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In this study I propose a reconsideration of several textual critical aspects of the Lay of Ildebrand, restricted to a comparison among its different editions in the anthology edited by Wilhelm Braune (1st ed. 1875), which has reached the... more
Writing the Barbarian Past examines the presentation of the non-Roman, pre-Christian past in Latin and vernacular historical narratives composed between c.550 and c.1000: the Gothic histories of Jordanes and Isidore of Seville, the... more
La nuova collana "Testi del Medioevo ger-manico" è dedicata a grandi opere redatte nel corso del medioevo nelle molteplici lingue germaniche (ad es. alto-tedesco, norreno, inglese antico e medio): fra di esse si possono contare i celebri... more
Dans cette communication on examine a) le motif du duel entre père et fils dans la chanson populaire néo-grecque de La Lutte de Tsamados avec son Fils (Tὸ Πάλεμα τοῦ Τσαμαδοῦ μὲ τὸν γιό του), aux origines remontant aux cantilènes... more