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In this paper, the author wants to demonstrate that the demise of Pentecostal dispensationalism along with some further contemporary factors are removing the bedrock upon which Pentecostal premillennialism was standing. For this reason,... more
In this MA dissertation, I argue against the ‘latecomer to dispensationalism’ view on the eschatology of early Pentecostals. Following a ‘family resemblance’ method of discussing dispensationalism, I argue that the early Pentecostals may... more
This is my University of Toronto, Toronto School of Theology, Doctoral Dissertation. I am putting it up for a limited period of time. It deals with poppular interpretation of ROmans 7 from the Arminian controversy to tyhe year prior to... more
This study explores common ground and affinities between Christian Orthodoxy and Pentecostalism in theology, spirituality, cosmology, anthropology and the understanding of rites and sacraments. The focus is on the understanding and... more
L’approccio migliore che il lettore può avere nell’accostarsi al libro del pastore Gennaro Chiocca è di spogliarsi di eventuali sovrastrutture mentali che potrebbero ostacolarne la comprensione dei contenuti. La chiave di lettura più... more
Blog post: With his brother, F.F. Bosworth, B.B. Bosworth played a significant role in divine healing revival meetings and Pentecostal church history. Unfortunately, there's little known about his contributions. When he and F.F. died in... more
This theme could be said to cover all aspects of life and Al Tizon’s two articles, which lead off this edition, fit within that framework. However, the application of his two articles merges with the focus of the remaining four articles... more
In the 1920s, Swedish missionaries arrived in Spain, bringing the first Pentecostal experiences to the Iberian Peninsula. Pastors Julia and Martin Wahlsten, founded the first Pentecostal church in the city of Gijon. Other Swedish... more
Socio-Historians of Christianity from within and without white evangelical movements and churches have identified the place of Heterosexuality, family and sexual ethics as one of the central pillars of the Evangelical Church (e.g. Sophie... more
The COVID-19 pandemic created an unprecedented need for innovations in churches around the world. Organizational innovativeness, a precursor of successful innovations in organizational contexts, is rarely studied in churches. This study... more
Oi Christianoi - Sezione moderna e contemporanea, n. 26 ----- L’autore ricostruisce la vicenda dei primi cinquant’anni del movimento pentecostale in Italia dall’arrivo dei primi italiani, migranti di ritorno dagli Stati Uniti, fino alle... more
The COVID-19 pandemic created an unprecedented need for innovations in churches around the world. Organizational innovativeness, a precursor of successful innovations in organizational contexts, is rarely studied in churches. This study... more
This is paper is an introduction to Australian Pentecostalism. It covers its humble beginnings and three phases of growth through the twentieth century. It will cover the highlights of key names and places, specific arms of the... more
Copyright © 2018 by Roscoe Barnes III #FFBosworth This is a snippet of research on Evangelist William Marrion Branham (1909-1965) and the famous “Pillar of Fire” photograph that was taken in Dallas, Texas. This short article... more
In this presidential address, I outline a history of pentecostal/charismatic reception. I explore different ways that pentecostal/charismatic believers have received, appropriated, and used Acts 8 throughout our history. I propose that a... more
Francesco Toppi, Pastor, historian, General Superintendent of Assemblies of God in Italy, (1928-2014)
Une bibliographie d'ouvrages et articles (en français et en anglais) en lien avec le christianisme à Madagascar.
Since 2016 when the government of Uganda announced its intention to enact a policy about regulating religions and faith-based organizations, there have been contrasting responses from those this policy intends to regulate. The mainstream... more
Emmett contributes to missional pentecostal historiography through bringing a pre-eminent figure in early British Pentecostalism into the limelight. He shows how Pentecostalism in Belgian Congo was pioneered by W.F.P. Burton alongside... more
Original full-length response to the Biola Chimes editorial which claimed that Thanksgiving Day originated as a celebration of Puritan genocide of Native Americans
What are the sources of authority for evangelical Christians in their debates and practices? Evangelicals often refer to the Bible, but is is not their sole source. Practical results are also important, as are personal feelings and... more
很多基督徒將│靈恩派」與「福音派」當作對立的兩個陣營來看待,甚至雙方也都會以「你們」和「我們」來區分彼此,其實這是一個錯誤的觀念。正確說起來,應該說「靈恩派」是「福音派」的一份子。「福音派」是指一個包含許多不同宗派的信徒們,他們共同的信念就是基督信仰的核心真理以及聖經無誤論。因此,福音派中包含了在救恩論上各持己見的加爾文派和亞米念派,在末世論中有前千禧年派與無千禧年派,在洗禮方面有贊成浸禮與點水禮的兩種教會。其實在這些共識上,大部分靈恩派教會也都完全贊同,他們只是在對聖靈的恩... more
This article continues the story of the history of Pentecostalism in Tasmania from 1930-1935.
Até aqui não temos falado nada acerca da mais controversa das afirmações pentecostais, a saber, que a prova do batismo com o Espírito é a possessão de certos dons espirituais, especialmente o dom de línguas. O texto é uma tradução de um... more
Introduction In examining the contribution of the seven Sunderland conventions to the development of the Pentecostal movement in Britain, I make a number of assumptions. These assumptions are that the pentecostal movement begins in a... more
PURPOSE • To enable the student to better understand the history, development and fragmentation of the Pentecostal movement in Latin America. • To cause the student to reflect upon the positive and negative contributions that the... more
Defining Moments Is a book of the record of encounters of great revivalists with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. These moments of powerful encounters totally shifted the course of the life of the individuals selected. Johnson... more
In order to have a fruitful understanding of the nature of the Church, the Bible uses a variety of pictures, which when taken together form Church models by which believers live and act by. We have reviewed Church models in three... more
Harry Lindblom of Chicago worked alongside Lewi Pethrus of Stockholm on both sides of the Atlantic and became Pethrus’s preferred interpreter. But who was Harry Lindblom, and how did he become a trusted colleague of Pethrus? In addition... more
General William and Catherine Booth accomplished in practical ways what many social reformers merely dreamed of. They had 'buy-in' from the residents of East London who 'owned' their own spiritual and social revolution. Societal changes... more
Streszczenie: Ruch zielonoświątkowy w Polsce od samego początku nie był jednolity. Jedna z różnic dotyczyła interpretacji chrztu w Duchu Świętym. Czy musi być potwierdzony glosolalią? Czy jest on konieczny do zbawienia, czy tylko dla... more
A review of Dan Barker's tome, godless, how an evangelical pastor abandoned fundamentalist faith and embraced so-called New Atheism. Mr. Barker is now codirector of Freedom From Religion Foundation. Barker's justifiable excoriation of his... more
Evan Roberts is a key historic figure, deeply involved with the remarkable Welsh revival of 1904. This paper analyzes how 10% of the Welsh population became involved in the revival within two years. It also looks at the social impact on... more
The existence of, and previous conversations within, the wider Vineyard Movement (such as those in the Society of Vineyard Scholars), lend an ear to the radical impact of such a body-part on wider ecclesiology. A key attraction of... more
"Trouble Coming for Oswego. The 'Fire Baptized Holiness association' has been organized at Oswego." Thus read the advertisement in the Kansas newspaper, the Baxter Springs News, in 1904. It was not without warrant either. This strange... more
The Protestant pope of evangelical unity, outward facing conversion ethic, and social engagement, John Stott led global evangelicals, most notably through the Lausanne Covenant (1974), during a time of awakening and efforts to mend the... more
In 2013 the Canadian Pentecostal Symposium at SPS focused on the plight of Canadian Pentecostal Conscientious Objectors (CO). As Murray Dempster began to rehearse their struggles as “the ironic, the tragic, and the heroic,” I was moved to... more
John G Lake, founder of the Healing Rooms in Spokane, had 100,000 documented healings within just five years, making Spokane the healthiest city in the nation. This article analyses John G Lake's lasting impact both in North America and... more