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Ryszard Romaniuk, Optoelektronika zintegrowana, Elektronizacja, nr 7-8, 1982; Miesięcznik Stowarzyszenia Elektryków Polskich;
Słowniczek Światłowodowy (pierwsza część)
It is felt by many that faster-than-light particles (tachyons) exist though none has been detected so far. Is it really possible to detect these particles? Some methods are brought up.
The growing maturity of nanofabrication has ushered massive sophisticated optical structures available on a photonic chip. The integration of subwavelength-structured metasurfaces and metamaterials on the canonical building block of... more
Mitul is a PhD candidate in the Nano Biophotonics Lab at the University of Houston (USA) where he is currently working on nano bio-photonics for future clinical applications. His research includes solar energy conversion and photonic... more
The growing maturity of nanofabrication has ushered massive sophisticated optical structures available on a photonic chip. The integration of subwavelength-structured metasurfaces and metamaterials on the canonical building block of... more
Metasurface has found broad applicability in free-space optics, while its potential to tailor guided waves remains barely explored. By synergizing the Jones matrix model with generalized Snell's law under the phase-matching condition, we... more
Graphene has emerged as an ultrafast photonic material for on-chip all-optical modulation. However, its atomic thickness limits its interaction with guided optical modes, which results in a high switching energy per bit or low modulation... more
Multiphoton absorption via ultrafast laser focusing is the only technology that allows a three-dimensional structural modification of transparent materials. However, the magnitude of the refractive index change is rather limited,... more
Wafer scale co-integration of electronic integrated circuits (EICs) and photonic integrated circuits (PICs) using the adhesion bonding technique may enable intimate integration and open up new opportunities for improved performance, power... more
A saturated semiconductor-optical-amplifier exhibited 6.3 dB of phase-sensitive gain using two tunable laser pumps coherently injection-locked from sidebands of a modulated tone, all integrated on a single InP chip.
By using a stable comb as an input reference to an integrated heterodyne optical-phase-locked-loop consisting of a coherent receiver photonic IC with a widely-tunable laser, high-speed feedback electronics, and an RF synthesizer, accurate... more
We designed and demonstrated a power-efficient highly-integrated photonic system, requiring a total power consumption of 1.7 W and producing a spectrally-pure coherent optical signal with a wavelength range of 23 nm in the C-band. The... more
The importance of optical technology is reflected by it being one of Malaysia's Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Strategic Research Areas. Analogous to the silicon chip, the impetus now is to achieve multi functionalities... more
The dependence of erbium-doped fiber amplifier performance on amplifier self-saturation is studied experimentally by tuning the pump wavelength over a 5-nm band centered at 980 nm. Gain and noise figure are degraded at the peak pump... more
Wideband multiwavelength Brillouin-Erbium fiber laser (BEFL) utilizing a linear cavity is presented, highlighting the usage of higher Brillouin and lower erbium doped-fiber pump powers to achieve higher lasing spectral bandwidth. A tuning... more
Metasurface has achieved fruitful results in tailoring optical fields in free space. However, a systematic investigation on applying meta-optics to completely control waveguide modes is still elusive. Here we present a comprehensive... more
A power-efficient and highly-integrated photonic system, producing low phase-noise coherent optical signal with a wavelength range of 23 nm in the C-band, is presented. The system includes novel InP-photonic integrated coherent receiver... more
We design and experimentally demonstrate two chip-scale and agile heterodyne optical phase-locked loops (OPLLs) based on two types of InP-based photonic integrated coherent receiver circuits. The system performance of the first generation... more
... 1x2 Light Splitter for Photonic Integrated Circuits Milan L. Maanovi c, Erik J. Skogen, Jonathon S. Barton1, Joseph Sullivan, Daniel J. Blumenthal. ... Tech. Let. vol.11, 1009-11 (1999). [4] Mikkelsen, B., Durhuus, T„ Joergensen, G,... more
We report on the experimental demonstration of a chip-scale microresonator comb enabled optical frequency synthesizer using an agile and highly-integrated heterodyne optical phase-locked loop with InP-based photonic integrated circuit and... more
In this paper, we propose a simple approach for achieving multiwavelength tunable Brillouin-Erbium fiber lasers utilizing fiber loop mirror technique. The impact of Brillouin gain contributed by the change of single-mode fiber length on... more
Opt ical pulse shaping using phase-sensitive amplification ... William L. Kath Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics Department ... Prem Kumar and Jerome E. Olelcsy Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ...... more
» View Full Text: Acrobat PDF (285 KB) * * Note that full-text PDFs from conferences typically contain 1-3 pages of content, some or all of which might be an abstract, summary, or miscellaneous items. ... » View Full Text: Acrobat PDF... more
Liquid crystal-based integrated optical devices offer the potential for high speed and dynamically tunable optical switches in modern telecommunications networks. Here, electrically tunable devices have major advantages over their thermal... more
We demonstrate a continuous wave tunable fiber optical parametric oscillator in a Fabry-Perot cavity consisting of a 500-m highly nonlinear fiber. In this work, the pump propagates in both directions together with the signal, thus making... more
In this work, we present an alternative approach in which a groove is cut using a polishing saw blade to give a vertical, high optical quality trench. Optical waveguides are then UV written to allow evanescent lateral access of the mode... more
We demonstrate a simplified algorithm to manifest the contribution of amplified spontaneous emission in variable gain-flattened Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA). The detected signal power at the input and output ports of EDFA comprises... more
Wideband multiwavelength Brillouin-Erbium fiber laser (BEFL) utilizing a linear cavity is presented, highlighting the usage of higher Brillouin and lower erbium doped-fiber pump powers to achieve higher lasing spectral bandwidth. A tuning... more
An AlGaAs/GaAs ridge directional coupler electro-optic modulator with a voltage-length (VL) product of only 7.0 V mm (L=3.5 mm, V=2 V) is reported. The low VL product has resulted from the efficient electrode configuration as well as the... more