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Women have been considered a crucial part of the Naxalite movement because the Moaists aim at eliminating not only the class differences but also gender disparity. However one needs to critically look at the struggle to find whether it... more
The Indian Government has repeatedly described Maoist guerillas as the ‘biggest security threat to the country’, and Bastar in central India as the headquarters of the Maoists. This book examines what these labels have meant for some of... more
As the title suggests, this book is about the plight of Adivasis (= Tribals) in the context of current Maoist upheaval in some parts of east-central India, especially some regions of Dandakaranya forests that span across the states of... more
Author: Alpa Shah,
Publisher: HarperCollins,
Price: 699,
Pages: 327
This paper explores the Naxalite insurgency in India in terms of causal mechanisms that lead to the intensification of rural civil conflict by focusing specifically on grievance, mobilisation and government responses to rebellion. Realist... more
This multi-methods thesis presents the hypothesis that revolutionary conflicts in federal democracies have unique characteristics that are distinguishable from other types of civil wars. To test this hypothesis, I examined how India’s... more
Terrorism finance has aptly been termed as the lifeblood of terrorism. Yet, this remains one of the most under researched facets of terrorism. This limitation is even more apparent in the Indian context, despite the fact that the country... more
राज्य-हिंसा पर विचार करने से पहले हम मुख्यरूप से हिंसा की तीन स्थितियों की कल्पना कर राज्य की भूमिका का स्थापन करने का प्रयास करते हैं। पहला, कुछ व्यक्तियों का समूह उनके निवास-स्थल के नजदीक लग रहे परमाणु संयंत्र के खिलाफ शांतिपूर्ण... more
The Naxalite movement, inspired by Mao Tse-tung thought, erupted in India in May 1967 in the form of peasant occupation of landlords' land in the Naxalbari bloc of the West Bengal state. Within months, the influence of the movement spread... more
The CPN, founded in 1949, illustrates perfectly the bonds that tie Nepal to the outside world. The fact that its founders were at first members of the CPI or that the Jhapa Uprising was greatly inspired by the revolution in Naxalbary is... more
"Opposing the neoliberal rhetoric of a shining middle-class India, the Communist Party of India (Maoist) has, since 2004, called for a New Democratic Revolution. Indian Maoists dismiss parliamentary democracy as a sham insofar as it fails... more
A brief introduction to the life and struggles of Vivek, a 19-year old boy killed by Telangana Greyhounds and Chattisgarh police on June 12 in Lankapalli forests of Bijapur district.
India’s remarkable economic development in the last 30 years has earned it the rank of the fastest growing democracy in the world. However, three major issues in the country have threatened its advancement on the international scene, its... more
This chapter seeks to explore changing forms of Maoist mobilization in the plains of northern Telangana from the 1970s onwards. Bringing to view mutually constitutive relations between Maoist mobilization, the state and agrarian change,... more
This article explores the way in which the Indian state and the incipient Maoist state in central India mimic while repudiating each other. As against theories of sovereignty which see it either as authored from below (contract theory)... more
On May 3, 2017, the police picked up Hadiyam Hadma,1 a former village headman and human rights activist, near his village. Initially, the police denied holding him in their custody, forcing his wife to file a writ of habeas corpus in the... more
The Naxalite movement has influenced Indian cinema since the 1970s in different forms and degree. It has also left some valuable imprints on the cinema. A number of films in different languages have been made on themes of Naxalite... more
Hebrew introduction to Partha Chatterjee's classic book, Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World: A Derivative Discourse. Translated by Ruth Ramot and Roni Amir. Ra’anana: Open University of Israel Press, 2021, 9-48 [in Hebrew]. בפתח... more
Maoism has become a challenge for India’s internal security. The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is known as a party organisation for this foremost challenge. Now CPI (Maoist) has estimated 10,000 to 12,000 well-trained cadres which... more
The paper looks at the attempts by relatives of Maoist insurgents in India killed by the police to commerate their dead in the form of obelisk-shaped monuments. This attempt at "historicization" is compared to "official" history's -... more
2014. Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute 20: 337-356 (The Malinowski Memorial Lecture, 2012)
There has been much research on why Maoist conflict occurred, what is the root causes of its persistence, and what could be effective antidote of Maoist violence, but because of multifarious reasons and lack of lucid understanding about... more
This paper tries to understand the transition of Nepali Civil war and Naxalite movement during the time Maoists were entering into mainstream politics in Nepal. What symbols Nepali Maoists and Naxalites attacked. How the Indian... more
Bapaaditya Paul was a news reporter associated with an English news daily at Kolkata, India. Upon knowing about the prime leader and activist behind the Naxalite/Maoist movement in India located in the Naxalbari region of West Bengal... more
Jhadha Ghati attack, cadres of the Communist Party of India­Maoist (CPI­Maoist) killed at least 25 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel and injured another six in an ambush at Kalapattar in the Burkapal area of the Sukma District... more
Maoist Violence is a major problem being faced by the police in several districts of India. While different ways of tackling the problem are being discussed and experimented at various levels in different geographical areas, it seems... more
Ref. Article :…/tech-tonic-for…/article8108144.ece Though there can never be a generalisation when it comes to any society or culture, yet based on my ethnographic film work on Gonds of Bastar and current on going... more
Federations promise to provide autonomous, representative governance that is flexible enough to overcome potential internal conflict resulting from the dual stresses of governing diverse populations and power overreach. India is the... more
An Account of an Encounter that changed the Story Track in a Maoist Affected District of Bihar
The anthropologists and sociologists in India who claim to go deeper into the social and cultural reality of caste, social stratification and peasant society, are found to be equally uninterested in carrying out research on Maoist... more
西藏是一個古老王國,不僅其宗教和神秘性,它的歷史很大程度上遭到中共官方刻意隱蔽。... more
The human race has been brought to a standstill as governments around the world struggle to beat a microscopic peril: COVID-19. And while healthcare systems are overwhelmed by the daily increase in cases, and scientists are working around... more