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The contours of Turkey's climate policy have remained almost intact over the past two decades. Being an Annex I party without any mitigation commitments, Turkey maintains a peculiar position under UNFCCC. Subsequent to 12 years of delay... more
The new report published by NUPI, jointly contributed by its partner institutes in all ten ASEAN countries, analyses the consequences of climate change and climate policy toward international affairs in ASEAN. Both climate change and... more
Este trabalho visa demonstrar os aspectos gerais da exploração do petróleo nas reservas petrolíferas da pré-sal brasileira, assim como os principais benefícios para a economia do país e os riscos ambientais dessa atividade. O... more
The purpose of this research is to examine the role of energy efficiency in the residential, public and commercial sectors as a climate mitigating factor; to address the impact of possible deficits in energy savings (rebound effect in... more
At present there are 18 emission trading schemes (ETS) operating in the world. At the COP21 in Paris a clear path for climate and energy policies has been outlined over the coming decades: states have committed themselves to reach zero... more
‘Sustainability’ and the ‘eradication of poverty’ have taken center stage in supranational financial frameworks meant notably to help the economies of Asia, Latin America and Africa. This is certainly a welcome evolution, but it should... more
A partir de estos razonamientos, es fácil comprender por qué el cambio climático es más una falla de mercado que un efecto natural del planeta, como algunos grupos de poder siguen manifestando. Pero así también resulta irónico reconocer... more
Créés par les textes climatiques fondateurs de 1992, le principe des Responsabilités Communes mais Différenciées (CBDR) et celui des Responsabilités Communes mais Différenciées et des Capacités Respectives (CBDR-RC) sont souvent observés,... more
In the months leading up to the 21st UN Climate Change Conference, policy makers, pension trustees and academic thought leaders have been active devising new ways of fostering private capital stewardship and “green investment”. In spite... more
La notion d'adaptation s’est peu à peu imposée dans l’agenda des négociations sous l’égide de la Convention Climat (UNFCCC). À l'orée de la COP 21, il convient de revenir sur cette construction progressive : alors que l’attention porte... more
The rapid change in the planetary climate became one of the most relevant challenges for the 21st century.2 Increasing temperature levels are affecting almost all spheres of life and endangering political, economic, social and civil... more
The main purpose of COP21 is to set up a universal climate agreement that will come into force in 2020, bringing together as many countries as possible into the coalition. If some improvements have been achieved since 2011, mainly due to... more
Over a short period, global consciousness about the severity of the threat to human civilisation posed by climate change appears to have shifted in an abrupt, if precarious, fashion. For the thousands gathered to protest in Paris at the... more
the shortcomings of the agreement should not come as a surprise. It would have been enough to spend few hours inside the Espaces Generation Climat and to skim through the almost three-hundred conferences and the names of their organizers... more
During the two first weeks of December 2015, the UN Climate Conference in Paris will put climate change back at the center of the agenda of the international community. Since the beginning of this year, climate change also emerged as a... more
Cet article analyse l’influence de l’expertise du GIEC sur les processus communicationnels régissant les trajectoires des controverses dans les différents espaces de médiation, scientifiques et publics. Il y a d’un côté l’existence de... more
COP21 was widely hailed by environmentalists, politicians, and much of the media as “a landmark” and “turning point” in the struggle against global climate change. Yet, there was no binding agreement on emissions reductions, financing of... more
The links between climate change and human rights are more widely accepted than ever before. The Human Rights Council has adopted a series of resolutions calling attention to the effects of climate change on the full enjoyment of human... more
« La gouverance globale des enjeux climatiques et ses limites » Diplomatie n°84, Janvier Février 2017, pp. 86-90 Climat – géoéconomie Entretien avec Jean Foyer et Lucile Maertens 1-Près d'un an après la signature de l'Accord de Paris... more
Analisis semana 44 del Observatorio de Política Internacional de la Universidad de Costa Rica y la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica. El artículo analiza los desafíos del acuerdo alcanzado en el marco de la Cumbre de Cambio Climático... more
En la COP21 se lanzó el Fondo Climático de la Península de Yucatán, un instrumento para financiar acciones que reduzcan emisiones en el sector agropecuario y forestal, promuevan la adaptación al cambio climático y la movilidad... more
This article explores the phenomenon of the use of ICT for climate change activism in the Pacific. Climate change activism in the Pacific is characterised by the use of ICT tools such as social media. The article draws on semi-structured... more
The climate has become a major stake in international cooperation. The sociologist Jean Foyer, who observed the COP21 at Le Bourget (France) in December 2015, considers the major trends and defining moments of the latest round of climate... more
On 3 June 2015, the National Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE), Chennai has launched the Indian Solar Radiation Atlas – an online GIS-based information portal to facilitate expansion of the solar energy sector in the country. NIWE is a... more
The relationship between climate change and migration is much more subtle and complex than 'clickbait' headlines suggest, write Kayly Ober and Patrick Sakdapolrak
Le 5e rapport du GIEC repousse l'échéance mondiale pour le pic des émissions que le 4e rapport situait au plus tard en 2015. Ce retard n'exprime pas une dangerosité et une urgence moins grandes du changement climatique que dit jusqu'à... more
Both COP21 and COP22 stressed the role of forests in climate protection as a natural CO2 sink. With this in mind, the study reviewed some literature findings related to afforestation, stand level management, forest soils, peatland... more
L’année 2017 a été marquée par l’affaiblissement de l’ordre géoéconomique hérité du Plan Marshall et du Congrès de La Haye (1948) : Brexit, effondrement des partis de gouvernements traditionnels à Paris et Rome, sécession de la Catalogne,... more
L'engagement de Barack Obama au sujet du réchauffement climatique, en particulier au cours de son second mandat, est réel, et démontré par les mesures qu'il a prises autant que par les engagements proposés par les Etats-Unis dans la... more
With public demonstrations banned at the COP21 conference on climate change in Paris, climate activists are taking to social media to get out their message on climate justice. Before the official summit kicked off, activists held more... more
The environmental issue is nowadays one of the most important challenges that the international community is called to face. However, despite the raise of awareness by the world public opinion, environmental sustainability is not an easy... more
Este artículo presenta los resultados económicos derivados del cumplimiento del compromiso de Colombia en la COP21. El análisis económico se hace tradicionalmente mediante las curvas marginales de costos de abatimiento, sin embargo, estas... more
Climate change is often seen as a remote, complex or ‘unobtrusive’ topic by the general public – a topic about which many people acquire information mainly from media reporting. However, media landscapes are changing rapidly, particularly... more
The Paris Agreement surprised many, but it was only a first, albeit important, step. Along with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it could provide the impetus for the United Nations to Deliver as One.
This paper seeks to analyse the role and importance allocated to national adaptation plans in the 21st Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC based on the draft negotiation texts that have been presented to parties to be adopted as the basis... more
Dans un article mis en ligne sur son site, le militant québécois Marc Bonhomme me range dans la charrette de celles et ceux pour qui la menace climato-négationniste de Trump justifierait une union sacrée en défense de l'accord de Paris... more
Association for Literature and the Study of the Environment Conference University of Lincoln Lincoln, England September 1, 2016 The contemporary German installation artist Julius Popp’s 2015 work bit.fall, was shown on the Pont de la Rue... more
This is a draft chapter from my forthcoming book, Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. My Intention is to submit this to relevant conference programs for critical feed back. I argue that while... more