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The rise of far-right parties in many parts of the world threatens the work of human rights and social justice NGOs. That far-right messaging and movements are polarizing political debates is clear; there is less clarity about the... more
Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
In this chapter I provide a reflective account of my doctoral research on the electoral rise and fall of the British National Party (BNP)-a party with its ideological and organizational origins in neo-Nazism and neo-fascism. In doing so,... more
This book explores how the populist far right forces have managed to push the entire political discourse to the right by hijacking the immigration debate in Europe. Their constant provocation and management of controversies and crises... more
Dall’osservazione dello spazio urbano della città di Roma, effettuato fra gennaio 2011 e giugno 2012, sono stati censiti e documentati 247 graffiti. Ciò che viene presentato in questo saggio è una prima analisi tematica del materiale... more
Depuis quelques années, le vote d'extrême droite progresse dans de nombreux pays européens. Si dans certains d'entre eux, il s'agit d'une manifestation récente, dans d'autres pays, l'extrême droite a connu un enracinement certain. Ainsi,... more
L’élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2007 et le scrutin législatif qui l’a suivie ont été une terrible désillusion pour Jean-Marie Le Pen et le Front national (FN). Après avoir dominé l’agenda politique et médiatique durant les années... more
This paper discusses the history of the acronym A.C.A.B. in the Italian language. It examines the mechanisms that have brought the acronym from the streets to literature and the role of the Skinhead and football Ultras sub-cultures in the... more
Depuis un quart de siècle, plusieurs partis d’extrême droite ou de la droite populiste ont opéré une percée dans leur système politique national : le Front national en France, le FPÖ en Autriche, le parti du progrès en Norvège et au... more
This paper analyzes the role of far right in the Ukrainian politics during the “Euromaidan” and the war in Donbas. The issue of the involvement of Ukrainian far right organizations in the “Euromaidan” and the war in Donbas have... more
My doctoral dissertation examines the experiences of the Italian volunteers in the Waffen-SS troops using in-depth interviews with former volunteers as the main primary source. This phenomenon, even if significant in size (depending on... more
Muhammad, THE prophet of Islam, ‘married’ a 6-year-old. Millions are preaching the sanctity of child marriages and of pedophilia as a result. Please, check the web, to realize that it is not in any case an exaggeration
The paper examines the connections between Russia and far-right political parties in Europe. It argues that these close relationships are based both on ideology and strategy. The European far right sees in Russian President Vladimir... more
В този очерк ние не разкриваме целия многостранен и динамичен феномен на новите доброволчески части от 2014 г. Вместо това ще се фокусираме само върху предисторията и някои аспекти на възникването на един особен и малко девиантен пример... more
El presente estudio tiene como fin analizar el esquema ideológico propuesto en "El manifiesto de la Alt-Right (Derecha Alternativa)", ensayo publicado originalmente en inglés por Milo Yiannopoulos y Allum Bokhari en la web Breitbart, y... more
“This is not a story about art, but about fascism.” (The Baffler, writer Megan Nolan cites an Antifa voice) I would put it differently; LD50 is not a story simply about art nor solely about fascism, but specifically about the resurgence... more
Clovers und Bassins tiefschürfende Studien über den Eurasismus, Gumiljow und den Neo-Eurasismus verdeutlichen einen Teil des historisch-ideellen Hintergrunds der Rechtswende des Putin-Regimes nach der Orangen Revolution in der Ukraine von... more
"In the opinion of some historians the era of fascism ended with the deaths of Mussolini and Hitler in 1945; yet, the academic debate about its nature is as far from resolution as ever. Besides, a number of developments since 1945 make it... more
Die Freiwilligenbataillone stellen eine Graswurzelreaktion der ukrainischen Gesellschaft auf die verdeckte russische Invasion der Ukraine dar. Während der Großteil dieser Einheiten als spezifisch kriegsbedingte Spielarten des Dritten... more
""Debates about the relationship and boundary between mainstream and extremist (sometimes referred to as radical or violent) activism historically emerge in response to violent incidents, where defenders of a cause will attempt to... more
This paper contextualizes a brief moment in the development of Russian right-wing intellectualism in a volatile transition period of the Putin System. It briefly introduces three new far right circles the appearance of which, it is... more
Like Weimar Germany, contemporary Russia is home to fascist actors and widespread nationalism. But unlike interwar Germany, the party system in post-Soviet Russia is heavily manipulated and civil society remains underdeveloped. This means... more
The international study of fascism has, over the last 25 years, experienced considerable consolidation. Inspired by influential theoretical publications of Roger D. Griffin and others, a new sub-discipline, “comparative fascist studies,”... more
The goal of the CICERO project is to develop and implement a counter-narrative communication campaign aimed at preventing radicalisation leading to violent extremism, accompanied by a methodology for evaluating the campaign’s... more
Why did millions of people respond to the failures of neoliberal capitalism by voting in leaders that further undermine their existence? In this article, I combine the insights of the early Frankfurt School Critical Theory (Theodor W.... more
This article reviews three strands in the scholarship on the populist radical right (PRR). It covers both political parties and extra-parliamentary mobilization in contemporary European democracies. After definitional issues and case... more
At 9:02 on the morning of April 19th, 1995, a bomb went off at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The bomb not only killed over 160 people and injured more than 650, but it also shook the illusion held by... more
El objetivo del presente escrito es detectar contrapuntos entre la propaganda alemana de Timón y las reflexiones filosófico políticas de José Vasconcelos. Para eso, ubicaremos a la revista en un contexto marcado por la apertura de... more
The Internet poses a number of challenges for academics. Internet specificities such as anonymity, the decontextualisation of discourse, the misuse or non-use of references raise methodological questions about the quality and the... more
This chapter introduces some basic contours of Russia’s contemporary radical right scene. It distinguishes between systemic and non-systemic ultra-nationalist groups in Putin’s Russia, the principal difference being the groups’ and... more
Presentation prepared for the
Annual Danyliw Research Seminar on Contemporary Ukraine
“Ukraine 2014: Maidan, War, Geoplitics”
30 October – 1 November 2014
University of Ottawa, Canada
A compendium giving brief and research based introductions to concepts associated with the far right, written by scholars from the Center for Research on Extremism (C-REX). Edited by Anders Ravik Jupskås and Eviane Leidig. My... more