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Öz Finansal derinleşme düzeyi gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler açısından farklılık göstermekte ve finansal derinleşme düzeyinin yükseltilmesinde her bir ülkede dik-kate alınacak faktörler de ülkelerin finansal, ekonomik, politik,... more
According to dictum devoted to analyse the relationship between inflation and economic growth, following findings were obtained; at low rates of inflation there is no relation or there might be a positive relation between inflation and... more
The underlining drives of many financial reforms were to motivate digital banking culture in order to achieve sustainable financial inclusion. It is not very clear the extent to which financial innovation reform has advanced financial... more
Article about the critical challenges of data management to promote financial deepening when using automated decisioning models in #fintechindustry and in particular, digital lending market.
This work aims at a statistical reading of the Italian financial evolution between 1861 and the recent past. There are lots of scientific works on this argument which are based on Raymond W. Goldsmith’s financial indicators (integrated... more
Despite commercial entities amplifying financial innovation there is need for empirical inquiry on their contributions towards economic development through financial inclusion and deepening. Financial deepening is the capacity of... more
Il ruolo della moneta e del credito nel corso del processo di crescita economica è uno dei temi emergenti nel campo teorico, storico e della ricerca quantitativa. Ciò nonostante soprattutto in sede analitica vi è uno stato diffuso di... more
L'analisi dei legami tra la crescita delle dimensioni finanziarie dell'economia e del prodotto interno lordo reale pro capite tra l'Unificazione italiana e la Grande Guerra non costituisce un terreno molto praticato nella storia economica... more
Theory shows that financial sector deepening has a positive impact on performance of and could widen access to financial services for the Small Holder Farmers (SHF). However there is no consensus on empirical relationship between... more
The small enterprises subsector of the Nigerian economy is perceived to be a key factor in the attainment of the twin economic objectives of diversification and growth. It is widely assumed that it has not reached its full potential due... more
Financial inclusion is an agenda of planning for development. India accepted this as a way of achieving most of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and incorporated it in the Approach Paper to the Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017).... more
Positive relationship between GDP Growth and financial deepening was proven by scientific studies. This paper aims to determine the relationship between economic growth and financial deepening in Turkey by ARDL co integration Approach... more