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Originally linked to the military associations of the Middle Ages, the Islamic tradition of futuwwa was with time inherited by artisanship associations. The Anatolian Akhis of the 14th century represent an important link in the evolution... more
This presentation aims to compare two great traditions of self-cultivation in Japanese and Islamic culture. Various studies had showed that ethical values of a certain tradition are often linked with others'. Each is unique in its own... more
Although by its title, this book seems to be about a specialized topic, the spread of Mithraic societies and its avatars, in time and geographical expanse, much enhances its relevancy. From Roman legionaries to chivalry orders, from... more
Traduction annotée d'Ibn Taymiyya, “Majmû‘ al-fatâwâ”, t. XI, p. 85-102: Fetwa sur la futuwwa, avec une introduction historique et une bibliographie proposant un choix d'œuvres témoins et d'études.
La sacralité que l‘islam reconnaît à la langue arabe a poussé les auteurs mystiques à développer une attention particulière au langage et à ses éléments constitutifs. Si donc la reconnaissance du caractère sacrale du langage a été d‘un... more
يوِّثق أحمد أمين في هذا الكتاب كلمتي «الفتوةِ» و«الصعلكة» توثيقًا لغويًا وتاريخيًا يوضح فيه تغيُّر المدلولات اللفظية لهاتين الكلمتين عبر الزمن؛ حيث استهل حديثه عنهما بالعصر الجاهلي وصدر الإسلام، مرورًا بالعصر الأموي والعباسي، وانتهاءً... more
Study and edition of the legendary maghâzî tale of al-Miqdâd trying to marry his she cousin al-Mayyâsa, in a Spanish aljamiado translation.
Chapter from Lloyd Ridgeon (ed.) Javanmardi. The Ethics and Practice of Persianate Perfection. Bips, Gingko, 2018. This chapter pays attention to several questions about javanmardi, the world of the zurkhaneh and its link with Sufism.... more
Following a theoretical framework that relies on the concept of the construction of collective identities through heroes, this paper demonstrates that the concept of javanmardi is a focal point in creating a hegemonic modern Iranian... more
ʿAli Akbar Khatāyi's Khatāynāmeh (Book of China), a detailed description of state and society in Ming China written in 922/1516, includes citations from the Kanz al-Haqāyeq (attributed to Mahmud Shabestari) and ʿAttār's Elāhināmeh. By... more
By exploring the hegemonic implications of the Jesuits’ presence in Iraq, this paper examines the geopolitics of desire and cultural dominance that schools may exercise as a representation of institutional power. The Jesuit endeavour in... more
This article compares the contents of a 17th century futuwwa statute of Bosnian tanners with those of a similar document found in Albania, and assesses what implications these two documents together, and the similarities between them,... more
Please download from: Abstract: While Sufi writings have largely depicted futuwwa as the selfless virtue of upright young men, there has been, throughout Islam's... more
Traduction annotée d'un court texte d’Ibn Taymiyya sur l'usage de l'arc à jalet (qaws al-bunduq) et le milieu peu recommandable de ses adeptes, qu'il compare à ceux qui fréquentent les salles de lutte (qâ‘ât al-‘ilâj) ; voir Ibn Taymiyya,... more
In Dervishes and Islam in Bosnia, Ines Aščerić-Todd explores the involvement of Sufi orders in the formation of Muslim society in the first two centuries of Ottoman rule in Bosnia (15th - 16th centuries C.E.). Using a wide range of... more
This is a short editorial introduction to the Journal of Islamic Ethics' special issue on virtue and manliness. Please access here: The entire issue is open access. You can read... more
This article provides an overview of the fotovvat tradition in Bosnia, developed following the country’s conquest by the Ottomans in the 15th century and its subsequent incorporation into the Ottoman domain as the Western-most European... more
Ortaçağda Irak coğrafyasında fütüvvet anlayışı Abbasi Hilafetiyle başlamış, Selçuklu hâkimiyeti sayesinde gelişmiş ve Kerkük- Musul havalisinde yaşayan Türkmen halkın kültürüyle bütünleşerek, Ahi teşkilatının özünü oluşturmuştur.... more
Abstract: The ideals of manhood have been celebrated in all cultures through interesting stories of adventure, warfare, and love. The concept of Sahibqiran as an ideal king and world conqueror remained ingrained in the consciousness of... more
Cultural exchange is a constant process governed by no fixed rules, working independently of the will of the societies involved. It is difficult to grasp all the give and take between distant or even neighboring traditions because of the... more
Concepiti inizialmente come testi per conferenze e convegni, i tre saggi che compongono «La Testa e la spada» raccolgono non soltanto la storie e le vicende note dell’Ordine dell’Ospedale di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme, ma anche risvolti... more