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Two late eddic poems, Grógaldr and Fjölsvinnsmál, together called Svip-dagsmál (Sv), are hardly to be understood without reference to the ballad " Ungen Svejdal " (in about thirty separate recordings in Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish). It... more
Illustrations of attempts to recreate the Old Norse Eddaic forms fornyrðislag and (irregular/mixed) ljóðaháttr in Modern English verse based on famous stanzas from The Elder Edda. *Revised...* :I am now working (2020) on a large volume... more
The Odyssey of the Hávamál is an investigation into manuscript transmission, translation, and literary and critical reception of the Havamal, in German-Speaking countries. The Hávamál is an Old Norse poem preserved in the 13th century... more
This paper constructs an overview of Snorri Sturluson’s impact, through Edda, on the cultural activity of mythology in vernacular poetries and narration. General evidence of impacts on eddic and skaldic poetries (§1) provides a frame for... more
The Eddic poem Skírnismál depicts erotically associated suffering in several instances. The god Freyr is filled with pain and grief when he first lays eyes on the beautiful jǫtunn maiden Gerðr. Later in the poem, Gerðr is threatened with... more
Eddic poetry contains instances where the words 'reka' and 'reiðr' alliterate as if they had initial 'v', corresponding to an earlier stage of the language (10th century or earlier). Traditionally, this has been understood as a sign that... more
The present volume, Norðvegur, deals specifically with fornaldarsögur related material from Scandinavia, outside of Iceland. As the title, Norðvegur, indicates, the subject matter is closely related to the sources described in the first... more
Sigurdrífumál is one of the eddic poems preserved in the manuscript GKS 2365 4to (Codex Regius) from the second half of the thirteenth century. The poem is defective in Codex Regius due to a lacuna, with one quire missing from the... more
Eddic poetry constitutes an important gateway into the pre-Christian legal universe of Scandinavia. This paper presents a broader, deeper discussion of how the thing functions in the eddic poems and the legal language and motifs that are... more
This paper offers an accessible introduction to the theory of linguistic multiforms. Linguistic multiforms are verbal systems that are distinguishable from formulae and can provide frameworks for longer sequences of text. They provide... more
I. Vikinški staronordijski književni likovi BALDR & FREYJA & ODIN & PROROČICA ČAROBNICA VOLVA & TOR u PJESNIČKOJ VJEŽBENICI ANALITIČKE MITOLOŠKE ČITANKE. Primjeri namijenjeni sveučilištarcima slušateljima nacionalnih jezika s... more
Por muito tempo perdurou na tradição acadêmica a categorização do deus Escandinavo Þórr enquanto divindade “dos trovões”. Analisando os atributos e caracterizações conferidos a Þórr nos poemas eddicos Þrymskviða;... more
The present volume is the first of four on the medieval Icelandic fornaldarsögur, a corpus of Old Icelandic sagas that were written mostly in the 13th and 14th centuries. The sagas deal with legendary and fictional heroes and are based on... more
The article argues for a continuous tradition of fornyrðislag poetry in Iceland stretching from the Eddic poems and past the Reformation. The youngest poems in the fornaldarsögur and the oldest of the sagnakvæði should be regarded as of... more
This article examines the folklore links between Northern Europe on the one hand and the Caucasus and/or Central Asia on the other. Two of the parallels (“wind knots” and “ambush in a pit” motifs) represent the combinations of narrative... more
This paper argues that the meaning of the Old Norse name Embla must also provide meaning accessible for the original audience of skaldic poetry to the kenning emblu askr. Embla cannot mean 'elm', but another suggestion is offered.
Old Norse poetry and the society that generated the earliest examples thereof (roughly the Northern Germanic speaking area from c. 800 CE onwards) can generally be viewed as oral in nature, and recently the idea of the performance aspect... more
Okay, for some reason I picked a maximally boring title for this piece. But I think it's actually quite an exciting article if you're interested in either a) the origins of the Eddic poems and the dating of Eddic poetry or b) early... more
This review of Christopher Tolkien's edition and translation of the saga considers its importance in the history of Old Norse saga, poetry and legend, and also its importance as a source of Tolkien senior's fiction
Depicts: thesis outline; Grímnismál in Gylfaginning; The Manuscript Realisation of Old Norse-Icelandic Eddic Prosimetra.
Versatility in Versification grew out of an international conference organized by the University of Iceland and the Nordic Society for Metrical Studies and held at Reykholt, Iceland, the thirteenth-century home of Snorri Sturluson.... more
This paper evaluates the limited evidence of a particular Old Norse poetic form called stikki, identified, or potentially identified, in only five sources. These sources are critically reviewed in order to assess what, if any,... more
Suvremeno hrvatsko pjesništvo s motivima iz korpusa staronordijske književnosti: poetessa Marisstella Octek (S.L. Čižmešija). Objavljeno u suvremenim književnim časopisima čiji su urednici RH učenjaci doktori znanosti o književnosti.... more
This article on the ljóðaháttr poem Grímnismál explores the possibility that pre-Christian Nordic rituals featured oral performances of such Eddic poetry containing ritualized performatives, crucial to the formation and upholding of... more
This paper offers fresh insights into Hesiod’s Works and Days by comparing it to the Eddic Hávamál, a didactic poem far removed in terms of geography and date, but compellingly close in subject matter, construction and transmission. This... more
Review of Eric Shane Bryan’s book Icelandic Folklore and the Cultural Memory of Religious Change.
This paper presents the history of editing the monumental three-volume edition of eddic poetry, published by the Arnamagnæan Commission in Copenhagen from 1787 to 1828 (volume 2 appeared in 1818). This was the first ever critical edition... more
The Old Norse Svipdagsmál is a composite piece of eddic poetry which comprises two complementary poems, Grógaldr and Fiǫlsvinnzmál. These two poems date to the 13th century, but they are only preserved in late paper manuscripts (17th-19th... more
A sumptuous vellum manuscript of Eddic poetry was destroyed in the 1728 fire of Copenhagen. The manuscript was commissioned by Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson and compiled out of at least six sources. It included the medieval poems Grógaldr... more