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I describe both the German Aristotelian revival and the Anglo-Saxon virtue-ethics approach and argue that there are some reasons why the Grotian dismissal of Aristotelian practical rationality had finally to be overcome. I suggest that... more
Resumo Uma reflexão crítica sobre os caminhos e descaminhos das tecnologias contemporâneas se impõe com cada vez mais força na atualidade. Não se pode mais falar das dimensões "social" e "política" apenas se referindo à interação... more
Retracing the steps of London's history through the lenses and medium of its body of waters - this paper investigate the roles of waterways, canals and docklands as essential aspects of the making for the city we know now. Through... more
O presente trabalho parte das políticas de humanização e seu debate acadêmico para refletir sobre a violência institucional na saúde. Tendo por base pesquisa sobre as publicações científicas na Saúde Coletiva, constata-se que nesse debate... more
Resumo: Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) é conhecida como sendo uma pensadora da política. Nesse sentido, pode-se questionar no que ela poderia contribuir para a reflexão em outras áreas, por exemplo, a jurídica, posto que ela não teorizou... more
New technologies in communications and networking have shaped the way political movements can be mobilised and coordinated in important ways. Recent uprisings have shown dramatically how a people can communicate its cause effectively... more
The author analyzes and draws some implications of the conceptions of the revolution in Arendt and Sartre. The text outlines some data to highlight how both thinkers are based on similar philosophical sources, particularly phenomenology... more
O filósofo germano coreano Byung-Chul Han reclama de nossa vida atual. Ele diz que propagamos a ideia de diferença, mas que esta nada é senão uma faceta da igualdade. Somos todos diferentes, mas iguais nessa diferença. Nenhum de nós, ele... more
Jest to recenzja z książki Romualda Piekarskiego, "Makiawelizm, patologia ducha, sacrum i polityka. Eseje z filozofii politycznej" (Sopot 2016, ss. 353)
To what extent can inherited traditions of political thought accommodate or enable the identification and assessment of contemporary animal politics? Activism around animal issues is... more
In een opiniestuk pleit Patrick Loobuyck ervoor dat hij zonder schaamte wil vliegen in tijden van klimaatcrisis. Te vaak, aldus de auteur, verzakken ecologische discussies in moreel vingerwijzen en het aanpraten van een slecht geweten.... more
The Exceptional State is an exercise in comparative politics. The course is intended to clarify the meaning and uniquely political form of (some) modern societies. To this end, we contrast two exceptional state forms, namely... more
The Hobbesian social contract is effectively a repudiation of politics. And the story of humanity that it tells is that of alienation. The multitude left politics behind in the state of nature, demarcating it as the power and domain of... more
Programa de curso "Violencia y política".
Segundo semestre 2015. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, sede Viña del Mar.
Etienne Balibar se réfère à l’idée arendtienne de la citoyenneté pour montrer que la démocratie se construit nécessairement au travers d’une aporie. D’une part, la démocratie évoque l’idéal isonomique de l’égalité pour fonder la... more
This paper examines a field ridden with palpable and tangible silence: migrant inclusion within the Maltese post-secondary educational system. Focusing on the theme of difference and otherness, this paper studies whether inclusive... more
The notion of post-truth politics has been insufficiently conceptualized, leaving its empirical viability questionable. As a response to this uncertainty, I seek to elaborate a concept of post-truth politics by comparing facts to public... more
Guided by the hopeful possibilities of birth, breath and beginning that Hannah Arendt and Luce Irigaray variously articulate, this paper examines the lullaby as an expressive form that emerges (in a variety of contexts as distinct as... more
Resumo: Este artigo discute, a partir da obra de Hannah Arendt, a produção contemporânea de Fake news nas mídias sociais. O artigo mostra como a obra de Arendt traz questões de pesquisa relevantes para compreensão das fake news enquanto... more
The concept of public space has a long history and very different meanings. In particular, the conceptions of political theory and philosophy differ from those heralded by urban planners and sociologists, fueling some confusion about the... more
Perhaps the most often criticized element of Hannah Arendt's political theory is her insistence on the necessity of constructing and maintaining rigid boundaries between various activities of the human condition. Less often, however, is... more
This is a Last Lecture. Since I teach political theory, that means you are going to get a lecture in political theory. Hopefully, I can make it mostly painless. That it is a last lecture suggests that I am to frame the lecture as if it... more
Çeviren: Murat Erşen Fransız Felsefesi'nin doruklarından Jacques Derrida'dan bağışlamak, bağışlanamaz olan ve zaman aşımına uğramayan üzerine ufuk açıcı bir seminer. Affetmek, bağışlamak, af dilemek çağında; zaman aşımına uğramayan ve... more
É possível obter um conceito de Autoridade que esclareça como autoridade e poder interagem no Direito? O problema se justifica na necessidade de categorias para avaliar fenômenos jurídicos e políticos. Utilizamos da obra de Hannah Arendt... more
Chociaż termin "totalitaryzm" jest przedmiotem wieloletniej debaty akade-mickiej, w której niejednokrotnie był dyskredytowany, w krajach postsocjali-stycznych, które miały w pewnym okresie cierpieć pod tegoż "totalitaryzmu" jarzmem, wciąż... more
In this paper I examine how Hobbes’ philosophy can be read from an Arendtian perspective. I argue that Arendt provided two different interpretations of Hobbes: one set down in The Origins of Totalitarianism, where Hobbes is depicted as... more
La cuestión del método no ha constituido un tópico central en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt. Sin embargo, a través de las respuestas a las críticas que suscitaron sus trabajos, es posible delinear una perspectiva metodológica peculiar... more
Der Wiener Philosoph und Politiktheoretiker Oliver Marchart legt mit »Conflictual Aesthetics – Artistic Activism and the Public Sphere« ein ergiebiges Konfliktkunstkonzept vor. Diese Ästhetik gilt nicht dem Schönen, Sinnlichen oder... more
I will consider some of the ethical and political implications of Husserl’s observation that the earth is not perceivable in its wholeness by any person or by any human perspective. I turn to the first photographs of the earth from space... more