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To assist learning, preparation of suitable learning material is recommended along with a blended learning approach. Educational videos could be considered as a tool that can be adapted. This study aimed to develop educational videos for... more
Jelen szakdolgozattal egy tömör, gyakorlati útmutatót kívánok adni a multimédiás, mozgóképes tananyag fejlesztése felé kacsingatóknak. Az oktatóvideók fejlesztésének megkönnyítését gyakorlati példával illusztrálom, és saját készítésű... more
A finales de febrero del 2020 las escuelas de todo el país cerraron y dejaron al alumnado de todas los niveles sin clases por la pandemia COVID-19. Los padres de familia tuvieron que organizar su estilo de vida y cuidar a sus hijos en... more
To assist learning, preparation of suitable learning material is recommended along with a blended learning approach. Educational videos could be considered as a tool that can be adapted. This study aimed to develop educational videos for... more
Au cours des dernières années, l’intérêt pour la classe inversée s’est beaucoup accru au postsecondaire. Or, derrière l’expression « classe inversée », on retrouve une très grande diversité de pratiques et de formules pédagogiques. Dans... more
In recent years, English language teaching trends, which parallel pedagogical tendencies for content classes, have become more focused on using technology. Scholars remain divided over whether technology has more positive or negative... more
The appearance of YouTube in 2005 transformed the possibilities of using video as an educational resource. Our research aims to understand the use of videos in today's education from the teachers' point of view and to determine the... more
The Personalised System of Instruction is a form of mastery learning which, though it has been proven to be educationally effective, has never seriously challenged the dominant lecture-tutorial teaching method in higher education and has... more
The context of this thesis is digital distance education. Distance education has developed from correspondence courses, based on letters sent by mail between student and teacher, to digital distanc ...
Bu çalışmanın amacı stratejik yönetim alanında tasarlanan bir dizi eğitsel videonun nasıl geliştirildiğini paylaşmaktır. Çalışmanın temel hareket noktası öğrencilerin öğrenme tarzları ile eğitim amacıyla kullanılan materyaller arasında... more
Uma das grandes preocupacoes no ensino superior e a compreensao das ideias presentes nos textos academicos, dimensao fundamental da educacao cientifica. Assim, e importante que todas as etapas na leitura de um texto sejam compartilhadas... more
Η ενσωμάτωση του βίντεο στην εκπαίδευση αποτελεί ένα ισχυρό μέσο που έχει τη δυνατότητα να τραβήξει την προσοχή του μαθητή και να αυξήσει την συμμετοχή του κατά την εκπαιδευτική διαδικασία. Ένα εξαιρετικό παράδειγμα είναι η χρήση βίντεο... more
The following paper seeks to develop a proposal, observing to what extent educational videos and affective learning can strengthen vocabulary in an EFL setting. This action research study was done with fifth grade students belonging to a... more
This paper reports a comparative overview of MOOC courses from edX, Coursera, Futurelearn and Iversity. The sample covers courses published between September 2014 and January 2015 and the comparison focuses on different video styles as... more
It has been claimed that learning can be facilitated by a positive academic self-concept. Therefore, reinforcing this construct may benefit students and the application of 'projective identity' in educational multimedia could be a means... more
Abstract This study used innovative assessment practices to obtain and document broad learning outcomes for a 15-hour game-based curriculum in Quest Atlantis, a multi-user virtual environment that supports school-based participation in... more
The appearance of YouTube in 2005 transformed the possibilities of using video as an educational resource. Our research aims to understand the use of videos in today's education from the teachers' point of view and to determine... more
The broad literature on the use of audiovisual aids in teaching has paid little attention to how specific resources may promote learning of social sciences among secondary students. This study analyzed the extent to which a number of... more
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the flipped learning method on the cognitive load of the students. The study was conducted with a sample of 160 people who were trained in Department of Mechanical Engineering for... more
The use of Social Media in education is nowadays a common practice that has drawn the attention of researchers of the field. The present study aims to capture the attitudes and the usage of social networks of a group of students in School... more
This paper aims to present the results of an experimental activity of Media Education and Educational Robotics, based on the integration of the audiovisual language and coding. This case of study is part of a wide research about the role... more
The context of this thesis is digital distance education. Distance education has developed from correspondence courses, based on letters sent by mail between student and teacher, to digital distance education with interactive video... more
En esta investigación, se describen los criterios que asumen, de manera implícita, un grupo de futuros maestros de primaria, cuando han de valorar la adecuación de la trayectoria didáctica planificada con el visionado de dos vídeos en un... more
This paper presents a comparison between two examples of process systematization of educational videos production, developed in projects of distance education in higher education institutions, in the light of academic productions and... more
This paper aims to present the results of an experimental activity of Media Education and Educational Robotics, based on the integration of the audiovisual language and coding. This case of study is part of a wide research about the role... more
Parents (n=610) and teachers (n= 228) of 292 girls and 318 boys answered the Social Skills Rating System-Parent and Teacher forms (Gresham & Elliot, 1990) which aimed to investigate gender differences in social skills, problem behaviors... more
Quelle place donner aux activités ludiques dans les processus d’apprentissage ? En quoi jouer permet-il d’apprendre ? Qu’apprend-on en jouant ? Les rapports entre jeu et éducation interpellent depuis l’Antiquité, ils sont aujourd’hui au... more
RESUMO. O aprendizado de habilidades sociais pode ocorrer de forma natural, porém, quando isso não ocorre, é necessário criar condições para essa aprendizagem. Uma dessas condições é o uso de diferentes recursos (livros, vídeos, jogos),... more
The manuscript presents some notes and results of the pedagogical intervention carried out at José Cláudio de Araújo High School in Mucambo, Ceará. The activities included sophomore students through the project called Dismantling... more
This first documentary movie from the cycle produced within the experimental scientific project "Migrating Art Historians". It deals with pilgrimage in different religious traditions, with the sacral and secular aspects of pilgrimage and... more
The evolution of information and communication technologies demands the adoption of new models of organizational work, new services, new attitudes and new teaching and learning approaches. The change, based on knowledge, generates... more
La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, UNAH, desde su creación ha sido una institución pionera en cada una de las áreas donde ha sembrado la semilla del conocimiento, y la utilización de diversos medios y recursos tecnológicos en... more