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The Global Financial Architecture can be seen as a triptych of three faces, namely International Financial Markets, Bilateral and Multilateral assistance for Developing Countries, and the self-insurance mechanisms of EMDEs. The G 20... more
Arsitektur Keuangan Negara adalah kerangka yang dibuat oleh suatu negara sebagai dasar untuk menetapkan dan mengelola anggaran pendapatan dan belanjanya sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya krisis dan membantu menciptakan kesejahteraan
After every major economic crisis, the global financial architecture changes markedly. The COVID-19 crisis will not be an exception. The current expert discussions are largely focused on a possible shift towards de-globalisation... more
The purpose of the study was to access the adoption of digitalization tools for accounting purposes by SMEs in Tubah Sub Divsion. Research questions were answered by formulating a set of hypotheses. A quantitative approach was used.... more
Traditional cost-benefit analysis is based on a number of assumptions found in neo-classical economics. The paper argues that these assumptions could be considered to be deeply flawed. It suggests that these assumptions include a belief... more