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Una fuente de inteligencia que participa directamente en las indagaciones reveló que los primeros indicios establecen que existe un alto porcentaje de participación de policías en esta red de criminalidad organizada. Este hecho cobra... more
Technology is constantly evolving, and cybercrime has become one of the best tools for criminal organizations to earn a living and make millions of euros. Cybercrime has become a lucrative, profitable business and the use of money mules... more
This This paper attempts to reconstruct and achieve learning from the mega financial crime that occurred at Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) during the global crisis and juxtapose it with fraudulent practices from a global perspective with the... more
An overview of cutting-edge trends and perspectives concerning the application of data analytics to fraud and financial crime detection and mitigation to combat banking fraud and financial crime.
Financial crime is a problem of global concern. It is a major concern to developing nations of the world and Cameroon in particular. It is so endemic that financial crimes and corruption are gradually becoming a normal way of life in... more
El presente trabajo expone que, el estado de emergencia mundial causado por la aparición del COVID-19 ha sido el escenario utilizado por grupos organizados trasnacionales para maximizar sus ganancias ilícitas. Si bien, en ese tiempo se... more
Reviews Sri Lanka’s long past encounters with terrorism, including the suicide bombing of 1996 which killed thousands and left the economy in a shambles. Outlines the Sri Lankan Code of Criminal Procedure, concluding that it falls far... more
The ever-increasing incidence of fraud has raised concerns about the kind of accounting education provided to students all over the world. The importance of forensic accounting as a discipline aimed at helping organizations to detect and... more
The effect of money laundering in frustrating legitimate business, and in corrupting the financial and socio political system should not be taken for granted. It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to examine the economic... more
The Study analysed the problems of Forensic Accounting (FA) practice in Nigeria, appraised the perception of DMBs' staff on what fraud portends for the Nigerian Banking Industry and their future, and examined the effect of FA on Fraud... more
The text summarises theoretical legal researches on the compliance norms produced by international corporations and is based on examples from the banking sector. The methodology applied during the researches combined a critical analysis... more
Poslovne knjige, odnosno finansijski izveštaji, kao krajnji produkt računovodstva poslovnih subjekata, imaju za cilj da njihovim korisnicima pruže pouzdan informacioni izvor o ekonomskim resursima, finansijskom položaju, rezultatu... more
This is a proof copy of an article published in the Journal of Financial Crime Vol. 10 No. 4 dealing with the question of how to make crime unprofitable by blocking the process of converting the profits of crime to what looks like... more
This paper attempts to reconstruct and achieve learning from the mega financial crime that occurred at Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) during the global crisis and juxtapose it with fraudulent practices from a global perspective with the aim to... more
Az etnikai gyűlölet, az antiszemitizmus és az emberkereskedelem a dehumanizáció virágai, legszörnyűbb gyümölcse pedig a holokauszt volt. Dolgozatomban arra vállalkozom, hogy rövid elméleti összegzést adjak a totalitárius rendszer... more
Estimates for the ransom payments of sea piracy off the coast of Somalia ranges between USD $5.7 and USD $ 6.1 Billion in 2012, a 14% reduction from the previous year and also as a probable result of the investment into risk mitigation,... more
This article presents a novel approach for detecting fraudulent behaviors from automated teller machine (ATM) usage data by analyzing geo-behavioral habits of the customers and describe the use of a fuzzy rule-based system capable of... more
Edited by: Colin King and Clive Walker Adopting a multi-disciplinary and comparative approach, this book focuses on the emerging and innovative aspects of attempts to target the accumulated assets of those engaged in criminal and... more
Original link: January 2021. Dr. Remy Davison, Jean Monnet Chair in Politics & Economics, Monash University. Overview: Foreign direct investment... more
An empirical test to demonstrate that the bank accounting auditing problem is widespread also in the forensic accounting "circle". A major Journal on Forensic Auditing refused a paper about an important emerging accounting problem in... more
Summary In the last few years, one of the current economic topics about we can read in the media is import and trade of base oils on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, which is partly connected with frauds in terms of payment of... more
Not really. In retrospect, as far as money laundering goes, September 11 may be perceived as a watershed as important as the precipitous collapse of communism in 1989. Both events have forever altered the patterns of the global flows of... more
The unbridled pillaging of Nigeria's crude oil by a network of collaborators precipitates loss of $8 billion annually to oil theft. This paper examines the dynamics, intricate nexus, modus operandi and actors involved in oil theft.... more
Organized by Link Campus University in collaboration with the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, the Winter School on Terrorism Financing Identification and Prevention provides a clear understanding of how... more
Ovaj rad im za cilj da ukaže na strukturu forenzičkih nauka, zbog edukaciono-didaktičkih razloga, odnosno izrade adekvatnih nastavnih planova i programa na visokoškolskim institucijama na kojima se izučavaju forenzičke nauke. Takođe, rad... more
Artikel ini mengelaborasi peran media sosial sebagai saluran whistleblowing yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi praktik kecurangan (fraud). Meningkatnya penggunaan media sosial di berbagai aktivitas kehidupan membuat media sosial beralih... more
In the context of Peru standing as a one of the more solid emerging economies of Latin America, Peruvian Criminal Justice also increased its focus on tackling economic crime as well as improving the prosecution of organized crime that has... more
— The Panama Papers is a collection of 11.5 million leaked records that contain information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. This collection is growing rapidly as more leaked records become available online. In this paper, we... more
The Magnitsky Acts of the US and UK are now being considered by the Council of the European Union. A tool in fighting human rights abuses and corruption , they also need to be accompanied by sustained work against the flow of criminal... more