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Classical Occultism – i.e. Spiritual Tradition – very often rests on imitation of old usages and forgotten rituals – or on texts and images the inner (i.e. esoteric) content of which is recog¬nized only by Initiates. This most typically... more
In: G. Quispel (ed.), De hermetische Gnosis in de loop der eeuwen, Haarlem 20034, 383-394. German translation: ‘Gisbertus Voetius, Hermes Trismegistos und Jakob Boehme, in: G. Quispel (ed.), Die hermetische Gnosis im Lauf der... more
Двинянинов Б. К. Синкретизм в Герметическом корпусе. Проблема отношения дуалистического и оптимистического гнозиса. 2009 Реферативная, но во многом актуальная работа по интерпретации Герметического корпуса и книг Высокого герметизма.... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Книга немецкого историка и культуролога Флориана Эбелинга является примером научного, но при этом и доступного непосвященному в тему читателю введения в историю... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
PDF della pubblicazione, a cura di Bianca Maria Tordini Portogalli, de"Ermete Trismegisto, Corpo Ermetico e Asclepio, Milano, 1997
Timeless awareness is the essence of Dzogchen. Time experienced within timeless awareness is also an expression of the essence of Dzogchen. Dzogchen is an ancient form of Tibetan mystic humanism. Dzogchen makes the essential distinction... more
In the summer of 2013 at the Tibetan Center in Poolesville, Maryland the great Lama YangThang Rinpoche gave instruction on the practice of the great compassion, or as he described the practice, as being the practice of Absolute... more
ТОЛЬКО ОЗНАКОМИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ФРАГМЕНТ, электронная версия не распространяется. Кевин ван Бладел. Арабский Гермес: от языческого мудреца до пророка науки / Пер. с англ. и араб. В. А. Розова и М. М. Хасанова; науч. ред. В. А. Розова; науч.... more
Donald Winnicott's radical existential psychoanalytic understanding of transitional awareness and transitional relatedness is an amazing and little used doorway for today's psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. In today's cognitive clinical... more
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
This inquiry researches the until this day unexplored subject of Western esoteric scrying practices within the context of Media Studies. This study is the first of its kind; an exciting combination of the highly neglected field of Western... more
Indice del saggio: Conoscersi e trasfigurarsi; Il mito valentiniano; Il mondo degli gnostici: attrito e liberazione.
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Der klassische Okkultismus – d.h. Spirituelle Tradition – beruht oft auf Imitation althergebrachten Verhaltens, oft auf Texten und Bildern, deren innerer Gehalt nur Eingeweihten erkennbar ist. Dies ist besonders typisch für alte Heilige... more
Герметизм – в широком смысле этого понятия – вся эзотерическая традиция Запада с древности до наших дней, включающая в себя мистическую философию, алхимию, астрологию, мантику, сакральную медицину, теургию и тп. Герметизм - в более узком... more
La Fraternidad Rosicruciana Antiqua de Venezuela alberga en su seno la antigua Iglesia Gnóstica Tradición Maestro Huiracocha. Comparte el mismo linaje apostólico cristiano con otras iglesias que se declaran sucesoras de antiguas iglesias... more
Das System der Aeonologie der Basilidianer und Valentinianer, gemäß der Darstellung des Hypolitos (170-235 a.D),  mit einem graphischen Schema verdeutlicht
One Knower: Different Modes of Knowing In all philosophical and psychological traditions knowing has many different meanings. In Tibetan Buddhism there is nondual Dzogchen and in Hinduism there is nondual Kashmir Shaivism. In both these... more
For much of my personal and professional life I have had an enduring interest in the distinction between mind and awareness. As my education unfolded over these many years, I have been happy to recognize that this distinction between mind... more
Axis Mundi ( ha rappresentato per anni un punto di riferimento sapienziale di rara profondità. Gli invisibili autori, completato il ciclo di sviluppo, hanno silenziosamente chiuso il sito. Accettando solamente,... more
Vintilă Horia ia distanță de esteticile imanentiste care domină «l’ère du soupçon» și «l’école du regard». „Trilogia exilului" este o alternativă la ceea ce confrații francezi din deceniul al șaselea numesc „roman experimental”, deturnând... more
Il saggio è una delineazione del profilo della gnosi volta a chiarire il suo valore trasfigurante, redentivo e libertario, nonché i punti di contatto e divergenza con esperienze contemporanee come l'esistenzialismo e il nichilismo. Il... more
Theological philosophers—including pagans—have observed the “special” nature of humans but have been vague as to the reasons or justification for this human specialty. Our hypothesis is that “Only human transformation of cosmic EM... more
Apoderarse del carbunclo rojo para llega a Dios, decían los alquimistas. Ser desorientado no es difícil: vicios, placeres…muerte. Cuando uno es dueño de si mismo, ya se puede decir gobernante. Transformar la simiente en luz y fuego, ese... more
L'Apocrifo di Giovanni. Lo gnosticismo, il mito e la metafisica. Tipheret, Acireale 2018. --- Cristianesimo e Gnosticismo, vangeli e libri segreti, fede rivelata e conoscenza esoterica. L’Apocrifo di Giovanni è uno dei più importanti... more
The felt sense of whoness is not a me-ness…me is self-fixation and in fact the sense of whoness can free us from objectified self-fixation. The sense of me often replaces the sense of who. When the experiential nonconceptual felt sense of... more
Hyle Pracetas ,  γνῶθι σεαυτόν,  nosce te ipsum, conosci te stesso.
Inhaltsverzeichnis zu "Okkultsymbolik und Machtpolitik. Verschwörungstheorie, Kabbala und Physiognomik"
Being within awareness as awareness and being with another who is within awareness is a most powerful skillful means to bring forth awareness within one's self and within each other. Two awarenesses are better than one, just as self... more
This paper aims to compare Hermetic literature and Egyptian possible sources. It will present Egyptian equivalent models for some of the Greek philosophical concepts - Nous, Logos and gnosis - present in the Hermetica. Here the Hermetica... more
All’interno del progetto «La Rete della Vita» incontriamo il Prof. Albrile, noto storico e antropologo delle religioni che nel corso delle sue ricerche si è occupato in particolare delle interazioni fra mondo iranico ed ellenismo... more