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Legal aspects of medicine are based on statutory and case laws relevant to the practice of medicine. Laws are specific; ethics are conceptual. The principles and provisions of the law also apply to medicine. In most instances laws and... more
Sentences and prosecutors’ demands for aggravated drunk driving are categorised into three classes: The sentence is more lenient than, is compatible with, or is harsher than the prosecutor’s demand. The probability of a sentence falling... more
The purpose of this paper is to explore the issue of private practice while working in the public service, using law lecturers as case study. The paper explores this question relying on critical analysis of legislative provisions and the... more
Es común oír la idea de que existen muchas maneras de ejercer el derecho, o que esta carrera "sirve para todo". Más allá de esto, conocer para qué sirve el derecho, o de qué maneras se puede usar es un proceso personal, relacionado con... more
Edgar Smith conducts an attorneys practice and owns a building company. Smith’s building company needed a financial injection to survive, due to financial problems. Joe De Maggio, a client of Smith, consulted him about a R1 million... more
In "Legal Practice in the Formative Stages of the Chinese Empire", Ulrich Lau and Thies Staack offer a richly annotated English translation of the "Wei yu deng zhuang si zhong" 爲獄等狀四種, a collection of criminal case records from the... more
The purpose of this article therefore is, to throw light on the principle of default judgments delivered by courts and especially the plaintiff’s right over it. In this paper, the reader would understand whether or not the right to a... more
This paper formed the basis of a talk delivered at the EU Parliment Buildings in Brussels on 6th February 2020 at an event organised by Prof. Dr. Klaus Buchner MdEP ÖDP and Forum Soziale Inklusion e.V. Link to oral presentation here:... more
The legal profession has evolved over the years, and it gets more sophisticated with time. This essay seeks to ascertain to true identity of the 21st Century Lawyer in the wake of the ever increasing economic pressures affecting legal... more
Title in English: The Argument from Authority in Judicial Discourse - an explanation proposal
The changing dynamics in the legal profession in Uganda have created the need for a substitute platform for lawyers to pile their trade. NGOs in one of these options. But how is this done?
A perspective on the nature of the Roman legal order in the provinces and the status of local laws and practices under Roman rule. These questions are explored through a series of case studies from Roman Egypt, including the well-known... more
From the book "The Big Analytics (Leaders Collaborative Book Project) - For, Of, and By the Data Analytics Leaders and Influencers". Please go to page 252 to read my piece. In it I discuss the impact Artificial Intelligence will (very)... more
The legal services market in Poland and throughout the European Union is changing rapidly in the 21st century. Cross-border and international legal services, cooperation with foreign lawyers and collaboration with foreign clients are now... more
The basic elements of a contract, namely, offer and acceptance, the intention to be bound, and consideration, and requirements of form found in English, German, and Japanese law are compared against the background of their historical... more
A practical case – the negotiations currently underway in Geneva concerning the so-called binding treaty on the responsibility of transnational companies – has cast a clearer light on the changes taking place in international law (whether... more
The legal services market in Poland and throughout the European Union is changing rapidly in the 21st century. Cross-border and international legal services, cooperation with foreign lawyers and collaboration with foreign clients are now... more
This is a synopsis of the address made at the Graduation Ceremony of the CfPS Law School held at the BMICH on 15th February 2020. In the course of the address, emphasis was laid on the special aspects of the law a budding lawyer aspiring... more
Justly balanced or wasatiyyah is not a new concept in Islam, but already exists alongside Islam itself. this is proven from the jurisprudential aspect of Islamic legal system itself where Islamic jurisprudence or Usul al-Fiqh is the... more
Legal histories of Australia have largely overlooked the exclusion of European émigré lawyers from legal practice in Australia. This article recovers part of this forgotten history by tracing the drawn-out legal admission bids of two... more
While focusing on the issues such as spirituality, faith, prayer, and discipline, the late antique literary discourse pays little attention to the engagement of monks in the mundane realities of daily life. The symbolic sig- nificance of... more
About the bibliography of the most renowned Brazilian jurist from the 20th century, Francisco Cavalcanti Pontes de Miranda, it is possible to note that he still possesses his place of prominence between the national authors in legal... more
Disruptive of legal systems, anthropogenic climate change presents a number of conundrums for lawyers and defies the way they think about and deal with disaster risks. Japan is no exception. A decade after the 3-11 triple disaster, this... more
This article investigates the relationship between the legislation introduced in the field of proprietary rights assigned to various Church entities and the practice of accumulation of wealth by the monastic communities in late antique... more
An injunction is an equitable judicial remedy by which a person is ordered to refrain from doing or to do a particular act or thing. It is often seen as a restorative order invoked by the Court to deal with a defendant who has no respect... more
Magyarország körülbelül 300 többoldalú nemzetközi szerződésben részes fél. Ahogyan a pontos számát ennek sem tudjuk, tekintettel a megbízható állami nyilvántartás hiányára, így arról sincs egzakt listánk, hogy mennyi fenntartást tett... more
3 Common Mistakes Small Law Firms Make & How to Fix Them by Zelican -  Legal Practice Management Software.

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Within the last three years, both the International Bar Association and LexisNexis conducted studies to examine the use of Internet Social Media (“ISM”) by members of the legal profession, along with looking at the significant gaps that... more
The article provides an analysis of the current state of the procedural legislation of Ukraine in the context of the judicial system reform carried out in 2014-2019. The drastic changes in this direction, which began with the tragic... more
The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of European PIL aimed at simplification of procedures will obviously bring certain challenges to the courts dealing with matrimonial property in... more
(2018) Law and Critique 29(2), online first Full-text available at This article aims to contribute to the academic debate on the general crisis faced by law schools and the legal professions by discussing why... more
International bar associations and chambers of commerce are increasingly recognising both the central role and evolving expectations of the legal profession in responding to climate change. The International Bar Association (IBA), the... more
Wenn Seelsorge stattfindet, bleibt Kirchenrecht häufig außen vor. Es wird von vielen Kirchengliedern eher als behindernd, weniger als ermöglichend erfahren. Auf über 3000 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel habe Kirchenrecht erst gar keine... more
Public confidence is built by various public perceptions that emerge and live in the community about the courts. The more positive the perceptions are, the greater the confidence can be expected from the public towards the court. But if... more
This study of the entire phenomenon of civil litigation commenced with the sole aim of ascertaining the extant gaps in the available knowledge about litigation from the perspectives of those who are by far affected most by it: the... more
The article presents the results of the pilot eye-tracking experimental study of the group of notaries (N=10) and other lawyers (N=9) who were instructed to revise legal documents for sale of land. The main purpose of this research was to... more
Legal doctrine is an integral part of any developed legal system, where class of professional lawyers has been formed, complex of special legal texts has been created and there are professional legal practices secluded from other spheres... more
The article is devoted to the study of the structure of the normative element of the mechanism of legal regulation of social relations. The mechanism of legal regulation of relations is considered as a system of legal means, methods and... more
A Paris, Bordeaux, Rennes, mais aussi Oxford, Luxembourg, Tokyo, les cours magistraux des professeurs de droit sont désormais complétés par des « transplants » que sont des enseignements dits innovants à visée plus professionnelle nées en... more