Nations, from the Talanoa Dialogue, from the “High Ambi-tion Coalition” and so on. We must abandon... more
The 3E Collective held the first Ecosocialist Education Convergence (ECOEC) in May 2018 outside the Baltic city of Rostock, Germany. Events included structured lectures, discussions, infrastructure projects, excursions to local activist... more
A Marx természetfelfogására vonatkozó szakmai-szakfilozófiai diskurzusban régóta (majdnem három évtizede: az 1990-es évek eleje óta) konszenzus van arról, hogy Marxnak igenis volt mondanivalója ökológiai, környezetvédelmi kérdésekben,... more
This consists of three reviews of 'Postmodernism and the Environmental Crisis' by Arran Gare together with a reply by the author.
Purpose - Although the importance of climate change is generally acknowledged, its impacts are often not taken into account explicitly when planning development projects. This being due to limited resources, among others, the article... more
Alexandre Araujo Costa, a Brazilian ecology activist and climatologist, spoke to Belgian ecology writer and activist Daniel Tanuro on a range of questions concerning ecology, climate change, Trump, the anthropocene and ecosocialism.
Interview by a Chinese scholar, conducted by email in December 2015, focusing on the relevance of Marx's method to present-day theoretical and practical questions. Includes observations on crises of capitalism and of the environment, plus... more
‘Teoria della Distruzione del Valore’: teoria elaborata da Massimo Morigi afferente al ‘Repubblicanesimo Geopolitico’, al ‘Repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Neo-repubblicanesimo’, al ‘Marxismo’ e al ‘Neo-marxismo’. Pur condividendo la critica di... more
La presente tesis se enmarca dentro del área de la Ecología Política, un área de estudios relativamente novedoso en el cual confluyen diversas disciplinas. Su propósito es estudiar la relación entre la sociedad y la naturaleza: tanto la... more
As a trip to the supermarket will bear out, food prices are on the rise. We know the implications of higher food costs for ourselves and especially for the poor, but what about for capitalism itself? In part two of an extended interview,... more
This essay builds out an argument for understanding the past five centuries as the Capitalocene, the “age of capital.” The present essay – the second of two parts – reconstructs the limits, opportunities, and crises of the capitalist... more
... View all references). Not surprisingly, the most politically radical environmentalists have tended to adhere to some form of either eco-Marxism (for example, O'Connor 1998) oreco-anarchism (for example, Bookchin... more
La question Ouïgour est subitement devenue un enjeu de la lutte politique au sein de la gauche entre celles et ceux qui dénoncent le génocide du peuple Ouïgour et elles et ceux qui refusent de participer à une nouvelle guerre froide de... more
Enclosed is one of two submissions to the 2018 World Ecology Research Network Conference in Helsinki. Included here is a short abstract, a longer abstract, and the full paper. Ideological commitment to the concept of “free trade” has a... more
Dans un article mis en ligne sur son site, le militant québécois Marc Bonhomme me range dans la charrette de celles et ceux pour qui la menace climato-négationniste de Trump justifierait une union sacrée en défense de l'accord de Paris... more
One of the significant developments in the interdisciplinary field of judgment and decision making is the classification of environments as a function of (a) their capacity to enable people to learn from experience (kind environments vs.... more
Dans le sillage de la COP21, les médias ont rapporté des réactions des milieux d'affaire donnant l’impression que le patronat se contente de prendre acte des décisions de la COP. Cette impression est fausse. En réalité, l’accord de Paris... more
In the constant search for alternatives to development in an era of rampant global capitalism, Ecuador has become a kind of international lodestar held up by radical activists just about everywhere as a possible prototype for a nationally... more
« This changes everything » est un livre fort, mais un livre sous tension. L’auteure le confesse dès les premières pages: « C’est le livre le plus difficile que j’ai jamais écrit, parce que la recherche m’a conduit à chercher des réponses... more