Skip to main content I can tell you a little about shaming and shunning -- what types of people initiate it, the way it builds, and how it is maintained. I can also speak to... more
This article examines the production of musical works for the Chinese orchestra during the Mao Zedong period between 1949 and 1976. It considers how certain seminal works were produced to propagate Mao's political thought, as well as the... more
For more than two decades, from 1950 until 1972, Great Britain and the People’s Republic of China had a somewhat incongruous relationship, as they maintained a state of incomplete diplomatic recognition characterized by what might be... more
Presentation at the Online Conference "Conflict and the Senses in the Global Cold War", 14th October 2020.
This paper is the expanded version of my webinar talk on Fr. Kappen’s Philosophy. It deals with two essays of Kappen in his book Tradition Modernity Counterculture: “Art and Social Consciousness”, and “Towards a Revolution of Symbols.”... more
嚴歌苓1990 年代末創作於海外的中篇小說《白蛇》和李碧華1980 年代末創作於香港的長篇小說《青蛇》,皆為當代女作家對白蛇傳說的重要重述,並在參照閱讀中構成了有趣的互文。李碧華筆下叛逆的青蛇,以放縱的“亂舞”張揚着越界的慾望和無政府主義的衝動,而青蛇通過身體書寫所表達出的反抗性正是1980 年代充滿活力的香港文化和女作家自身的生動寫照。嚴歌苓則是通過舞者白蛇和帶有雌雄同體意味的女粉絲青蛇從1950 年代末至1980... more
a short research on Mao-era's communist souvenirs(the so-called "Red Collection") consumption upsurge in modern day China.
This article is an intertextual reading of Nezha naohai (Nezha Conquers the Dragon King), the second cel-animated feature produced at the Shanghai Animation Film Studio, the major animation film studio in the People’s Republic of China... more
How did China's Communist revolution transform the nation's political culture? In this rich and vivid history of the Mao period (1949-1976), Denise Y. Ho examines the relationship between its exhibitions and its political movements. Case... more
The Cultural Revolution (CR), launched in 1966, saw a massive effort by the Maoist leadership to engineer the socialist transformation of Chinese society. The question of why the cultural revolution happened and why at that specific time,... more
While thousands of Latin Americans traveled to China during the Mao years (1949-1976) to learn from the experience of the Chinese Revolution, only Abimael Guzmán went on to lead a Maoist people’s war in his home country. Chinese records... more
ذه الباقة من المحاضرات، التي ألقاها حامد الگار في المعهد الإسلامي بلندن، بدعوة من خالد الذكر كليم صديقي، بعد انتصار الثورة الإسلامية بأشهر قليلة (أغسطس 1979م)؛ توفِّر نقطة انطلاق عظيمة الفائدة لفهم ما جرى. فما من أحد خارج إيران يعرف جذور... more
An Exclusive Interview for IUP with the Iranian Filmmaker and Film Critic, Amir Ezati
It is imperative for us to study Philippine society and culture by virtue of the fact that nobody will study us but us. What I meant is that, it is only us1 who belongs to this society who has both the obligation and the power, to give a... more
The attitude in how Western classical music is perceived has drastically changed since Mao was in power in China. So much so, that it has become a hub of classical music in the world. I chronicle some of the political and social changes... more
Resumo : O presente artigo analisa as raízes do atual conflito USA X China. Aborda a conquista do poder pelo PCC, em 1949; o caráter camponês e escassamente proletário daquela revolução; os primeiros anos da revolução e o I Plano... more
This article examines the diary as a historical source and method for researching Maoist China. It surveys the changing and contested meanings of the everyday form, followed by a discussion on two useful interpretive approaches to Mao-era... more
Zhang Yimou's Under the Hawthorn Tree (2010), an adaptation of a popular 2007 internet novel, drew polarized responses in China for its portrayal of passionate, self-sacrificing and ultimately tragic love during the late stages of the... more
Вопрос Гайатри Чакроворти Спивак «могут ли угнетенные говорить» может быть поставлен не только применительно к женщинам третьего мира или жителям бывших колоний. Тот же самый вопрос еще за полвека до возникновения post-colonial studies... more
Alice Bombardier, "Entwürfe von Modernität von der Miniaturmalerei bis in die Gegenwart. Vier Etappen der iranischen Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert / Concepts of Modernity from Miniature Painting to the Present: Four Stages of Iranian... more
В последние десятилетия мир живет в условиях дробления общества на множество формально аполитичных, но активных и даже агрессивных групп: некурящие против курильщиков, сторонники ЗОЖ против всех остальных, Женщины против мужчин, зеленые... more
In 1937–38, Igor V. Sposobin and three co-authors at the Moscow Conservatory published Uchebnik garmonii [Harmony Textbook]. This was the first officially approved harmony textbook in the USSR, which came to be adopted as “the basic... more
Dossier d’Histoire contemporaine de la Chine - La révolution culturelle prolétarienne. Licence 1 Histoire de l’Art - Histoire, Institut Catholique de Paris.
During the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Mao's famous political slogan 'The times have changed, men and women are the same' (时代不同了, 男女都一样) asserted that men and women were equal in political consciousness and physical strength. However,... more
Jones, M. (2004). Forging an ASEAN Identity: The Challenge to Construct a Shared Destiny In Contemporary Southeast Asia, 26(1), pp. 140-154. ASEAN has formulated a planned integration among its ten member nations and has challenged its... more
In an autobiographical account, the author reflects on the ambiguous role that the Cultural Revolution played in his philosophical and sinological education. He discusses the position of the "Frankfurt School" and the "New Left" in regard... more
Los errores del comunismo a los que se refiere el Mensaje de Fátima no se reducen al comunismo: es también la Revolución Cultural gramsciana en curso en todo Occidente
Russian edition of a very important book of Ogonus Coktu (Yang Haiying, Akira Ohno), who collected numerous oral testimonies of survivors of Cultural revolution in Inner Mongolia. Priceless source about this dark time.