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We consider the numerical solution of the Bagley-Torvik equation Ay?(t) + BD*3/2y(t) + Cy(t) = f(t), as a prototype fractional differential equation with two derivatives. Approximate solutions have recently been proposed in the book and... more
We model the transport of fluid through porous media in terms of fractional diffusion equation (FDE) for the pressure (,) p x t. Potential application could be to shale gas recovery in tight porous media. Specifically, we pose the time... more
In recent years, the application of fractional calculus in physics, continuum mechanics, signal processing, and electromagnetics, with few examples of applications in bioengineering are high lighted in the literature. The methods of... more
The purpose of this paper is to study the Sumudu Transform of Prefunctions.It is shown that the Pretrigonometric, Prehyperbolic and extended Prefunctions are the solutions of first order, second order and third order non homogeneous... more