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Blog section, "Materialized Identities. Objects, Affects and Effects in Early Modern Culture. 1450-1750" project website (<>); November 21st, 2016.... more
This essay investigates the role of the glass business in shaping the identity of glassmakers in Renaissance Venice. First, it re-examines the debated issue of secretiveness, highlighting the role played by immigration and emigration, and... more
The drawings and photographs preserved in the Seguso Vetri d'Arte archive at the Giorgio Cini Foundation in Venice allow us to reconstruct the creative process that leads to the generation of glass objects and to analyse it in the light... more
Alle porte di Parigi, a Écouen, l’arte rinascimentale del vetro, da Venezia all’Europa
Recensione alla mostra, CARLO SCARPA. VETRI E DISEGNI 1925-1931
This article analyses the inclusion of Venetian glass pieces and mosaics at four Universal Exhibitions in Paris from 1867 – the first year in which Italy could be represented as a unified country – till 1900, when the annual event... more
Thanks to the contribution of Pentagram Stiftung, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini offers 1 six-month residential scholarship for the purpose of studying 20th-century glass-making art in Venice. The scholarship is worth 6,200 euros (gross sum)... more
Blog section, "Materialized Identities. Objects, Affects and Effects in Early Modern Culture. 1450-1750" project website (<>); July 14th, 2017.... more
Open access book at <> Open access book (high res) <> in Materialized Identities in Early Modern Culture, 1450-1750. Objects, Affects, Effects, (eds.) S.... more
O. SERGI, 54. Coppia di ampolline (scheda), in MUDAS. Conservare la memoria. Le arti nelle collezioni museali, a cura di O. SERGI, Catanzaro, ed. MUDAS, 2014, pp. 158 - 159.
The conference RETHINKING LAYARD 1817-2017 proposes to reconsider the significant role that Austen Henry Layard had in nineteenth-century Europe, on the occasion of the recent bicentenary from his birth. By surveying his multifaceted... more
Thanks to the contribution of Pentagram Stiftung, the Fondazione Giorgio Cini offers one 6-month residential scholarship worth 12,500 euros for the purpose of studying 20th-century glass-making art in Venice. Part of the Stanze del Vetro... more
SOMMARIO Nel 1927 l’edifico settecentesco de l’Hôtel de Massa viene spostato “pierre à pierre” dalla sua originale collocazione sugli Champs-Élysées al numero 38 di rue Faobourg Saint-Jac- ques, nel XV arrondissement, per divenire la sede... more
Pauly&C.-CVM nella storia della vetraria veneziana d’epoca contemporanea: un caso di studio di storia aziendale, in «Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea», 39-3 (2019), URL < >... more
O. SERGI, 53. Reliquiario vitreo di S. Placido (scheda), in MUDAS. Conservare la memoria. Le arti nelle collezioni museali, a cura di O. SERGI, Catanzaro, ed. MUDAS, 2014, pp. 154 - 157.
O. SERGI, Testimonianze di suppellettile liturgica vitrea in un documento del 1601: il «Liber Visitationis Ecclesiarum parrocchialum Cathacensium» di mons. Nicola De Horatijs, in “La conoscenza del vetro in Calabria attraverso le ricerche... more