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Stéphane Dugowson, quand nous allons de son cours de Catégories pour philosophes à son interview d’Olivia Caramello avec Anatole Khélif, nous fait accomplir un parcours ascendant parmi les termes transcendentaux présélectionnés par... more
Aracne Editrice, via Raffaele Garofalo 133/A-B – 00173 Roma (Italy) (2014)
ISBN 978-88-548-7108-3
17 x 24 cm, 344 pp.
Mostramos como tanto el teorema de Gödel como las paradojas del mentiroso se deben, no solo a autoalusión, sino al cumplimiento de tres condiciones (denominadas “Islas Gödelianas”). Así mismo señalamos que pueden recibir un tratamiento... more
O objetivo deste minicurso é despertar no aluno a inquirição: o que é a Matemática? Sendo que o intuito é fazer o aluno compreender de uma maneira global ao que se refere o termo e os diversos conceitos, assim como apresentar as... more
A reproduction of Cantor's diagonal argument based on Hilbert's hotel analogy and using an infinitely accelerated butler and bus, leads to a paradoxical result.
This book discusses the problem of mathematical knowledge, and its broader philosophical ramifications. It argues that the challenge to explain the (defeasible) justification of our mathematical beliefs (‘the justificatory challenge’),... more
In this article, we discuss a simple argument that modal metaphysics is misconceived, and responses to it. Unlike Quine’s, this argument begins with the banal observation that there are different candidate interpretations of the... more
Two new versions of the Ross-Littlewood paradox: "The banker" and the "Polygon Sequences" lead us to paradoxical situations that cannot be solved with the current set theory.
In this dissertation I approach the philosophy of mathematics and its foundations from the point of view of modern cognitive science. The first, introductory part, considers a cognitive foundations program, in general philosophical terms.... more
В статье рассматривается краткая история развития теории множеств как оснований математики и краткая история становления теории типов. Приводится подробное сравнение теории множеств и теории типов, демонстрируются проблемы теории... more
Introduced several new axiomatic systems, that are not less general than group theory, and discovered discontinuous analysis. In this work I introduce and study in details the concepts of funcoids which generalize proximity spaces and... more
O que é a Matemática? Esta é a inquirição que pretendemos abordar. A Matemática poderia ser conceituada como técnica, arte; filosofia ou ciência. Complementando com a descrição sucinta das diversas áreas da Matemática pura, da aplicada, e... more
Idea: Series of Mathematical Categories that may serve as the Foundation for Mathematics arranged according to the order of the Philosophical Principles.
Aracne Editrice, via Raffaele Garofalo 133/A-B – 00173 Roma (Italy) (2013)
ISBN 978-88-548-6040-7
17 x 24 cm, 108 pp.
In this survey, a recent computational methodology paying a special attention to the separation of mathematical objects from numeral systems involved in their representation is described. It has been introduced with the intention to allow... more
In Mathematical Thought and Its Objects, Charles Parsons argues that our knowledge of the iterability of functions on the natural numbers and of the validity of complete induction is not intuitive knowledge; Brouwer disagrees on both... more
The present paper is devoted to several major changes in how the foundations of mathematics are understood – changes that have been taking place in the post-Gödelian intellectual landscape. The foundationalist and speculative approaches... more
Статья посвящена исследованию возможностей применения абдуктивных рассуждений в рамках философии математики для выбора наилучшей теории в области оснований математики. Рассматриваются понятие простоты математического доказательства и... more
Рассматривается теоретико-типовое понятие доказательства корректности компьютерных программ. Исследуются особенности этого понятия, а также ряд связанных с ним теоретико-познавательных проблем. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме... more
What are the Elements about? What was Euclid trying to accomplish? Why did Euclid use diagrams? Did Euclid produce any constructions at all in the Elements? Does the word axiom or postulate appear anywhere in the Elements? Does the word... more
Статья посвящена рассмотрению текущего состояния конструктивистского и структуралистского направлений в философии математики. Обосновывается взаимосвязь указанных направлений в рамках теоретико-типового подхода к основаниям математики... more
Рассматривается понятие математического доказательства в связи с применением компьютеров в математике. Исследуются особенности этого понятия, а также связанных эпистемологических проблем. Особое внимание уделяется проблеме обо- зримости... more
Numerous problems arising in engineering applications can have several objectives to be satisfied. An important class of problems of this kind is lexicographic multi-objective problems where the first objective is incomparably more... more
In her essay Math Matters, Sabine Hossenfelder claims that results in the foundations of mathematics are irrelevant for physics, because physics is science, not mathematics. Her argument is based on the possibility of making a distinction... more
The paper explores Hermann Weyl's turn to intuitionism through a philosophical prism of normative framework transitions. It focuses on three central themes that occupied Weyl's thought: the notion of the continuum, logical existence, and... more
A very simple question is posed: Employing a ball-and-stick modelling system, and given a supply of the component balls and rods, then, treating it as a gedanken experiment, what is the most simple structure that it is possible to... more
Abstract Frank Thomas Sautter: In this paper Chateaubriand's approach to solve some problems related to the nature of logic is confronted with the traditional approaches. It is shown that his hierarchy of logical types opens up new... more
advocates interdisciplinary work on foundations of mathematics, and presents an elementary derivation of Heron's area formula as a case study of mathematical heuristic
В последние десятилетия в математике особую остроту приобрели эпистемологические проблемы, связанные со слишком большой длиной доказательства важных математических результатов, а также с большим и постоянно возрастающим количеством... more
It will be shown in this contribution that the Received View on Zeno’s paradoxical arguments is untenable. Upon a close analysis of the Greek sources, it is possible to do justice to Simplicius’s widely neglected testimony, where he... more
The author offers a solution to the problem of universal characteristic posed by G.W.Leibniz. The triune formula of proportion sets the Rule of physical sense for the creation of any universally valid scientific statements. The universal... more
Using fundamental relationships in mathematics such as necessary conditions to root out fundamental relationships in mathematics such as foundations of set theory.
Una breve introduzione alle più importanti tematiche in filosofia della matematica.
Mostramos como enfrentarnos a intervalos  en los que ambos extremos tienden a infinito.
Resolvemos usando nuestra noción del infinito las paradojas del Banquero y de la sucesión de polígonos.
Editor: Aracne Editrice, via Raffaele Garofalo 133/A-B – 00173 Roma (Italy) (2013)
ISBN 978-88-548-5889-3
17 x 24 cm, 214 pp.
In Mathematical Thought and Its Objects, Charles Parsons argues that our knowledge of the iterability of functions on the natural numbers and of the validity of complete induction is not intuitive knowledge ; Brouwer disagrees on both... more
Mostramos como el Argumento Conjuntista de Cantor, se basa en una concepción epistemológica errónea. Esta concepción que produce paradojas (como las que analizamos en otro artículo del banquero o de la sucesión de polígonos) es refutable... more
The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is freely available in Inquiry, ‘Open texture’ is the property of concepts or terms that they are not... more