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Simple Summary: Floors with a series of gaps to allow pig manure to pass through (slatted floors) are common in the pig industry as they enable the efficient management of pig waste. Pigs need enrichment materials to occupy them and to... more
The genome sequence of Streptococcus equi subspecies equi (S. equi)( contains partial phage sequences which may affect virulence, gene regulation and expression. The present study was undertaken to characterize P9, a... more
Internet retailing offers merchants limitless shelf space. This has led experts to highlight the existence of a “long tail” of offerings on the web and assert that the future of online business is “selling less of more.” However, it is... more
Founded just 20 years ago, the Netflix brand has had an impact around the world and has changed our understanding of modern entertainment. The company made the move from analog to digital media in 2007, after 10 years in which its... more
Traditionele media zijn online kwetsbaar, omdat hun content uit de context kan worden gehaald (framen) en herverpakt aan een groot publiek. Ze verliezen de controle over hoe hun content wordt gepresenteerd. Daardoor staat hun rol als... more
El propósito de esta tesis es explicar la evolución de los modelos de negocios del mercado editorial latinoamericano en la última década a la luz de los cambios impuestos por la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías. Para ello se hace... more
In the city of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, there’s a discussion about the reason why local musicians and bands haven’t achieved commercial success as well as musicians from other Brazilian states. This paper analyzes the results achieved by... more
"Web 2.0 brought a new way to people to use the web through User Generated Content. The ease to edit content gives rise to content in perpetual movement, result of a collective intelligence. Virtual communities through their different... more
L’intervento presenta dati testuali esaustivi estrapolati da quattro romanzi di Chrétien de Troyes (Erec et Enide, Cligès, Chevalier de la Charrette e Chevalier au Lion) ed elaborati secondo un criterio improntato alle wittgensteiniane... more
The Long Tail concept refers to the Internet-based economy that has enabled company success through a focus on highly specialized services and products that are not in high volume demand, but maybe in high-value demand. The concept of the... more
Many recommender systems suffer from popularity bias: popular items are recommended frequently while less popular, niche products, are recommended rarely or not at all. However, recommending the ignored products in the ``long tail'' is... more
Recommender systems are considered as an answer to the information overload in a Web environment. Such systems recommend items (movies, music, books, news, web pages, etc.) that the user should be interested in. Collaborative filtering... more
What is the effect of Internet distribution of digital video on content? Is there evidence that content will be different from what is available through other conduits or will it just be more of the same? Who will be producing it... more
This article revisits the long tail phenomenon, a dozen years after it was first articulated as a model for the digital media economy. As this article illustrates, both the research evidence and the evolution of industry practice have... more
This lecture forms part of the 'Web Technologies' course given at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
As time‐varying volatility has found applications in roughly all time series modelling in economics, it largely draws attention in the areas of financial markets. This study also examines the characteristics of conditional volatility in... more
"Technologies for Freedom" is a sentence in Manuel Castells’ "Communication and power"; they are intended as a "material basis and cultural movements in their struggle against capitalist globalization", and against the consequent... more
The basal hadrosauroid Tethyshadros insularis from the uppermost Cretaceous of NE Italy lived on an island of the European archipelago in the Tethys Ocean. The tail of this dinosaur presents several apomorphic traits respect to the tails... more
We report on a new enantiornithine Eopengornis martini gen. et sp. nov. from the lowest horizon of the Jehol Biota in Hebei, China; dated at 130.7 Mya, this is the second oldest avian bearing fossil deposit in the world, recording the... more
Í þessari ritgerð er fjallað um menningarneyslu og söludreifingu á tónlist og á hvaða hátt söludreifing í netverslunum er frábrugðin því sem gengur og gerist í hefðbundnum verslunum. Skoðaðar eru hefðbundnar kenningar um neyslu, menningu... more
Quando o Facebook lançou os Instant Articles (IA) houve quem dissesse que seriam a alternativa para todas as angústias do jornalismo tradicional, uma vez que crise gerada pela perda de espaço para as redes sociais ampliava o número de... more