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An editorial accompanying LACLIL Vol. 8 No. 2, this paper reviews the twined history of the journal and the Biennial CLIL Symposia as hubs for the intersection of research and practice in global and local contexts. There is a brief review... more
Instructional time for newcomer English learners necessitates a balanced integration of language and content within the curriculum (Batt, 2008) and that the development of the academic uses of language for newcomer students becomes the... more
An editorial accompanying LACLIL Vol. 8 No. 2, this paper reviews the twined history of the journal and the Biennial CLIL Symposia as hubs for the intersection of research and practice in global and local contexts. There is a brief review... more
This paper investigates the quality of knowledge of technical words that high-school students learned from subject reading. In particular, it focuses on similarities and differences between students who learned new words through their L1... more
The purpose of this study is to open a window onto Italian Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers' language competence and the ways it is currently being assessed by presenting a specific case: one testing session of the... more