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4-(1H-Pyrazolo {3,4-d} pyrimidin-4-ylazo) benzene-1,3-diol was synthesized and characterized by various spectral and analytical techniques. Semiempirical quantum calculations using the AM1 method have been performed in order to evaluate... more
The benefits of Hyperion hyperspectral data to agriculture have been studied at sites in the Coleambally Irrigation Area of Australia. Hyperion can provide effective measures of agricultural performance through the use of established... more
Opposed to the recently fashionable 'moral and ethical' criticism levelled against Ole Wæver's securitization theory this article argues that such criticism fundamentally misconceives the analytical goal of securitization... more
The synthesis of two principal impurities of irbesartan prepd. via its N-trityl deriv. is described. The impurities were isolated and unambiguously identified by NMR. IR, UV, and mass spectra of these compds. are also given. [on... more
“Still a discipline after all these debates?” asks the title of the concluding chapter Wæver wrote in 2010 for the book International Relations Theories: Discipline and Diversity. Debates were not new to International Relations when he... more