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In the course of the 1970s and 1980s, theories derived from neuropsychological research on the bisected brain came rapidly to achieve the status of common sense in the United States and Canada, inflecting all manner of popular and... more
Vincenzo Malacarne, professor of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in Turin, Pavia, and Padua, Italy, represented a perfect example of an eighteenth century Bletterato^, combining interests in humanities, sciences, and politics, embodying... more
An engrossing history of the century that transformed our knowledge of the body’s inner senses The years between 1833 and 1945 fundamentally transformed science’s understanding of the body’s inner senses, revolutionizing fields like... more
At the end of World War I a strange disease appeared first in Europe and then all over the world: the encepha-litis lethargica. Patients that survived infection developed, sometimes immediately, sometimes after many years, a... more
Since the second half of the XXth century, researchers in cybernetics and AI, neural nets and connectionism, Artificial Life and new robotics have endeavoured to build different machines that could simulate functions of living organisms,... more
Ideas about soul and body – about thinking or remembering, mind and life, brain and self – remain both diverse and controversial in our neurocentric age. The history of these ideas is significant both in its own right and to aid our... more
This chapter provides a brief overview of the history of behavioral neurology, dividing it roughly into six eras. In the ancient and classical eras, emphasis is placed on two transitions: firstly, from descriptions of head trauma and... more
This essay review critically surveys the following literature by placing it under the historiographical banner of ‘the history of the brain and mind sciences’: Fernando Vidal and Francisco Ortega, Being Brains: Making the Cerebral Subject... more
Il 24 novembre 1859 usciva a Londra, presso l'editore John Murray, On the origin of species by means of natural selection, di Charles Darwin. Si trattava di un libro inquietante. All'occhio di Darwin le forme viventi, la ricchezza delle... more
Current neurophysiology accepts that sense organs are arranged in bilateral symmetry, whereas asymmetry is dominant in the brain. Symmetry and asymmetry are words of Greek origin (= symmetria and asymmetria), which are frequent in ancient... more
Alessandro Manzoni ebbe una vita funestata da molti disturbi, soprattutto nervosi. Ancora peggiore fu il destino di molti suoi congiunti, aggrediti e falcidiati da varie patologie, in particolare dalla tubercolosi. Al tema della malattia... more
The metallic impregnation invented by Camillo Golgi in 1873 has allowed the visualization of individual neurons in their entirety, leading to a breakthrough in the knowledge on the structure of the nervous system. Professor of Histology... more
Since the discoveries of Camillo Golgi and Ramón y Cajal, the precise cellular organization of the cerebellum has inspired major computational theories, which have then influenced the scientific thought not only on the cerebellar function... more
Vincenzo Malacarne, professor of medicine, surgery, and obstetrics in Turin, Pavia, and Padua, Italy, represented a perfect example of an eighteenth century "letterato", combining interests in humanities, sciences, and politics,... more
This is chapter 3 of 'Philosophy and Memory Traces: Descartes to connectionism' (CUP, 1998). I reinterpret Descartes' 'philosophy of the brain'. Descartes used animal spirits flowing through brain pores in tentatively suggesting a... more
In 1873 Camillo Golgi published an article that contained the description of entire nerve cells stained in black with a new histological procedure, the black reaction. He subsequently orga- nized all the observations made with this method... more
Key words: Bressa, Darwin. Un profilo di Cesare Bressa, medico laureato a Pavia e attivo a lungo negli Stati Uniti. A lui era intestato il "premio Bressa" che ebbe come primo assegnatario Charles Darwin per gli studi di botanica seguito,... more
This chapter provides a brief overview of the history of behavioral neurology, dividing it roughly into six eras. In the ancient and classical eras, emphasis is placed on two transitions: firstly, from descriptions of head trauma and... more
ABSTRACT: This paper employs a case study from the history of neuroscience—brain reward function—to scrutinize the inductive argument for the so-called 'Heuristic Identity Theory' (HIT). The case fails to support HIT, illustrating why... more
In 1873 Camillo Golgi published an article that contained the description of entire nerve cells stained in black with a new histological procedure, the black reaction. He subsequently organized all the observations made with this method... more
Resumen: Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que intenta mostrar los vínculos profesionales y prácticas de algunos de los primeros investigadores que conformaron el campo de las neurociencias en el país. En particular... more
RIASSUNTO L'emergenza sanitaria causata dalla diffusione del Covid-19 nei primi mesi del 2020 ha determinato una sospensione e, in seguito, una riduzione delle attività al pubblico. Durante questi mesi si sono però intensificate le... more
The term 'scientist' was coined to describe Mary Somerville (1780-1872) as her contributions to astronomy commanded recognition of her excellence in science. Up to then, the term 'man of science' had been in use. In fields traditionally... more
See video abstract on YouTube If you cite this, please use OnlineFirst version A recent widely reported study found that some participants would... more
Introducción. El doctor inverosímil es una novela de Ramón Gómez de la Serna (1888-1963) donde seguimos, a través de diversos casos clínicos, las andanzas del doctor Vivar. Objetivo. Presentar y discutir, por primera vez, el influjo que... more
This article juxtaposes two impressions of 'The ingenious gentleman of La Mancha' by Spanish histologist Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1905), one of the greatest minds in neuroanatomy, and by Russian novelist Ivan Turgenev (1860), known among... more
The Camillo Golgi's school of Histology and General Pathology in Pavia played an important role in the development of medical-biological studies in Italy in the period after Unification of the state. Founded around 1880 when Golgi... more