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This experiment tested whether a communication frame could be developed to improve undergraduates' understanding of contemporary political issues. Specifically, a meta-cognitive equivalency frame (easy vs. difficult) was designed to test... more
Framing studies remain a powerful line of research in political communication. However, in recent years, coinciding with the emergence of social media, theoretical and operational advances have been detected, as well as a significant... more
Denial of responsibility as a mode of dissonance reduction and the conditions under which it is likely to occur were explored in 3 experiments. Two experiments tested and supported the hypothesis that following a counterattitudinal... more
In the Theory of Rational Decision Making the psychological aspects are set aside. This contribution seeks to point out the relevance of psychology into economic decisions. The essay treats the \framing of decisions", which is a pillar of... more
Grâce à l’émergence du gros plan, le visage a trouvé au cinéma un pouvoir expressif inédit, un lieu d’expérimentation et de représentation privilégié. Le cinéma classique, dont l’échelle de plans et les codes narratifs sont entièrement... more
Investigating the reliability of moral intuitions is not only one of the hot topics in moral psychology but also of high importance for philosophical questions. In a recent study, the influence of framing on people's intuitions about the... more
With complete information, choice of one option over another conveys prefer-ence. Yet when search is incomplete, this is not necessarily the case. It may in-stead reflect unawareness that a superior alternative was available. To separate... more
The way choices are framed influences decision-making. These " framing effects " emerge through the integration of emotional responses into decision-making under uncertainty. It was previously reported that susceptibility to the framing... more
I address Sinnott-Armstrong's argument that evidence of framing effects in moral psychology shows that moral intuitions are unreliable and therefore not noninferentially justified. I begin by discussing what it is to be epistemically... more
BOOK REVIEW, José Luis Bermúdez, FRAME IT AGAIN: NEW TOOLS FOR RATIONAL DECISION-MAKING, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. x + 330, ISBN-13: 978-1107192935, ISBN-10: 1107192935, Hardcover $18.22, e-book $15.49
I present a possible worlds semantics for a hyperintensional belief revision operator, which reduces the logical idealization of cognitive agents affecting similar operators in doxastic and epistemic logics, as well as in standard AGM... more
This paper explored how frames influence people’s evaluation of others’ probabilistic predictions in light of the outcomes of binary events. Most probabilistic predictions (e.g., “there is a 75% chance that Denver will win the Super... more
Metaphors are an integral part of human communication and interlocutors seem to use them unconsciously to refer to various ideas, objects and issues in life. Research has shown that we refer to these domains with metaphors because we... more
This review synthesizes the existing literature on cognitive media effects, including agenda setting, framing, and priming, in order to identify their similarities, differences, and inherent commonalities. Based on this review, we argue... more
It is becoming increasingly evident that current patterns of consumption are not sustainable in the long term. Clearly, the need to persuade consumers to adopt more sustainable lifestyles has never been more urgent. Tbe present research... more
In a recent article in Argumentation, O’Keefe (Argumentation 21:151–163, 2007) observed that the well-known ‘framing effects’ in the social psychological literature on persuasion are akin to traditional fallacies of argumentation and... more
Framing refers to the deliberate transformation and reconfiguration of human relations through forms of communication that go beyond the transmission of information between sender and receiver. The concept of framing is used to analyze... more
Divergence levels of engagement, understanding and pro-environmental acting very widely. Several streams of research taking interest environmental psychology, studying relations between attitudes and pro-environmental behaviors, have... more
Desde que la teoría del framing se incorporó a los estudios de la comunicación, su utilización por parte de los investigadores se ha incrementado de forma constante, tanto para estudiar la presencia de los encuadres dentro del proceso... more
Geleneksel İktisat ana varsayımının tersine bireylerin her koşulda rasyonel olmadığı, bilişsel önyargılar nedeniyle tercihlerin değişkenlik gösterdiği birçok çalışma ile kanıtlanmıştır. Bu kanıtlardan biri olan Çerçeveleme Etkisi,... more
The public receives a great deal of its public health information from the media, which has the ability to deliver such information and to affect public perceptions about issues. The study presented here examines the media’s mediating... more
Frames-discursive structures that make dimensions of a situation more or less salient-are understood to influence how people understand novel technologies. As technological agents are increasingly integrated into society, it becomes... more
La bibliografía internacional ha permitido determinar la influencia de los medios de comunicación en la generación de actitudes y comportamientos políticos de los ciudadanos, a partir de su cobertura de la política y en particular del... more
Studies of framing effects have found that individuals are more likely to be risk-averse when scenarios are presented as gain-frames but are more likely to be risk-seeking when mathematically equivalent scenarios are presented as... more
Using a risky-choice framing paradigm, we investigated (a) the extent to which psychopathic features shape behavioral responses to potential losses vs. potential gains and (b) how these relations bear on real-world economic... more
The framing effect has far-reaching implications for our understanding of social psychology and intergroup behavior. In recent decades, the effect garnered considerable attention in the fields of psychology, political science, and... more
For decades, the framing effect has been a popular research topic in social psychology. A persuasive system could act in shaping the user behaviour towards sustainability, and thereby play a key role in social change. In this respect,... more
Aims of the study. Previous research has shown that message persuasive- ness can depend on message framing. Through an experimental study, we in- vestigated the effects of messages promoting vegetable consumption on recipi- ents with... more
Full paper available open access: Human judgements are affected by the words in which information is presented —or ‘framed’. According to the standard gloss, ‘framing effects’ reveal... more