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Consumers around the globe are now more aware of the relation between nutrition and good health. This has led to a number of scientific studies identifying food and food components that have specific health benefits. Functional foods are... more
Which heat process value F should a particular food receive to make it safe and shelf stable? * Section 1 lists reported sterilization values F0 = F zero (reference temperature 121.1 oC; z = 10 oC) for commercial food preservation... more
Excel spreadsheet Settling Velocity.xls (2.1) calculates the terminal settling velocity of single spherical particles and of single natural sediment particles, in liquids and gases. It also predicts the hindered settling velocity of... more
“Bir kişinin çalışmadan yiyebilmesi için çok sayıda insanın yemeden çalışması gerekir.” Zaven Biberyan İlerlemeci bilim uzun yıllar insanın tarihsel yolculuğunun karnını doyurmakta güçlük çeken, akılsız hayvandan modern, akıllı, tok bir... more
RESUMO Embora exista grande número de trabalhos sobre a aplicação de terra diatomácea no controle de insetos em grãos de trigo, as informações sobre o resíduo que permanece na farinha após a moagem, mesmo com retirada parcial na etapa de... more
Citric acid (CIT, 0.3%) was assessed for its ability to reduce the pink color defect in ground, cooked (80C) turkey breast associated with nicotinamide hemochrome (NICHEME) and nitrosyl hemochrome (NITHEME). CIT incorporation in... more
Effect of various voltage of electrical stimulation (ES) on meat quality of lamb and goat was investigated by using a total of 36 animals at 3-5 years old. Constant 50 Hz frequency and 50, 100, and 250 V, 90 sec of ES were administered to... more
The story of the development of bacon curing technology merged with the present-day account of friends setting up a bacon plant in Cape Town. I decided to use selected events from the story of our bacon company, re-cast them in the late... more
U posljednje vrijeme su mnoga istraživanja usmjerena na razvoj novih, blažih tehnika obrade hrane za koje se pretpostavlja da mogu zamijeniti neke tradicionalne toplinski temeljene procese prerade u prehrambenoj industriji, radi dobivanja... more
Ice cream is a processed milk product that is made by freezing and mixing raw materials together. The making of ice cream usually uses additives including leavening agents, stabilizers and color additives. This study aims to determine the... more
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is the top commercial grade of olive oil, and its fatty acid composition and minor compounds have many documented health benefits. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has recently attributed some health... more
Mulberry leaf is commonly used for sericulture in almost every part of the world but its potential to be utilized for human consumption is not well recognized. This paper deals with development of mulberry leaf powder and its use with... more
Walnut is the gold reserve of Republic of Moldova, being highly valued for their quality (size and protein content). In 2017, Republic of Moldova managed to become one of the top producers and exporters of walnuts in the world. Lipid... more
Fresh eggs are natural and inexpensive source of high quality micronutrients. Egg products are used widely by the foodservice industry in a variety of forms with white, yolk and whole liquid. Thermal processing remains the most commonly... more
Ion exchange, adsorption, and chromatography are examples of separation processes frequently used in today’s biorefineries. The particular tasks for which these technologies can be successfully applied are highly influenced by capital... more
A través de estas líneas quisiera compartir algunos aspectos sobre el chocolate que lo hacen único y un gran provocador de emociones. Me gustaría además reseñar datos de su historia, para evocar algo de su connotación mágica y mítica .
The present study was undertaken to study the effects of application of natural wood smoke on ripening of Cheddar cheese, and to determine the effects of smoking before or after ripening on cheese quality. A 20-kg block of Cheddar cheese... more
El cultivo de maíz es de los más importantes en la Sierra del Ecuador, debido a la gran superficie destinada a su producción y al papel que cumple como componente básico en la dieta de la población. La distribución y formas de... more
This study was conducted to confirm the bacterial conditions of fish products with E.O.S, and its hazards on public health. A total of 60 samples of fish products (smoked fish: herring and smoked salmon–semi cooked fish: fish finger and... more
In the present study, the effect of ohmic heating on some physical and quality properties of carrot cubes was evaluated. Carrot cubes (1 cm 3) were pre-treated at two different voltage levels (95 V and 150 V) for 10 seconds. Then, carrot... more
The objective of this work was to study the effect of initial pH and carbon and nitrogen content, supplied as glucose and malt extract (ME) respectively, on the production and composition of exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by the... more
Throughout the years the food we eat has changed more and more, one reason for that would be technology. Technology over the past years has changed drastically and has changed the things around it/us. It has made it much simpler for... more
Mulberry (Morus) belongs to the Moraceae plant family, native of China. The leaves of mulberry plant are the major food source for the silkworm. The leaf consists of minerals, vitamins, dietary fibre, amino acids, phytosterols, flavonoids... more
Xanthan gum is a polysaccharide that is widely used as stabilizer and thickener with many industrial applications in food industry. Our aim was to estimate the ability of Xanthomonas campestris ATCC 13951 for the production of xanthan gum... more