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The DNA damage response triggered by bacterial cytolethal distending toxins (CDTs) is associated with activation of the actin-regulating protein RhoA and phosphorylation of the downstream-regulated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)... more
The emergence of targeted cancer therapy has been limited by the paucity of determinants which are tumor-specific and generally associated with disease, and have cell dynamics which effectively deploy cytotoxic payloads. Guanylyl cyclase... more
Animal cells internalize specific extracellular macromolecules (ligands) by using specialized cell surface receptors that operate through a complex and highly regulated process known as receptor-mediated endocytosis, which involves the... more
Cyclodextrins are widely used excipients in pharmaceutical formulations. They are mainly utilized as solubilizers and absorption enhancers, but recent results revealed their effects on cell membranes and pharmacological barriers. In... more
Concerns over the health effects of nanomaterials in the environment have created a need for microscopy methods capable of examining the biological interactions of nanoparticles (NP). Unfortunately, NP are beyond the diffraction limit of... more
Macrophages isolated from a variety of organs in several animal species exhibit high affinity binding sites that recognize chemically modified proteins. One of these binding sites recognizes human plasma low density lipoprotein (LDL) in... more
Untuk memungkinkan keluar masuknya partikel atau substansi, sel harus melakukan transpor pasif dan aktif. Transpor pasif terjadi saat partikel atau substansi memasuki atau keluar dari sel dan sel tidak mengeluarkan energi untuk membuat... more
Scribble (Scrib) module proteins are major regulators of cell polarity, but how they influence membrane traffic is not known. Endocytosis is also a key regulator of polarity through roles that remain unclear. Here we link Scrib to a... more
Our understanding of endocytosis has evolved remarkably in little more than a decade. This is the result not only of advances in our knowledge of its molecular and biological workings, but also of a true paradigm shift in our... more
Recruitment and organization of clathrin at endocytic sites to first form coated pits and then clathrin coated vesicles depends on interactions between the clathrin N-terminal domain (TD) and multiple clathrin binding sequences on the... more
While the COVID-19 pandemic advances, the scientific community struggles in the search for treatments. Several improvements have been made, including the discovery of clinical efficacy of chloroquine (CQ) in COVID-19 patients, but the... more
With 3·3 billion people at risk of infection, malaria remains one of the world's most significant health problems. Increasing resistance of the main causative parasite to currently available drugs has created an urgent need to... more
Viral infection converts the normal functions of a cell to optimize viral replication and virion production. One striking observation of this conversion is the reconfiguration and reorganization of cellular actin, affecting every stage of... more