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This essay analyzes Korean films, Traffickers (Gongmojadeul, Hong-seon Kim, 2012), Sea Fog (Haemoo, Sungbo Shim, 2014), and The Yellow Sea (Hwanghae, Na Hong-jin, 2010), to examine the motif of fragmented bodies and perilous cross-border... more
South Korea is home to one of the most vibrant film industries in the world today, producing movies for a strong domestic market that are also drawing the attention of audiences worldwide. This book presents a comprehensive analysis of... more
This paper analyzes several films produced in Korea during the era of its colonization by Japan that pose interesting questions about the problem of internalization, or colonization of the mind. While on the one hand, these works can seem... more
Writing anything on Sion Sono is difficult because he exists in layers, not fragile and nimble, but rather adhered to the opposite of every maxim. Watching his three films- ‘Love Exposure’, ‘Noriko’s Dinner Table’ and finally ‘Strange... more
The idea for Rediscovering Korean Cinema struck me unexpectedly during the BIFF Film Conference and Forum held at the Twentieth Busan International Film Festival (BIFF) in October 2015. I was a respondent to the panel "Re-evaluating... more
This essay examines two films, Modern Boy (dir. Ji-woo Jeong, South Korea, 2008) and Private Eye (dir. Dae-min Park, South Korea, 2009), both of which depict the Seoul of the 1930s—the period during which Korean colonial modernity was... more
In the past few years, the South Korean film industry has released a growing number of Korean movies set in the colonial period. This essay focuses on how these films deal with the painful memory of occupation. More specifically, the... more
In a central scene in 3-Iron, the female protagonist dissects her own photo and reconstitutes it in a cubistic fashion. While in this film the act of reframing seems to symbolize the establishment of a new identity, in other films by Kim... more
이 논문은 최근 10년 간 한국 독립영화 비평에서 주목을 받아 온 정재훈과 임철민의 영화를 ‘디지털 실험 다큐멘터리(digital experimental documentary)’의 관점에서 논의한다. 여기서 실험 다큐멘터리는 영화 제작의 목적과 양식 및 영화의 상영에 있어 서로 구별되는 두 범주로 인식되어 왔던 다큐멘터리와 실험영화의 생산적 교차와 상호 영향을 바탕으로 한 영화적 실천의 결과물을 가리킨다. 이렇게 볼 때... more
IS 207 KOREAN WAVE: Contemporary Korean Popular Culture Instructor: Nemo Kim Class Meetings: Mon-Thurs TBA COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces major approaches to the study of globalization of contemporary popular culture and... more
The modern South Korean cultural imaginary has been marked by a curious lack of large-scale, naturally occurring, apocalyptic disaster narratives. This absence becomes significant when mapped against narratives of manmade disasters that... more
The Korean film, Chinatown (Junhi Han, 2015) portrays a female protagonist (named Ilyoung), who was adopted by a Chinese loan shark (named Wuhee) and grows in Inchon Chinatown – a newly established town for foreign workers and immigrants... more
Bong Joon-ho’s global blockbuster Snowpiercer (2013) is perhaps the first major Korean film that tackles outright the fate of humanity facing environmental and sociopolitical crises of the entire world. Set in a new ice age, it unfolds a... more
This essay examines the last Korean silent film, A Public Prosecutor and a Teacher. Relying on a cultural fantasy of the “sonorous envelope,” this project showcases how this film emblematizes the constitution of Korean modern subjectivity... more
Génesis y base de uno de los géneros fundamentales dentro de la cinematografía actual surcoreana.

Artículo publicado en la revista Harlan Magazine el 7/10/2014
In this photo-essay, I examined briefly how new film trends arose in rapid socio-political upheavals - Korean New Wave of the late 1980's and early 1990's with 1987 nationwide democratization movement and women's films of the late 2010's... more
The book is now sold online:

탈성장 개념어 사전 : 무소유가 죽음이 아니듯 탈성장도 종말이 아니다 자코모 달리사 페데리코 데마리아 요르고스 칼리스 공편/강이현 역
Using horror as social commentary is not an unknown practice for filmmakers; however, instead of virtue signaling or a ham-fisted storytelling approach to represent his political views overtly, Kim Ki-young ambivalently depicts the... more
How do actors reposition their racialized and gendered bodies? Why is Asianness invisible in global film culture? Join us for this illustrated presentation on representations of race, gender, and East Asia on film and television. :::::... more
For a long time, Hollywood has been interested in remaking films of different countries. On the level of transnational cinema, a remake can be considered as borrowing ideas, and adaptation of a work of one cultural background to another... more
This article examines some of the formal properties, stylistic motifs and thematic preoccupations of classic and contemporary South Korean horror films. As a genre that has enormous box-office appeal and crossover potential for western... more
The films of Bong Joon-ho (Memories of Murder, The Host, Snowpiercer) both synthesize and negotiate the complex relationship between South Korea and the United States, and often do so in a way that charts parallels between globalization... more
21.yy’da popülerliği giderek artan Güney Kore sineması, tarihi bakımından savaş öncesi ve savaş sonrası dönem olarak ele alınmaktadır. Gelişen toplumun kapitalist sistem düzeninde yaşam göstermesi bireylerin bu hayat döngüsü içerisindeki... more
Drawing from existing literature in the field of comedy studies (including work related to three long-established theories of laughter: superiority theory, incongruity theory, and relief theory), this paper examines the humorous elements... more
[collection edited by Chi-Yun Shin and Mark Gallagher] What is East Asian film noir? What are its origins, its constituent features and preoccupations, and its significance as a form of global cinematic expression? Film noir, always... more
Film “Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, … and Spring” karya Kim Ki-duk merupakan sebuah film arthouse Korea bertemakan Buddhisme yang sukses di kancah internasional. Lewat penayangannya di box office negara-negara Barat, film ini memperoleh... more
This paper examines the ways in which several Korean documentary films in the 2010s use archival footage of the distant or recent histories of Korea. It argues that the films testify to what I call the ‘post-vérité’ turn of recent Korean... more
This article presents a critical overview on how the formal and aesthetic variations of the Korean documentary cinema in the twenty-first century have differed from and simultaneously renewed the activist, cinéma-vérité tradition of... more
This dissertation takes into consideration Park Chan-Wook’ The Handmaiden (2016), a transcultural adaptation of Sarah Waters’ novel Fingersmith. We will seek to unearth the film’s themes and values, such as the colonial relations and... more
This essay looks at Na Hong-jin’s 2008 film "Chugyeokja/The Chaser," based loosely on the Yoo Young-chul serial murders of 2003 and 2004. While the film asserts that the killer’s pathology can be understood as resentful misogyny, "The... more
This thesis mainly deals with repetition in film form. Repetition which is a key concept shows itself in many different forms. In philosophy there are several perceptions at stake. In art forms in which it is structured systematically... more
Co-written with Alexander Wills. Toxic: A Companion. Ed. Simon Bacon. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2022. 253-60. Print.
Film Parasite Bonga to jedna z częściej nagradzanych i najlepiej ocenianych przez recenzentów premier 2019 r. Większość dziennikarzy podkreślała w swych opiniach krytyczny i satyryczny wydźwięk utworu wymierzony przeciw rozwarstwieniu... more
<서울역><부산행><반도>로 이어진 연상호의 좀비 3부작은 한국적 로컬리티를 글로벌화하는 스케일의 확장 속에 ‘좀비 아포칼립스’의 장르 문법을 강화하며 답습해가는 한편, 이 장르 자체의 발달사와 함께 다른 장르들의 좀비적 출현을 시사하기도 한다. <부산행>이 할리우드식 ‘좀비 포맷’을 주류 감수성으로 국지화하면서 신자유주의 체제가 배태한 ‘유동적 공포’를 날렵하게 포착했다면, <서울역>은 이 공포를 통제하며 체화하는 한국... more