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Abū Yaʻqūb al-Sijistānī’s works might be considered as some of the most clear examples of an Ismaī‘lī reading of the Neoplatonic doctrines. In his Kitāb al-Yanābīʻ there is a dichotomy: even if “mediation” is the main characteristic of... more
Argues that the chapter in `Umara's history is entirely an interpolation, by another hand of the 6-7th/12-13th centuries, with no valid new information on the history of the Isma`ilis in Yemen. It was originally published as "The Chapter... more
Abstract: Islam is the speedily rising religion in the first world and other parts despite unpleasant propaganda by the Zionist media. While Christian clergy is failing to stop the spread of Islam in the West, they have demonstrated their... more
Ismāʿīlism (Arabic: الإسماعيلية‎, al-ʾIsmāʿīlīyah; Persian: اسماعیلیان‎, Esmâ'īliyân) is a branch or sub-sect of Shia Islam.[1] The Ismāʿīlī (/ˌɪsmeɪˈɪli/)[2] get their name from their acceptance of Imam Ismaʻil ibn Jafar as the appointed... more
The doctrine of imamate, a fundamental doctrine of the Shiʿi Nizārī Ismaili community led by its 49th Imam, Aga Khan IV, has gone through several phases of development in history. Various periods of Ismaili history have episodes and... more
Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (zm. 1111), Sprawiedliwa waga. Ratunek przed zabłądzeniem. Z języka arabskiego przełożyła, opracowała i wstępem opatrzyła Katarzyna Pachniak, WUW, Warszawa 2008. Nie boję się powiedzieć, że dokonania intelektualne Abu... more
Review of Shainool Jiwa, The Fatimids: The Rise of a Muslim Empire, I.B. Tauris, 2018.
The issuing of the Baghdad Manifesto by the Abbasid caliph al-Qādir in 402/1011 pervaded Sunni Muslim historiography, and became an indelible marker for denouncing Fatimid claims to ʿAlid lineage. In the chapter on the Baghdad... more
Many textbooks and academic studies on Muslim history and thought take it for granted that Muslims regard the Qur’an as God’s literal speech dictated verbatim to the Prophet Muhammad in Arabic. How this view became established and the... more
Table des matières et résumé de ma thèse de doctorat (disponible en intégralité ici : )
This study aims to analyze the ethnic dilemma in the Pamir region, or Badakh Mountains of the Badakhshan region, that became the reason for the call of independence of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region from Tajikistan. This paper also... more
Pir Sadr al-Din (Sadardin in Indic languages) played a key role in systematizing and consolidating the Nizari Ismaili da'wa in South Asia from the late 8th/14th century. He is chiefly associated with Uchch in southern Sind. Those who... more
Chapitre de thèse sur les rites religieux (32 pages) dans la communauté des ismaéliens fatimides Daudi Bohras en Inde
Rencontre - Interview de Wissam Halawi, nouveau professeur à la FTSR
The article is devoted to the life and creative work of a Persian Ismaili philosopher Nasir Khusraw (1004 – 1088). Nasir Khusraw was the author of the selection of poems excessing thousands of lines and the book about travels... more
This article examines how a text attributed to the renowned Central Asian Sufi figure Aḥmad Yasavī came to be found within a manuscript produced within the Ismāʿīlī Shīʿī community of the Shughnān district of the Badakhshān region of... more
De la caste marchande gujarati à la communauté religieuse fatimide : construction identitaire et conflits chez les daoudi bohras (ouest de l'Inde) JURY M. Gérard D. Heuzé (Directeur de la thèse) M. Michel Boivin (Rapporteur) M. Harald... more
This article offers a bibliography of Ismail K. Poonawala’s publications and interviews and provides a research tool for scholars and Ismāʿīlīs interested in his works.
The Muslim umma (community) comprises a vibrant tapestry of communities of interpretation and practice. Situated within this diversity are five distinct extant branches of the Shi‘i Ismaili Muslims, each with their own historical... more
This book is the first critical edition of two important Persian treatises by Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī, al-Risāla al-Muʿīnyya (The Muʿīniyya treatise) and its supplement, Ḥall-i Mushkilāt-i Muʿīniyya (Resolution of the difficulties of the... more
This paper seeks to present a review and analysis of medieval Muslim historiography – especially that originating in what constitutes modern-day Iran, Iraq, and Syria, or the-then Seljuk Empire – with exclusive reference to its... more
Abstract: We propose to study the sermon of Sayyedah Zainab (as) which she delivered in the court of Yazid (L). The central issues of the sermon are as follows: i). Sayyedah Zainab (as) discussed cardinal principles to established Daw’ah... more
This book offers a new Persian edition and the first English translation of the Ibrat-afza, the memoirs of Hasan Ali Shah, the 46th Imam of the Nizari Ismailis and the first Ismaili Imam to bear the title of Aga Khan. The Ibrat-afza was... more
In 1930, at the Deutscher Orientalistentag in Vienna, the Semitist Paul Kraus presented his findings on a vast body of Arabic writings attributed to an alchemist called Ǧābir ibn Ḥayyān. Contrary to the traditional interpretation that... more
Wafi Momin, ‘The Idea of Evil and Messianic Deliverance in the Satpanth Ismaili Tradition of South Asia’, in Joseph Laycock and Natasha L Mikles (ed.), Religion, Culture, and the Monstrous: Of Gods and Monsters. Lanham, MD: Lexington... more
The Ismailis are the second largest Shi'i Muslim community with a long and varied history. This reading guide provides a summary of Farhad Daftary's book "A Short History of the Ismailis," including a discussion of historiography and... more
Course Material Prepared for Harvard Divinity School (HDS) Course 3221.4x (“Islam through Its Scriptures”) This article was prepared as introductory educational material for the non-academic reader. The article summarizes some of the... more
This groundbreaking study investigates the early architecture of the Fatimids, an Ismaili Shi‘i Muslim dynasty that dominated the Mediterranean world from the 10th to the 12th century. This period, considered a golden age of multicultural... more
Pir Sabzali (Sabz 'Ali) Ramzanali (d. 1938) grew up in Mumbai. His widowed mother, worried about her teenage son's waywardness, sent him to Gwadar, on the coast of Balochistan, to apprentice with the learned Varas Muhammad Remu. Under the... more
Abstract: The month of Ramadan allows one to practice patience, tolerance and Taqwa. It teaches abstinence from “Munkar”, nourishes the soul through “Maruf”, increases spirituality and will-power, cleanses the heart and brings unity... more
يحتوي اليمن أقليات دينية ومذهبية تبلغ نسبتها 0.5% من أجمالي عدد السكان فقد بقيت إلى جانب المسملين أقلية من اليهود ولكن مع كثرة الانتهاكات والتهجير الذي تعرضوا له على مدى السنوات تقصلت نسبتهم داخل المجتمع حتى كادت هذه الفئة من اليمنيين... more
The Fatimid jurist and author al-Qadi Abu Hanifa al-Nu'man (d. 363/974) served the Fatimids over the reigns of four imams, achieving his greatest prominence under the Imam al-Mu'izz (d. 365/975). While best known for his contributions to... more
Bu çalışmada İsmaili çalışmalarına büyük katkıları olan entelektüel tarihçi Farhad Daftary’ın hayatı ve eserleri ele alınmıştır. Aile geçmişi, eğitim hayatı, yurt dışına gidişi ve dönüşü, İsmaili çalışmalarına başlaması, İsmaili... more
Studying Al Sahifah al-Sajjadiyyah (The Collection of Adiy’ah) of Al Imam Ali Ibn al-Husain Zayn ul-Abideen (as) will elucidate that it contains a summary of the Qur’an and Nabavi ideology explained by the Imam of Ahl al-Bayt (as), in the... more
Përmbajtja/Contents: Fjala jonë/Editorial: 1. Mahdi Golshani "Vlerat dhe çështjet etike në shkencë dhe në teknologji: Një perspektivë muslimane"/ "Values and Ethical Issues in Science and Technology:... more
In this essay I propose to tackle a number of methodological concerns regarding the study of Islamic sectarian movements as agents of religious conversion as well as the evaluation of their long-term relevance and consequences for the... more
Quelles sortes de communautés réunissent les hommes ? Comment sont-elles construites ? Où est l’unité, où est la multiplicité de l’humanité ? Les hommes peuvent former des communautés distinctes, antagonistes, s’opposant violemment. La... more
Tasbih is one of the easiest methods of communication with Rabb Taala Subhanahu. Tasbih spiritually connects Insan with his Lord where he receives blessings of Aalam ul-Ibda (the eternal universe of creation). It is the most acceptable... more