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We study the problem of computing a planar curve, restricted to lie between two given polygonal chains, such that the integral of the square of arc-length derivative of curvature along the curve is minimized. We introduce the minimum... more
This paper presents a new approach to develop the strategy of Model–View–Controller architecture pattern in Business Intelligence (BI) architecture. The Business Intelligence architecture consists of the ETL tools and processes, the data... more
As per Current Market, PHP is a widely-used, open source scripting language which support different framework with advance functionality. So it is necessary to identify the best framework for our system or application. This paper will... more
Discussion and analysis of a scenario where a demo web application that acts as a profile manager is assessed from a security point of view. We will design and develop the test web application and we will perform a vulnerability... more
Framework is important for large-scale object-oriented software systems for development. They offer market value for high productivity and low time through design and recycling codes. CodeIgniter is a PHP framework developed by Alice Lab... more
This thesis studies how a Model-View-Controller (MV*) framework can be integrated into a Data Visualization Pipeline. Specifically, this thesis aims to cover the challenges related in integrating an MV* framework like Backbone.js with... more
Masalah yang sering ditemui dalam pengolahan data pada suatu perpustakaan adalah masih banyak perpustakaan yang belum menerapkan sistem informasi dalam pengolahan data, baik pengolahan data buku, anggota maupun sirkulasi(peminjaman dan... more
Abstrak Object Oriented Programming adalah teknik penulisan kode program yang berorientasi ke objek. Object Oriented Programming sangat memungkinkan untuk diimplementasikan dengan berbagai bahasa pemrograman, karena umumnya bahasa... more
Masalah yang sering ditemui dalam pengolahan data pada suatu perpustakaan adalah masih banyak perpustakaan yang belum menerapkan sistem informasi dalam pengolahan data, baik pengolahan data buku, anggota maupun sirkulasi(peminjaman dan... more
High-intensity intermittent sprints induce changes in metabolic and mechanical parameters. However, very few data are available about electrical manifestations of muscle fatigue following such sprints. In this study, quadriceps... more
ABSTRACT Every software program that interacts with a user requires a user interface. Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a common design pattern to integrate a user interface with the application domain logic. MVC separates the representation... more
We studied the finger interactions during maximum voluntary force (MVF) production in flexion and extension in children and adults. The goal of this study was to investigate the age-related changes and flexion–extension differences of MVF... more